Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2626: Purebred fox terrier

"Yeah. You are right, it is very strange. Then I won't let her be my little lover."

Su Nuan breathed a sigh of relief and smiled: "Yes, yeah!"

Full coping,

However, Xu Jun is in a good mood with the present, so he doesn't care about Su Nuan's dealings at the moment.

"Since it is your goddaughter, that is also my goddaughter, and cannot be a little lover! From now on, I will only treat you as my lover."

"..." My lover, sister, no matter how bad, I am also a real wife!

"and then?"

Xu Junyu smiled, Su Nuan looked at him, howling in his heart about this purebred fox dog!

Hidden knife in the smile, sinister and cunning, can't be more gloomy in his mind.

"Then... I'm really... I'm really hungry!"

Xu Junyu's face turned black immediately, "You have been haggling for a long time, just want to say this?"

Su Nuan nodded, "The atmosphere was not right just now. You will be unhappy if you say this at that time."

Xu Junyu looked suspicious, thinking about it carefully, she was really angry when she said that.

"What to eat?"

I believed Su Nuan for the first time, thinking about it this morning that the two of them did not eat too much, and it seemed that it was about noon. It was indeed reasonable to say that they were really hungry.

Su Nuan was really relieved in her heart, "Anything is fine. I'm really hungry now, I can swallow a cow!"

"Okay, then make you a cow! Butler!"

"Hey hey, Xu Junyu!"

Su Nuan was frightened. She just made an analogy. Who would really eat a whole cow?

"doing what?"

"A whole cow is actually a lot! Besides, where can I get a whole cow now?"

Xu Junyu chuckles, "Isn't it just a cow? You look down on me too much!"

Su Nuan twitched the corners of her lips, yes yes yes! You are so powerful and invincible in the world that you can't be troubled by anything!

"But, I'm really hungry now. You have to prepare a whole cow and cook it. I'm afraid I won't be able to eat it until night! I'm very hungry now and don't want to wait and eat anything else."

Xu Junyu hadn't really thought about this issue, Su Nuan was right, and then nodded in approval.


The butler stood aside and listened to the conversation between the two people.

I really like this young lady so much.

Yes, it is not easy enough for a cow to be placed on the table at night, but if it is the young master, if he wants to eat at noon, they have to make it out,

At that time, not only was the entire Xu family's servants dispatched, he might have to hire a few other temporary workers to work violently together, so that he could barely put the dining table at noon. Then the entire Xu family would definitely be messed up by then. Into a pot of porridge,

Fortunately, the young lady is understanding, otherwise they would really be busy.

"Go let the kitchen cook. Fast, delicious, and make more!"

Su Nuan's eyes lit up, and his stomach screamed twice in a face-saving manner.

Xu Junyu smiled lightly, and groped her hands on her stomach.

"Hey..." Su Nuan called him in a low voice, flushing.

Xu Junyu didn't care, looking down at his flat and warm lower abdomen, his eyes gradually deepened.

"Go and tell the kitchen to do more. The more it is, the better."

"Okay, Master!"

The housekeeper responded quickly and happily walked towards the kitchen.

"Hey, why don't you touch my belly."

"Why, I can't see it, so I won't let you touch it? It won't lose meat after touching it."

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