Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2633: I didn't have a meal

Xu Junyu's thoughts moved, and he stood there for a long time before releasing his hand about to enter the password.

Then he said to the cashier: "Leave her just now, I don't want those."

"Um... OK."

The cashier looked embarrassed and paused for a long time before responding.

Then he bowed his head and adjusted the amount of the things Su Nuan had just brushed.

Su Nuan didn't know what he was thinking of just standing there, this change was really fast.

"You... why are you so happy this time?"

If you put it before, he will definitely be stunned with her for a long time, and then he domineeringly wave his hand and swipe his card to leave!

Now, why is it so abnormal?

"Why is it so happy? For the rest of our lives, we should listen to you." He paused, stretched out his hand to pull Su Nuan into his arms, put his arms around her waist, leaned close to her, and whispered:

"You are right. How about...I will leave my money to you in the future, OK?"

She feels embarrassed by the two people at home, let alone in public now.

Moreover, Xu Jun and this evildoer have attracted a lot of people just by appearing here. Now, she is obviously a target of public criticism, and she is about to be stabbed to death by various eyes.

"You let me go! This is a public place, and many people are watching!"

"A lot of people? I can't see it again, just take care of them."

Su Nuan gritted her teeth, "But I can see it!"

"Then you nod and agree."

Su Nuan blinked, thinking that the secondary card in her own bag, and Xu Jun and the other cards on her body were already various, so how much money should she care about?

"How much are you worth now? One month's real income...annual income, how much savings do you have?"

Su Nuan said a lot in one breath, but she actually cares about it very much.

Let her estimate, there must be many, many, to the point that she might not even dare to think.

"Hmm..." Xu Junyu made a long note, obviously trying to estimate something.

Su Nuan stared at him nervously and expectantly with big eyes, and was about to jump out of her heart.

For a long time, he said again: "I may not know this, otherwise we will go to the notarization in a while."

Su Nuan twitched the corners of his mouth, pressed his shoulders and smiled: "No, no need to be so troublesome..."

"It's no trouble. I didn't realize it if you didn't tell me. I suddenly wanted to know how much wealth the Xu family has."

Su Nuan felt his scalp numb for a while, "Xu Junyu, no, you spend so much money every day, but you don't know how much money you have. What if you don't have any money after spending it?"

"Ha ha."

Xu Junyu laughed suddenly, no money?

"Smile!" He hadn't even considered such a serious problem.

Xu Junyu continued to laugh, "I really haven't thought about the matter of no money."

Su Nuan's eyes widened instantly and looked at Xu Junyu incredulously.

"Then you were so generous just now! You are like this, you really have the last meal and not the next?!"

Didn't take the last meal?

When was he going to be so miserable?

Xu Jun was displeased, "You have so little confidence in me?"

Su Nuan pouted, "If you spend the money like this, you will spend it sooner or later. What about the next half of your life... Oh, I feel worried about my future. I don't want to have this day without a meal! "

Xu Junyu hugged her waist and pressed her closer to herself.

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