Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2643: Thank him

What's more, there is a cunning and hateful vixen beside it.

If Su Nuan really wants to get something back from Qian Junfeng, how does Qian Junfeng treat this daughter who robbed him of food?

"But Nuannuan, we really don’t lack his things. We are living very well now, don’t we? Mom doesn’t know what happened to you suddenly? If you don’t want to admit him, we will treat him as if this person does not exist. Isn't it good? We live in our own lives, so why spend time and energy to get angry with some unworthy people, that would be even worse for ourselves, isn't it?

Su Nuan is silent here, she naturally knows how stupid it is to breathe unworthy with some unrelated people. She half-dead her anger here, and the people over there are still happy and happy. Without knowing it, in the end, only herself was hurt.

Come to think of it, this is really not a fair thing,

For so many years, I did just as my mother had said, always in the presence of Qian Junfeng, a man who did not exist.

It’s just a wound that has been healed, but there are still scars. Although it is hidden deep, once she notices it, she will think of her wound, its origin, its depth, and how much it has brought to herself. The pain, how much energy she has to spend to endure the pain caused by her wounds.

Is the wound just a wound?

Is it just bleeding?

No, the most difficult part is the healing process.

She had never thought about having anything to do with Qian Junfeng before, and she had also thought that there was no such person as Qian Junfeng in this world, but today, when the wounds of the past were opened, the pain was **** at first, and now Suddenly she couldn't let go of the crack in her.

Good people don't live long, and they are left for thousands of years.

When my mother divorced and took her away, the pain that the mother has suffered and the pain she has endured is not because the person concerned would not understand that feeling.

If you have to care about everything, your mother is suddenly divorced, suffered a blow, and her mentality changes overnight. How old she is still remains to be discussed, and Qian Junfeng and Wang Min, who have been fulfilled, have true love and have For the long-awaited son, a man who owns a mansion and a villa, has endless glory and wealth.

Two nights and two flights, so happy.

A comparison is all unfair, how could she be willing?

But the mother was right, and she knew it too.

It's just that her current mood stays in the grid where Qian Junfeng and Wang Min must pay the price. She can't get out, and she has become offended with her mother, and offended with herself.

Seeing a car coming in from the garage to the south from the window, Su Nuan blinked, took a deep breath, and said to the phone:

"Okay, mom, I just greeted you in advance. This is not necessarily true. If there will be any conflict between me and Qian Junfeng in the future, I hope you will be prepared and don't worry about me. After all, I'm not the Su Nuan who was so obedient to beat people back then.

"Nuannuan..." Su Man was really confused. When she asked Qian Junfeng at the beginning, she was puzzled. In the middle, she said that she wanted to get back what belonged to them from Qian Junfeng. She was even more puzzled. Now, she said again. If", for so many years, there has been no if, how come there is a "if" suddenly now?

Su Man sat on the sofa and frowned tightly while holding the phone. All of a sudden, her body suddenly stiffened, and her whole body suddenly became tense.

"Is Qian Junfeng looking for you?!"

He could hear his mother's nervousness, Su Nuan said: "No. He is in the northeast, I am in Fucheng. Even if he comes to Fucheng, Fucheng is so big, how can he meet him?"

"But you suddenly..."

"I just thought of it suddenly, but I felt a little angry..."

Su Man was silent for two seconds, with doubts in his heart, but no matter what it seemed, Su Nuan refused to tell her the truth.

"Okay, mom, hurry up and have dinner. I have to start here too."

"Oh well, hang up."

Su Man did not hesitate this time. After all, he was just married today, and it was also his first dinner. Anything would always be a bit solemn and formal at the beginning.

Now Qian Junfeng, let him roll aside first.

Su Nuan gave an "um" and said, "Be nice to Uncle Zhao. When you got on the plane today, you were in a bad mood."

Su Man glanced at Zhao Hongshan next to him, and said irritably, "Smelly girl, who is your mother?"

Su Nuan laughed, "Of course it is you. Then tell Uncle Zhao by the way, if he makes you angry, I will definitely be on your side."

Su Man raised his eyebrows and said of course: "Does this still need to be said? If you don't stand on my side, who else do you want to stand on?"

"Yes, yes. Isn't this a reminder of Uncle Zhao, so that he has a little scruples before bullying you."

Su Man glanced at the smiling Zhao Hongshan from the corner of his eye, pursed his lips, and said in a bad mood: "Okay, let's hang up."


Suman nodded and hung up the phone quickly without stopping.

Taking a look at the time on the phone, Su Nuan turned the phone in her hand, and finally squeezed it, and turned around anxiously. Because the movement was too fast, it was involved in the wound on the back of the waist for a while, and her movements suddenly stopped in pain. , Took a breath, and a thin layer of sweat appeared on the tip of his nose.

"Paralysis, silly-forcing mother and son."

Thinking of her injuries, Su Nuan cursed in a low voice.

Then he walked out of the room with his waist.


Su Man hung up the phone, threw the phone aside, turned his head to look at Zhao Hongshan, saw that he was still looking at himself with a smile, and thought of what Su Nuan said on the phone at the beginning, suddenly a strong guilt surged in his heart.

After so many years, it is enough to see how Zhao Hongshan is. She is poor and white. There is nothing to be calculated. Her daughter has grown up and has a life of her own. In this life, she is also considered to be complete, and she should be regarded as having no worries.


"Hongshan, I don't deny that it was indeed a purpose to marry you at the beginning. After the divorce, I had nothing, and I took my daughter... I followed Qian Junfeng and became poor and white. The rarest days I have never I thought about it, I accompany him to suffer together, but he did not share the love with me. Those feelings that have gone through together, in the end I fell to that end, there is really no way to easily believe in feelings... Just what Nuan Nuan said... …I"

Zhao Hongshan suddenly held her hand, shook her head lightly, and whispered: "I understand. I know you are a good woman. Nuan Nuan is right. If Qian Junfeng didn't do such a thing, what would you do if you kept your own self? Maybe you will marry me? Although you and Nuan Nuan suffered a lot at the beginning, but...forgive my selfishness, I am very grateful to Qian Junfeng for letting you go, so that I can have a chance to marry you."

[Really sympathize with Suman. Qian Jun has retribution for the summit. 】

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