Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2640: You say ``first''

She curled her lips and said indifferently: "An arrogant child like you, surely does a lot of usual bad things? How about letting the police do the calculations this time?"

The fear in the boy's eyes deepened a bit, and he leaned close to the arms of the ****.

"Call the police? Are you endless? You are obviously well, where did the injury come from? If you want to apologize, you also apologize to us? Little guy, when we look at our clothes and temperament, we blackmail us! The police came, you are at a loss! "


"Why are you so stiff? In front of your child, can't you set a good example for your child? Is he your child?"

"Yes! If my son is here... even if he isn't there, I won't have the face to do such shameless things in my life!"

"Yes! Also, you are wearing well? Are you laughing? Where are you from? What brand of clothes do you wear? Look at their clothes, SenniLubi! That is the world's top ranked international Brand! What's yours? The monkey sent it to make fun of it, just to make it funny?"

Su Nuan paused, and looked at the clothes on her body.

My goodness, today I just found a relatively simple piece of clothing and put it on the body. It looks like a very ordinary style. Why is it suddenly a Sunny Rupee and an international brand...

It also……

This is too bad, how do international brands feel similar to the clothes she usually wears?

This is real? Or did the onlookers deliberately say this to help her?

But these are the clothes that Xu Junyu prepared for her, it shouldn't be too bad!

Su Nuan blinked, whether it's true or not, in short, today, mother and son, don't want to leave easily!

Paralysis, **** have every year, especially this year!

This time I went out and hit the villain. The young woman before that didn't count. The real villain was waiting for her here.

But it shouldn't be that she admitted that she was unlucky and hadn't seen her for ten years. Since she provokes her this time, she will calculate the new and old accounts together. !

**** Hearing that everyone around him is helping Su Nuan to speak, red orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and purple change alternately on his face.

" are embarrassed! I hear that my accent is a foreigner and bully us! Your regional discrimination!"

"You are purely a mad dog and biting people in a hurry! What kind of foreigner, I am also a foreigner! Why don't you see others bullying me?"

"Yes, I am also a foreigner!"

"Me too! My hometown in the Northeast, I hear your accent, too. What a **** embarrassment for us in the Northeast! A mouse **** ruined a pot of porridge!"

"What? Northeast? Are the Northeast girls super upright? Beautiful and atmospheric, are you a fake Northeast?!"

Su Nuan scratched his head, laughed, and then stared at the ****, as if he was talking to the ****, but it sounded like he was talking to everyone.

Just listen to her clearly speaking word by word:

"I'm really not afraid of everyone laughing, I am also a native of Northeast China!"

Everyone was in an uproar and said one after another: "Let me just say, this is the correct way for the true Northeast people to open!"

Su Nuan smiled, still staring at her eyes tightly and said: "This...madam, you say... a coincidence?"

"..." **** tensed his face, squinted at Su Nuan, as if trying to see through.

How does this person feel more familiar as she looks at it?

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