"Yeah, isn't that just to find a reason to join you?"

The corners of Su Nuan's mouth twitched sharply, and he punched Xu Junyu's shoulder hard, and said in shame, "Xu Junyu, you rascal!"

Xu Junyu obviously took a breath, frowned, and looked uncomfortable.

Su Nuan was stunned, "What...what's wrong?"

Xu Junyu frowned, looking really uncomfortable.


Su Nuan took a sip of water and quickly looked up to see that she had just hit him on the shoulder, "Let me see."

Xu Jun didn’t fasten the buttons on the front of the neckline. Su Nuan wondered if she really hurt Xu Junyu. Without any hesitation, she pulled Xu Junyu’s neckline open and exposed his shoulders. After groping on it for a long time, I didn't hear Xu Jun any more pain.

"Where does it hurt?"

Xu Junyu looked down at her, sniffed the sweet fragrance on her body, felt the movement of her hand on his shoulder, her eyes gradually darkened.

Looking at her slightly closed red lips, he suddenly wanted to kiss her again, kiss her, and then leaned deeper.

"It hurts everywhere."

Xu Junyu's answer caused Su Nuan to frown, stopping and raising her eyes to look at him.

"You lied to me again?"

Xu Junyu shook his head, "Forgot? I hurt my foot today."

Su Nuan blinked, as if there was indeed something happening.

But my feet hurt, why did my whole body hurt?

"Wandering with you all afternoon, my limbs are sore."

Seeing the doubt on Su Nuan's face, Xu Junyu added.

Su Nuan believed this time, which is a credible reason.

"Then what to do? Or else..."

"I'm ready for dessert." Xu Junyu stopped Su Nuan's words suddenly, with a trace of expectation in his eyes.

"Aren't you not eating desserts? And you have washed them, even if you eat them, wouldn't it be troublesome to brush your teeth?"

Is this all she needs to serve?

She may not be so relaxed today.

"You don't need to brush your teeth."

"..." Su Nuan stared at him with disgust.

Why didn't he expect this young master to be such a shabby man.

"Then you still don't eat." Rather than going to bed without brushing your teeth, she would rather him continue to hurt.

"Little poisonous woman."

Xu Junyu squeezed her waist, stretched out her hand to press on her lips, and said in a low voice, "Are you going to hurt me to death?"

The warm finger pads on his lips were rubbing for a while, and the ambiguous atmosphere suddenly opened up. Su Nuan's eyes stiffened, and suddenly she realized something.

Just when she wanted to say something, Xu Junyu suddenly approached her and said, "Don't worry, I don't despise you."

Su Nuan had a great realization this time, and finally knew what Xu Junyu meant.

"Hey, don't you...well..."

Xu Junyu didn't give Su Nuan a chance to finish speaking, so he lowered her head and pressed her lips.

Tossing, crushing, and even prying open her teeth at the end, passing her last defense with warm and Huarun things, gently and domineeringly absorbing the sweetness he wanted.

Su Nuan's eyes widened in an instant. Such a fierce almost ferocious kiss made her heart beat violently as if it was about to explode and suffocate anytime and anywhere.

The kiss was passionate, and Xu Junyu was the leader. However, at this moment, he might be led by desire, wanting to get more from Su Nuan.

Big palm walked around her naturally, feeling her body trembling because of him, Xu Junyu really wanted to have an urge to eat her thoroughly.

"Xu...Xu Jun and..."

Su Nuan was very nervous, his heartbeat thunderous, and he was afraid that Xu Jun could not stand it.

It’s weird, she’s pretty sure that she’s not really rejecting Xu Junyu, but she’s just afraid,

I was afraid that if he let him go on a deeper level, that kind of situation, that kind of situation, how she should face it, and what to do, she didn't know what to do.

Finally in the space, Su Nuan quickly called out Xu Junyu’s name,

Xu Junyu stopped moving, breathing slightly anxious.

"what happened?"

Just as soon as he spoke, Su Nuan could hear the dullness in his voice, which was so heavy that he couldn't ignore it.

She is not a fool. At this time, she naturally knows Xu Junyu's situation.

"I...I'm afraid..."

She bit her lip tightly, and it was really embarrassing to say this kind of dull words.

Xu Jun and Wen Yan were stunned. The woman who has always been stubborn and tough actually had time to subdue him.

As Su Nuan said, she was too embarrassed to look up at Xu Junyu's expression. She buried her head deeper, almost hiding her head in Xu Junyu's arms.

Xu Junyu's chest suddenly made a deep vibration, expressing joy.

"What are you afraid of?"

"..." Su Nuan didn't speak, he didn't know what to say, or how to say it.

Despite this, Xu Junyu was happy for a long time.

It was good enough to express her soft side to him and express her fear.

Tonight, her performance has satisfied him enough,

She didn't answer, and he knew the answer, but he couldn't keep being afraid like this.

Rubbing her chin with her fingers, she gently raised her head, Su Nuan's gaze evasively refused to face him.

"are you sleepy?"

Unexpectedly, Xu Junyu suddenly asked such a normal thing,

Sleepy, of course sleepy!

Not sleepy at this time, when is it?

Su Nuan was stunned for two seconds, then nodded quickly.

"Sleepy, sleepy."

A faint smile appeared on Xu Jun and his face, and his belly was evil and black.

He turned over from Su Nuan and lay down beside her, with one hand propped his head, facing Su Nuan, smiling;

"Okay, then. Don't embarrass you tonight."

Su Nuan stayed there and didn't react for a while, so empathetic?

She looked at him suspiciously.

Xu Junyu always smiled faintly on the corners of her lips, "For the sake of me so good, now take the initiative to kiss me."

Su Nuan raised her brows high, and moved her head to the back, looking at Xu Jun and Xu with a strange expression on her face.

Why is he going crazy again?

"Kiss or not? If I don't kiss myself, I will continue what I just did."

Xu Junyu threatened to say that people really turned over again, trying to suppress Su Nuan.


Su Nuan grabbed him quickly with eyes and hands, looking at him helplessly and defensively.

"Then do you want to kiss me? If you don't kiss, I'm going to kiss you..." He suddenly approached her again, and he was about to kiss.

"Wait a minute..."

Su Nuan immediately shouted, shouldn't his kiss be just a kiss?

"Huh?" Xu Junyu raised his eyebrows, so he looked at her patiently.

Su Nuan took a deep breath. She has never actively kissed a man in her life. Is it really okay?

Staring at Xu Jun and those **** thin lips for a long time, and struggling for a long time inside, finally gathered up the courage and said: "Okay, I will kiss you."

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