Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 266: I am the attending physician

He is honest and honest, with dark skin and strong body, but he is very particular about what he does.

Mu Chuqing had a good impression of her.

Mu Chuqing frowned, her pale face stained with coldness.

Back then, who did she dislike?

That Aunt Liang, she didn't treat her as an outsider at first, but how did she "repay" her as a result?

A chill suddenly rose in Mu Chuqing's heart!

"I'm not a wife!"

"Then young grandma! Haha..."


Aunt Qin laughed naively, making Mu Chuqing speechless.

"What does the madam want to eat? Mr. ordered, the irritating food is temporarily not allowed! As long as it is not spicy or cold, I can make anything for you! Madam does not know, I have learned a lot of dishes in the past few years!"

The tone of Aunt Qin's speech is as if she was to Mu Chuqing back then, with a faint taste of seduction, seduction, etc.

There is also the confidence in that tone, even if she is asked to be a full-fledged man, she does not hesitate to do it.

It's a pity that Mu Chuqing back then was a favorite snack in her eyes, but now, it doesn't seem to be anymore!

"Aunt Qin, I am not hungry!"

"Rice is not something you only need to eat if you are hungry..."


Mu Chuqing was a little weak, Aunt Qin was notoriously nagging, and she really didn't want to waste her energy with her now.

Sitting up from the bed, just about to lift the quilt, Aunt Qin leaned forward and smiled: "Did you remember what to eat?"


Aunt Qin looked embarrassed, the most difficult dish in the world was called "random"!

Mu Chuqing lifted the quilt and got out of the hospital bed. The pain in her lower abdomen was no longer felt.

She thought about changing her hospital gown and leaving the hospital, but when she went around the ward, she did not see her clothes.

I wanted to call someone to give her a set, but she even left her mobile phone at home.

Opening the door of the ward, two tall figures outside the door immediately blocked the door and bowed to Mu Chuqing in unison.

Mu Chuqing frowned and wanted to go out sideways, but was still blocked by others.

"Young lady!"

The voice of the left wing sounded and appeared in front of Mu Chuqing from behind the two bodyguards.

"What does this mean? Are you planning to put me under house arrest?"

Mu Chuqing looked at the left wing, narrowed his eyes and said coldly.

The left wing smiled slightly, "Madam Young is misunderstood. You have just finished the operation. The boss just hopes that you can rest well. When will you recover and when will we retreat!"

Mu Chuqing condensed her eyebrows, "Surgery?"

She doesn't feel any pain or itching now. When will the surgery be performed? Is it that the current science is so advanced that the surgical wounds can heal like this.

"I don't know what else you are talking about? Please let them get out of the way, I want to be discharged!"

"Young lady forgive me!"


"Miss Mu!"

Shang Yunxi's voice suddenly sounded from a distance, accompanied by the sound of "quacking" high heels, from far to near, Mu Chuqing turned around.

"It's you?"

Shang Yunxi smiled slightly and approached Mu Chuqing.

When Shang Yunxi approached Mu Chuqing, the left wing strode across Shang Yunxi's path, looking at her with a vigilant and serious expression.

Shang Yunxi was not in a hurry, and said slowly: "I am Miss Mu's attending physician!"

The left wing wrinkled his face grimly, looked at the doctor's card on Shang Yunxi's chest, hesitated for a moment, and let the way aside, the vigilance in his eyes remained undiminished.

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