Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2646: Destroyed its integrity


Xu Jun asked calmly, Su Nuan nodded, "Yes, one."

Xu Junyu hooked her lips, turned the chair, turned around, turned her back to the crowd and said, "Turn on the handsfree."

Su Nuan frowned, not knowing why, but still followed suit.

Take off the phone and press the hands-free button.

"Well, what are you going to say?"

Xu Junyu turned his back to them, propped his elbows on the bar, and didn't move for a while.

"Look up and see, are there eight identical lights in the store?"

Su Nuan blinked and raised his head. Everyone couldn't help but looked up, so that they could reach out and count one by one. It turned out to be eight.

Su Nuan wondered, it was really like this, it really was eight.

How can she always feel that she is alive, not as smart as a blind man.

This is the first time they came to this store, how could they have thought that there were eight of the same things hanging on the ceiling?

Forget it, there are a total of eight anyway. As for Xu Jun and why they know, Xu Jun is blind, but Huo Yan is not.

Huo Yan is Xu Jun and a perfect shield.

"Yes, there are eight." Su Nuan nodded in response.

Then everyone heard the very clear words in the microphone, "Eight lights, four million."

Su Nuan's eyes widened in an instant, and everyone around him took a breath.

Unconsciously, they shrank their necks, for fear that they would suddenly jump high and hit the light above their heads.

Su Nuan took a sip of water, hey hey hey, you are too cruel, she called him just thinking about being practical, but she didn't expect it to be even more ridiculous.

"You are crazy about money, right? Four million?! One broken glass lamp is 500,000? It's outrageous, Mr. Police, have you seen it? You are still ruining people in them... Don't say 500,000 , I won't pay a dollar."

Wang = Min's eyes widened, and he looked at Su Nuan arrogantly and contemptuously.

Su Nuan pursed her lips this time, calling out that it was a wrong decision to find Xu Jun and this time.

It's purely helpless!

But who knows that as soon as Wang = Min's voice fell, Xu Jun and a chuckle came from the phone.

"Who said that you would lose half a million dollars?"

Wang = Min coldly snorted, "What? I think I'm ridiculous too?"

Xu Jun and he simply ignored Wang = Min’s words, but said: “Since it is a work of art, completeness is one of the necessary conditions. Eight of them are completely hung there to be complete. Now you have destroyed one, eight One becomes seven. My artwork is completely scrapped. Lose me half a million? What you think is pretty beautiful."


Foggy grass! Xu Jun is with you!

One is puzzled, come directly to the full set!


The whole world will serve you!

At this moment, Xu Jun and Su Nuan's image instantly became taller, and they could be called a god-level existence.

"You..." Wang Min's face turned into a pig liver color, pointing to Su Nuan speechless, turned to look at the policeman aside, and said loudly: "Mr. Policeman, you have seen such obvious extortion, right? Quickly catch them, it's so black-hearted!"

She wouldn't be fooled by this kind of deceit, because her son was so playful, he accidentally played with him and went out for 4 million, who would be stupid!

Anyway, she shouldn't be this fool!

The police also felt that the price requested by the other party was a little too unreliable, and his suspicion was placed on Su Nuan.

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