After taking a shower and preparing to blow her hair, she discovered that Xu Junyu was sitting motionless on the bed in dark blue pajamas.

Her footsteps paused, and she glanced at the bed behind him, suddenly feeling nervous again.

Tonight, she is going to sleep with him in the same bed,

This kind of sleeping with a man is one of the few times in her life. Specifically, she counted all five fingers.

Still only with Xu Junyu.

Strictly speaking, yesterday's wedding night in the bridal chamber, the two of them were indeed very "fierce", but in the end they really did not stop.

For Su Nuan, there is actually a little bit of guilt.

After all, yesterday, as a newlywed husband, it was normal to want to do something, but in the end, nothing happened.

But on the next morning, Xu Junyu bullied her and made her guilt for him disappear instantly.

But tonight...

Su Nuan bit her lip slightly, lowered her head and walked to the dressing cabinet next to her, turned on the hair dryer, and started blowing her hair.

But tonight, when she was just taking a shower, she also deliberately applied a side of body wash and shampoo, just to make herself more fragrant.

Thinking of waiting in his arms, not let him despise her.

In other words, she was even expecting something.

Otherwise, she wouldn't come out. The first thing she saw was Xu Junyu, and the second thing she saw was the bed.

Thinking of this, Su Nuan's face suddenly reddened, even she felt hot, and she unconsciously opened the hair dryer a bit bigger.

The sound is correspondingly louder.

Compared with the quiet house, the sound of the wind really made the atmosphere in the house extremely embarrassing.

Su Nuan really wanted to keep blowing her hair until she was old, and she didn't want to face Xu Junyu awkwardly.

"You want to blow your hair to the sky, right?"

The voices of Xu Jun and Shen Shen finally rang, making Su Nuan very excited,

I turned off the hair dryer almost subconsciously,

The room immediately regained its silence, and the interlaced breathing sounds could be heard quietly.

After sitting blankly for a few seconds, Su Nuan looked at Xu Junyu through the mirror and saw that he was still sitting by the bed, still in the same posture as before.

A little embarrassed, she rolled up the hair dryer cord, put it in the drawer, stood up and walked to Xu Junyu's side, glanced at the left and right sides, and finally interlaced her hands in front of her, and said softly to Xu Junyu; "You still Don’t you rest? I’ve been tired all day."

Xu Junyu lowered his head slightly, hearing her voice, an annoyance flashed in his eyes, raised his eyelids, and his eyes fell on her.

What caught the eye was a piece of aqua-blue silk, casually pasted on her flat belly.

The material is very slippery. Just looking at it, I want people to reach out and feel its slippery quality.

When she just walked out of the bathroom, he was faintly swayed by a water-blue figure. He actually knew which pajamas she was wearing. The clothes of two people in the closet were put together. Several sets of pajamas are still passed by his hands, how could he not know.

The pajamas on her are seven-pointed with ruffled sleeves. The irregular opening is a more obvious feature. The design on her body is very simple. He also knows that Su Nuan doesn't like too complicated styles. For women, He is still a little grounded.

The size is right, the slender waist, not very broad but the shape is very soft, and the fair skin, aqua blue suits her very well.

In the end, he couldn't see more upwards, and he could only retract his gaze in a whisper.

There was a bit of restlessness in my heart, but it was more because of Su Nuan’s words, and the constant anger

"You really don't plan to tell me anything today?"

His voice was cold and gloomy, and he didn't look up, but Su Nuan's mind could also reflect what he looked like at the moment. It should be expressionless, but it was even more indifferent.

I thought that he had asked her once in the car when he came back from shopping, and then there was a long-term condensing atmosphere.

"Oh, did you really buy that store today? Suddenly being called the lady boss, I was shocked."

Obviously, he was avoiding the problem, which made Xu Junyu even more irritable.

Xu Junyu did not look up and did not respond. Su Nuan continued, "How much is that store? We should have made a profit today, right? We recycle 10 million today..."

Su Nuan’s voice brought some pride, and today is considered a windfall. No matter what the process is, just mentioning it, the result is still very gratifying.

But her appearance made Xu Junyu's patience to the extreme.

Before Su Nuan's words fell, Xu Junyu grabbed her wrist and slammed her onto the bed behind him.

Although the bed on the back was soft enough, Su Nuan was bounced twice, showing how strong the impact was.

She was dizzy by the bounce, her eyes were not opened at all, and she felt a figure suddenly pressed down on her body, and the familiar breath instantly rushed into her nose, and the weight of her body continued to be suppressed.

Her heart jumped, her eyes suddenly opened, and she saw Xu Jun and the magnified face.

Her eyes widened, her hands instinctively pushed his shoulders.

"Xu Junyu?"

Xu Junyu's eyes were deep, and he looked down at Su Nuan, but because of the depth, he couldn't see his focus.

A heart thumped, and although he was paying attention to Xu Junyu's movements, the topic between the two of them just now really didn't have such an atmosphere that suddenly threw her down.

She thought Xu Junyu would do to her tonight, and she was ready to obey when she refused, but this atmosphere is really wrong, isn't it?

When she was thinking about it, Xu Junyu suddenly lifted her pajamas from her knees, spread her hands in, and squeezed her side waist.

Su Nuan was taken aback for a moment, frowned and let out a painful cry.


Xu Junyu grinned coldly, "It hurts? Where does it hurt?"

Su Nuan bit her lips painfully, the pain from her waist seemed to be like a switch, connected to all the injuries on her body. The moment she felt the pain, the scattered injuries on her arms and legs were all at the same time. Being involved, from the faint pain at the beginning to the clear beating of the wound, Su Nuan's eyebrows became more and more tight.

She was actually angry just for a moment, but Xu Junyu's question made her angry again.

He couldn't see with his eyes, didn't see her injury, and didn't know the specific location of her injury. He was unintentional and couldn't blame him.

Reason suppressed the anger, but after hearing what Xu Jun and the next second said, Su Nuan's anger suddenly reached its limit.

"You still know it hurts, I thought you forgot?"

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