Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2662: Who are you looking for

Then he instructed Ally to enter the office immediately after notifying all directors and report the company’s developments in recent days,

Su Nuan didn’t speak at all during the whole process, she was completely a decoration, let Xu Junyu walk into his office holding hands all the way, and he was arranged to sit on the sofa, snacks, dried fruits, and tea. Everything is available.

After sitting at the office desk, Ellie stood beside him.

Because of the reason that his eyes cannot see, Ai Li wants to report to him that there are too many documents, so she has to bend over, and while flipping through the documents, she whispers these things in Xu Junyu’s ear.

Su Nuan is holding a piece of mousse cake, and doing the action of stuffing it into his mouth mechanically. The dessert that he usually likes is really tasteless until now.

Seeing the close distance between the two people, the fullness of Ai Li, and the way Xu Jun was talking softly in his ears, Su Nuan felt angry and painful.

Xu Junyu, you are a scumbag!

So unscrupulous in front of his wife!

Now that she is sitting here, they can be so close. If she is not there, what will happen to them? !

I felt that the things in my mouth didn't taste at all for a long time, and when I looked down, I realized that the mousse in my arms didn't know when she had finished eating.

Put the empty plate on the coffee table, took a sip of the already semi-hot tea, a small face wrinkled together in an instant.

What tea?

Too hard!

Look up at Xu Junyu and that Ai Li again, the more you look at it, the more unpleasant!

He glanced at the coffee table, grabbed a handful of raisins, and then stood up from the sofa.

Ali's voice paused, and he looked up at her. Xu Junyu heard Ali silently and asked casually "What's the matter?" After that, the talent slowly raised his head and Yu Guang caught Su Nuan.

"Mrs. President..."

Allie said in a low voice, and seeing Xu Junyu raised her head, she didn't go on.

Su Nuan threw a raisin in his mouth, glanced at Xu Junyu, and finally turned his head almost angrily, and walked towards the door of the office, "I'll go to the bathroom."

"have inside."

Xu Junyu pointed to the position behind him, Su Nuan knew that there was his own lounge inside without thinking about it.

"I don't want to go inside. Boring, go out and breathe. You are busy."

He didn’t wait for Xu Jun to speak again, he opened the door and walked out.

After closing the door, Su Nuan stood by the door for a while, seeming to have deliberately listened to the movement inside, and then she raised her foot to leave after she was sure that she could not hear anything.

While wandering aimlessly in the company, it’s time for work now, there are not so many people walking in the public area, and Xu Junyu’s office is not on the top floor. When I took the elevator up, I knew that there were forty floors. , Take the elevator from the first floor, it takes two minutes, less talk, where so much time is wasted here, not to mention Xu Junyu is not necessarily a patient who is so silly in the elevator. Standing for two minutes, I feel uncomfortable thinking about it.

The floor was on the twenty-sixth floor. Su Nuan didn't take the elevator, holding an evil spirit in his heart, turned and got into the stairs.

The induction light turned on instantly, Su Nuan sighed, and walked down the steps boredly.

Eating the green raisins in her hands, Su Nuan's steps became slower and slower, and finally stopped.

What's wrong with her?

Since the beginning, I have been awkward.

She could have expected that she would have some special insights when she came to the company with Xu Junyu, and she was even ready to face Xu Junyu together, but she did not expect to meet Ai Li, a female secretary.

She didn't even expect that she would be so low because of a female secretary with a hot body and a gorgeous appearance.

Is she hypocritical, this mentality, this reaction...

When did she actually become like this? She is completely a jealous woman.

She is just hot and beautiful. She didn't see what really happened between them. What was she thinking about here alone?

Still so excited?

She shook her head, trying to get rid of those things in her mind, but when she thought of the situation where the two people had just worked together, her heart suddenly got stuck.

Xu Jun and this morning...

They did so many intimate things, the gentleness and intimacy towards him, she not only no longer rejects him, but even already has a faint expectation, that kind of heart-stirring feeling, nervous and happy.

The thought of Xu Jun and other women who might have had such intimate behavior with other women, or even such gentle treatment of other women, suddenly felt a heavy heart in her heart, as if a big rock was pressing on her, and she couldn't breathe. .

Will Xu Junyou treat other women like her?

Surely it will?

I have often seen him gossiping in threes and fours before. With so many women surrounding him, how could he not do that to others? There are even more things that happen. She doesn’t want to think about it, between her and him. Things that haven't happened...

Just thinking of his past makes her feel uncomfortable, so now, she is out now, then only Xu Junyu and the hot body Ellie are left in the office.

What will happen between them...

Thinking of this, Su Nuan suddenly turned around and wanted to run back. She didn't want this thing to happen. If there was a possibility of it, she would stop it in time and let it not happen.

As long as nothing happens, then she and Xu Junhe can still be like before...

But just after two steps, Su Nuan's footsteps stopped suddenly.

She is afraid of...

In case she suddenly went back and saw Xu Jun and Ai Li were...

just in case……

How would she face such a scene...

She didn't even know what expression she used!

Turning around again, Su Nuan ran several flights of stairs in one breath. Finally, she was so tired that her throat dries up. She leaned on the handrails of the stairs and panted, stroking her beating heart, deliberately not thinking about Xu Jun. And, I only felt my throat dry and thirsty, and sighed deeply, then stood up and walked out the stairs,

She didn't know which floor this was in the company, but she thought there should be a pantry.

As soon as I entered the floor, I found that the view of this building was really wide. Looking from her side, in the space of more than 100 square meters, there are all desks, and almost every desk has a head, otherwise it is walking in the public area. staff of.

There are many people but it doesn't appear to be noisy, the voice is very low, and they all look like rigorous work.

Of course, as soon as you exit the safe passage, the first thing you see is the front desk.

When the two front desk ladies saw her suddenly appeared, they looked at her defensively.

"Miss, who are you looking for?"

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