Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 272: Sister takes you to buy water

Several gangs of pedestrians passing by the door involuntarily stood firm, their eyes staring at the position of the car door without squinting.

Looking forward to the honor of this man who owns a luxury car and has such slender legs.

Finally, when Sheng Yuchen bent over and got out of the car and stood in front of the airport gate, a pair of dark and handsome eyes glanced sharply at the airport entrance.

Several people couldn't help but stare blankly.

The figure is slender, the hair is like ink, and the black eyes are shining but thin and cold. The whole person reveals a kind of innate nobility and sharpness, and even more somber and ruthless that cannot be ignored.

The left wing on the side really didn't understand why he just sent Chang Chu home. In just a few hours, his boss had changed so much.

He couldn't hide the slightest bit of shady bird on his body, even he, who was with the boss all the year round, deeply felt that kind of surprise.

When did the boss become so uncertain? !

Sheng Yuchen retracted his cold gaze and walked in silently towards the airport gate.

Upon seeing this, the left wing quickly stepped forward and said respectfully:

"Boss, go to the left of the VIP channel!"

Sheng Yuchen's long figure slowly stopped, and his dark eyes looked towards the ordinary passage ahead.

For three seconds, Sheng Yuchen's deep eyes seemed to be pondering something, and his eyebrows frowned slightly.

Finally, Sheng Yuchen raised his foot and took a step forward!


The left wing yelled in a low voice in disbelief, Sheng Yuchen retracted his steps, retracted his black eyes, curled his eyebrows and gave a faint "Um", then took a big step, turned around, and walked towards the VIP channel.

On the bench outside the ordinary passage, Wang Xue just put away the phone, wiped the sweat from her face with her hand, and took a long breath.

"It turned out to be a niece!"

"Pretty sister, I'm thirsty!"

Xiao Doudou turned her head and smiled sweetly at Wang Xue, her childish voice even more pleasant.

Wang Xue was exasperated by Doudou's "beautiful sister", she reached out and wiped the oil on Doudou's small face, and said happily:

"Go, sister will take you to buy water to drink!"

Wang Xue stretched out his hand to hug her, but Doudou shook her head, stuffing her hands under her armpits to prevent Wang Xue from hugging.

"Sister go by herself, I am here waiting for you!"

"How can that work?!"

Wang Xue resolutely refused. How could she put a child here alone? Besides, this doll is so cute that it will definitely be coveted by bad guys!

What's more, this is still Li Yufeng's baby niece, if there is a mistake, can she bear it?


Doudou didn't speak, pouting, her big dark eyes were full of dissatisfaction and accusations!

Wang Xue choked, looked around and found that the vending machine was in the opposite corner, not far away.

"Okay, you sit down, don't run around!"

"En! Pretty sister is so nice!"


Wang Xue smiled, and walked towards the vending machine placed in the corner opposite.

As soon as Sheng Yuchen arrived in the hall through the VIP channel, he saw that the entire hall was almost full of people, bustling with screams!

With a large number of votes, remember to surround yourself with the fans, which seems to be a famous star!

Sheng Yuchen's expressionless face instantly became cold, his eyebrows furrowed tightly, and he glanced sideways at his embarrassed left wing, his expression gloomy.

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