Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2637: Not as knowledgeable as low-level people

Sure enough, that bear child can become like this, it really has nothing to do with this woman!

"Are you okay?! It's your son who is the first to make the wrong thing, the first to do it, and he apologizes to me first to apologize?!"

Su Nuan wrinkled her entire face, and looked at the woman with a sharp gaze.

When a pair of dangerously narrowed eyes saw the woman's face clearly, they suddenly widened and froze there in disbelief.

This woman...

She clasped her hands tightly.

"What is wrong with my son first? When I am blind? If you didn't break my son's toy, can my son do it?!"

"..." Su Nuan looked at the woman's face, not only clenched his hands, but also narrowed his eyes dangerously, exuding an extremely unprovoking aura.

The woman obviously also noticed Su Nuan's state at the moment and couldn't help taking two steps back.

"Why? Still want to hit someone? A woman is so rude, be careful no one wants it!"

Su Nuan didn’t seem to hear what she said. Instead, she stared at the woman’s face and said coldly: “It was your son who was destroying the store’s things that caused me to be smashed. Not only did he not apologize afterwards, He also attacked me personally. Who should give this apology first?"

"What happened to the destruction of the store? We have money, and I can afford it! As for hitting you, hehe...So many people don't hit you, but if they hit you, you can only blame yourself for your bad luck!... Oh, I Got it! You said so much, don’t you want to corrupt me? Let me tell you, so many people in the store are watching, you are an adult and a child caressing about, in turn, you have to rely on us, shameless? !"

"Stop talking nonsense, we don't see money as open-minded as you, and even children can rely on it! Hurry up and apologize to my son, I won't ask you for compensation! Shameful!

"Mom, I want her to kneel and beg me! She bullied me so miserably!"

The child who just kept crying suddenly uttered his voice, and what he said was absolutely hateful.

Su Nuan knew the most real face of ****, so at this time, those words she said were in her expectation.

"Strong, don't mess around, we have to learn to be magnanimous, and don't be familiar with some people who are too low-level!"

What **** said is as ugly as it is, even the people watching by the side can't bear it.

"It's your mother and son who are shameless! From the very beginning, your son ran back and forth in the entire drink area. How many people were hit by that thing, but he didn't know him well. This is a public area, not yours alone!"

"Yeah! Why is he still a child? He is the most annoying to some parents every day when he says, "He is still a child" to indulge their children everywhere, and it is only natural to make mistakes! We don't eat yours or drink yours, we owe you Is it your child?!"

‘"What child, it seems that he is almost ten years old? It’s a child. He just pushed and kicked people, but he doesn’t look like a child! He asked others to apologize! Why not die?!"

"It's fine for children like this. I didn't expect even parents to be a virtue!"

"Cut, who is too low-level? What qualifications do you have to talk about others! Shameless!"



When one person started, a group of people started pointing and talking!

"you guys……"

****'S face was green and white, but he couldn't say a word.

Su Nuan snorted coldly, and his eyes moved slowly. The boy who was still sitting on the ground shamelessly...

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