Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2657: Too satisfied with him

After the two of them had a meal, Su Nuan's slightly closed eyes suddenly opened. After seeing that she was pressed by Xu Junyu on the bed and did whatever she wanted, her face suddenly turned bright red!

Xu Jun and his brows wrinkled together in an instant. Su Nuan reacted and immediately pushed him away from him. After sitting up, he hurriedly pulled the coat that Xu Jun and did not know when he took off back to his shoulders.

Xu Junyu sat by the bed for a few seconds, and finally straightened up suddenly, walked to the door of the room, and suddenly opened the door.

Just when the housekeeper's hand was about to be raised and wanted to urge again, the door was suddenly opened, and his young master's face was in sight.

He suddenly felt aroused, looking at Xu Jun and his wrinkled shirt, his collar was slightly messy, especially the folds on his shoulders, which made people suspicious.

After all, housekeepers are people who have seen too many things. Two newlyweds, a man and a woman, are in the room...

Regardless of whether it is really doing that thing or not, in the eyes of outsiders, it is doing that thing.

But there is nothing to hide, but, as it is said, but the good thing to interrupt two people with him is not the same thing at all.

How can he keep up with such things?

The housekeeper almost wanted to cry to death in his heart, but facing the gloomy face of his young master, he still chose not to know what to do. He laughed awkwardly and said carefully: "Master, it's not early, the lady is eager to go. Company. I urge you to hurry up."

This is business, business!

Although, he accidentally interrupted the young master's "business"!

But the time for the husband and wife is so much!

"Got it!" Xu Jun and Kui gritted their teeth and looked at the housekeeper, and the three words were almost squeezed out of their teeth.

Shengsheng shocked the housekeeper with goose bumps.

Especially when he didn't expect to see his young master's eyes, then what kind of eyes should a blind man have?

The line of sight was tight on him, and the condensed line of sight was fierce.

And Xu Junyu also saw the butler's expression, snorted coldly, did not want to hide, stared at him coldly and said, "How many years have you been a butler?"

The butler was shocked and couldn't help but stepped back a few steps. He has watched a lot of TV series. Generally, when such words come out, it is the master's extreme dissatisfaction with the subordinate.

Not only in the TV series, but also now.

"It's been more than 20 years... But it's the first time in my life that I can watch the young master grow up and get married.

The steward first answered Xu Junyu's question, and then he said "but" almost without pause, and Shengsheng held back what Xu Junyu was about to say.

Twenty years are true, but it is the first time to serve a newlywed couple.

I think you grow up, get married, and you have no credit and hard work. You have to be a little emotional if you don’t have hard work. You can't drive me away because I only interrupted good things twice?

The housekeeper for more than 20 years is not for nothing. Xu Jun and his temperament are not to say everything, but in general, except that he sometimes does not understand him after he comes up with a lot of energy, most of the time he still knows well. ,

Human nature is not bad. Those who have to be forgiven and forgive are not touching the bottom line. If you can pass, you don't care about it.

This is the temper of the young master.

Besides, for the first time he served the married young master, there must be a buffer period.

He needs to adapt.

Obviously, Xu Junyu also heard the meaning of the butler's mouth. Although he knew that he meant something deliberately, he let him say everything.

"Old cunning!"

Xu Junyu coldly threw four words to the housekeeper, and slammed the door shut with a "bang".

The butler blinked and shouted again toward the door, "Then master, as soon as possible!"


Xu Jun and the thunderous voice came from the house, and the butler pursed his lips and smiled and went downstairs.

Truthfully reported to Xu Jiahui what had happened just now and added jealousy to his guess.

Xu Jiahui covered her mouth, trying to be dignified and reserved, but in the end she couldn't help laughing.

"Oh, tell me... I told him to stay with his wife at home, he just followed me, let's take a look, now..."

Xu Jiahui smiled from ear to ear, looked upstairs, turned to look at the housekeeper, pointed upstairs, and pointed at the housekeeper.

"Otherwise, you go up again and notify the young master to stop him from going to the company."

The butler looked embarrassed and honestly said: "Madam, count carefully, these two days of marriage, I have disturbed the young master no less than three times back and forth...I am going up now, I'm afraid I won't have a chance to serve my wife again..."

Xu Jiahui's heart softened when the housekeeper said the grievances.

Finally, he nodded in agreement, and finally seemed to think of something again. He raised his head to ask the housekeeper, and said in confusion: "I'm disturbed no less than three times? Why do I only know twice?"

Supper is delivered once in the evening and once today. What does it mean to be no less than three times?

The butler sighed and said helplessly: "I was in the restaurant yesterday morning..."

Xu Jiahui's mouth grew in surprise, "What...what?!"

Broad daylight...Restaurant...

The housekeeper stretched out his hand to cover his old face in shame, feeling that his career in this home was about to come to an end.

It took a long time for Xu Jiahui to react, her expression a little uncomfortable, "Now...the young people now make people...really...really not ashamed or embarrassed..."


The housekeeper did not speak, and Xu Jiahui turned her head to the side in embarrassment.


At the moment when Xu Junyu opened the door to the housekeeper, Su Nuan covered his face and ran to the window, for fear that the housekeeper would see himself sitting on the bed when he stood at the door.

When Xu Junyu closed the door hard, she was really taken aback.

I didn't know how to face Xu Junyu, so I forced myself to stand calmly at the window, watching the bright weather outside, forcing myself to focus on the scenery outside.

After Xu Jun and the housekeeper coaxed away, they stood by the bed and glanced at the woman who was standing by the window with her tight body, her eyes narrowed slightly.

Su Nuan's body suddenly stiffened suddenly, her eyes trembled fiercely, and her nerves were like a rubber band that was pulled to the limit, and her nerves instantly tightened.

Xu Junyu seemed to ignore her reaction at all, and kissed her ears from behind.

Su Nuan's body trembled, but her tight body gradually relaxed.

The tone allows her to relax in the recognition that he will not do to her, it is better to press hard, let her relax in the process of getting used to him being close to intimacy, this time, from another aspect, she Easier and faster to adapt to her,

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