Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2651: I want more than just thank you

It is said that hatred can cause people to lose their minds, but now she seems to have a bit of a brain, there is no way not to hate.

What they did is not hateful. Is it impossible to sympathize, understand, fulfill, praise, and praise?

Xu Junyu didn't have many surprises, but he was very happy.

She was finally willing to tell him.

Anyway, does she want to rely on him anyway?

"Before I never intended to involve them anymore. My life, their life, have no intersection with me. I even thought of revenge. Qian Junfeng always lived decades longer than me. No matter how comfortable and happy his current life is, he still has to think about it at the moment before his death. In this world, he still has a close relative and a bloodline connected to him. The daughter who was almost killed by him! I just want him to regret while he is still alive, and let him die with regret and repentance at the moment of death!"

Su Nuan's voice was a bit agitated, her eyes were reddish, but she didn't mean to cry.

Xu Junyu can be considered to understand her, to shed tears for those who are not worthy, it is too stupid for Su Nuan.

Su Nuan clasped her hands tightly, and the hatred in her heart made her ignore the tingling pain of fingertips embedded in her palms.

"Perhaps he has a son to send him off. It is impossible to think of me. In his eyes, I have already become an irrelevant person. It doesn't matter to him whether he exists in this world or not. But I don't care, not seeing him in this life is a good thing for me."

Su Nuan took a deep breath, looked at Xu Jun and the quiet and handsome face, and said firmly:

"But I hate him."

Xu Jun and the bottom of his eyes condensed a bit of chill, as expected, he would not let Su Nuan see it.

"I'm trying my best to live my life and leave him out of my world. But how can I not care at all? He, that woman, that child, just like a virus, will always get caught when I am completely inadvertent. Come into my mind. It affects my thoughts and life. Every time, I hate them more."

"This feeling is forced by me. I also know that they need an outlet for venting, but who is this outlet for? On the three of them, but just before today, I still didn't want to go and dig this. Exit. But it was Wang-Min who brought it to the door himself."

Thinking of today's coincidence, thinking that the bear boy's toy had harmed her, she suddenly sneered, "It's a **** coincidence today. So immortal, that bear boy chose me."

"Maybe it is destined that I must get something back from them?!"

Xu Jun lowered her head and kissed her eyes. She closed her eyes subconsciously and buried the serious obscurity.

"I'll help you."

Su Nuan's eyelashes trembled lightly, feeling his warm lips falling on her eyelids, so gentle that made her heart tremble.

Before long, Xu Junyu let go of her, lowered her head and did not move. She slowly opened her eyes and saw him facing her, seeming to be staring at her, but those eyes seemed to look deeper through her. local.

Su Nuan has become accustomed to not seeing his eyes. Seeing his look like this, except for a little regret in his heart, most of it is heartbeat.

In my impression, this should be his most gentle treatment to her.

Maybe everyone likes to be treated tenderly, so she now understands her mood at this moment very softly, even she herself feels surprised.

His gentle voice still whirled in her ears.

"you help me?"

Xu Junyu was really reluctant to be meek now, but still got up slightly and nodded, "Yes, as long as you want, I will help you."

He straightened up from Su Nuan, and at the same time he pulled Su Nuan up from the side of the bed, then put his arms around her, lifted the quilt, hugged her and lay in, Su Nuan was almost dumbly manipulated by Xu Jun and the whole process. He didn't resist, didn't struggle, and at this moment, he was quietly resting on his arms, surrounded by his arms, and didn't move at all.

Too lazy to struggle, it may be... I don't want to toss any more, or it may be that I don't want to leave the embrace that is too warm today.

He took a light breath and spit it out again.

The furry head moved slightly at the bend of Xu Junyu’s arms, and it was tighter than he had just been imperceptibly. A hand under the quilt gently grabbed the corner of his clothes and cautiously , As far as possible without him noticing,

Xu Jun didn't have much emotional change, but the corners of his lips hooked deeper, revealing a wicked smile.

"help me……"

Su Nuan's voice was low, and he couldn't hear what it was for a while. Is it doubtful? Still begging? Still talking to himself, Xu Junyu was not sure, but he picked one he wanted to think about.

"En. I will help you."

Just say it.

Su Nuan did not speak for a long time, but it was obvious that she suddenly felt a lot easier in her heart.

I don’t need the feeling of fighting on my own, it’s really easy

After a long time, Su Nuan raised his head slightly, looked at Xu Jun and the handsome faces, staring at him unmovingly and presumptuously.

"Xu Jun and..."

"En?" Xu Junyu knew very well that Su Nuan was staring at her wantonly for reasons he couldn't see, and he couldn't help but feel a little confused.

"Thank you." Su Nuan said, still not taking his eyes back from Xu Junyu's face. ,

Xu Junyu Where could stand Su Nuan's unobstructed and ardent gaze, and squeezed her body tightly, moved her body slightly downwards, with her forehead resting on Su Nuan's.

He is used to doing this action, because such intimacy can easily hide her, and sometimes the emotions in his eyes can't hide.

"I don't want to just say thank you."

Su Nuan paused in her heart, her face flushed uncontrollably.

The warm mei between the two people suddenly warmed up, and the heartbeat thundered.

Su Nuan was nervous and knew that if he took over at this time, the atmosphere would go deeper.

The best choice is to escape, but it's almost a ghost. Su Nuan stared at Xu Junyu and asked in a soft voice:

"Then what do you want?"

Xu Jun suddenly gathered with the light under his eyes, and the hands on Su Nuan's waist tightened.

"I said, would you promise me?"

Su Nuan's face flushed, her eyes dodged from side to side, "As long as... it must not be too much..."

Xu Junyu smiled softly, the warm breath sprayed on her face, with an intoxicating breath, and said softly:

"Then do you think what mom mentioned today is too much?"

[Tired and paralyzed, I am rushing to write. There may be more in a while. 】

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