"A trustworthy person?" Xu Junyu calmly repeated a sentence, not looking right.

The expression on Ai Li's face became more serious, she lowered her head, and replied softly "Yes."

After that, there was a moment of silence in the office, and the atmosphere seemed bad.

Su Nuan looked at where Ai Li was standing, and the corners of her mouth twitched. Did Xu Junyu say something?

The position you are standing now is like this, you know it?

But this is obviously too deliberate.

Su Nuan pouted, well, although deliberately, it is gratifying to have this awareness of keeping distance.

Otherwise, let two people be close together unscrupulously?

Forgive her!

It's just that this discovery is just a subsidiary, and the most important thing now is what really makes the atmosphere so bad.

Su Nuan glanced at the documents on the desk. The financial report for the past two months indicated that it was detailed?

She squinted her eyes slightly, and looked at the forms printed on them. The details were all data.

She boasts that her eyesight is pretty good, but standing in front of the sofa, she can't see a figure clearly.

Do you want Xu Jun to watch these things?

He can't see anything, how should he look?

Allie is right. This is about the company’s finances. The most concerned issue of the entire company is nothing more than money.

The wages of avarice is death,

How many people are staring at this thing, whenever there is a little chance, they will always want to break their heads to seize a loophole and dig infinitely!

And now, probably everyone knows that now, at this moment, even the first time they learned of Xu Jun and the accident, they had already targeted this loophole.

How to deal with company affairs if you can't see it?

Su Nuan began to really worry.

Although I was worried before, but after all, she has not encountered real obstacles, but now, in the face of problems, she has a real sense of urgency.

"This kind of thing...maybe, only Mom can help..."

The most trusted person, in this world, who can Xu Junyu have besides his mother?

This is not a multiple choice question at all, and the answer does not need to be considered at all.

"No way!"

Su Nuan did not expect that this first and only option would be rejected by Xu Jun and so firmly.

She was puzzled, took two steps towards Xu Junyu, frowned and asked, "Why?"

Isn't this the safest way?

Xu Junyu frowned and did not speak, Ai Li raised her eyes, looked at Su Nuan with embarrassment and helplessness, and explained:

"Madam, the directors in the company are now questioning Mr. Xu's current ability to work. You may also understand that once the directors identify one thing, they will try to achieve their goals. If Mr. Xu now has to rely on the chairman The words... the directors may say something excessive,... I believe you can guess it without saying more."

Su Nuan's expression is getting more and more ugly. What is it, irresponsible, incapable, and relying on his mother to stabilize the waste of company leaders?

"But he can't see it now! They..."

"It’s because Mr. Xu can’t see it that they can make irresponsible remarks. Ma’am, at this time, they don’t care whether your current situation is good or bad. As long as it affects their interests, you will be in trouble. The so-called businessmen do most of the things."

Ai Li patiently explained to Su Nuan, the words and sentences all interpret the cruelty of reality and the greed of human nature.

Su Nuan was silent for a while at the venue.

Compared with seeing the reality clearly, she thinks that no one can compare herself.

She has never lived in a dream.

This problem is easier for her to understand than anyone.

Su Nuan looked at Xu Junyu, she was obviously bullied by Xu Junyu, but now, she couldn't help but care about him again.

This is really a big problem.

It seems that Xu Junyu is really in trouble this time.

"Then what to do?"

She looked at him, although she knew the trouble, but she unconsciously believed that if it was Xu Junyu, there must be a way.

Xu Junyu still bowed his head and remained silent, not speaking,

Su Nuan bit her lip and looked up at Ai Li, who also looked depressed.

Looks completely at a loss.

After a while, Xu Junyu moved suddenly and leaned forward from the sofa. It seemed that he was groping for the report on the coffee table. Su Nuan bit his lip involuntarily and took two steps forward, and took the report in his hand. .

"I'll help you."

Su Nuan sat down with the document, opened the document in her hand, and looked at it by herself.

Xu Junyu curled her lips. While Su Nuan focused on the report, she raised her head slightly and glanced at Ai Li who was standing by.

Ai Li received his eyes, rolled her eyes, glanced at Su Nuan, and immediately said: "Yes, ma'am! Isn't this the best?"

Su Nuan raised her head when she heard this, looked at Allie who suddenly laughed, frowning and wondering: "What's the best?"

Ai Li smiled a little deeper and said happily: "You are also the person the president trusts most now. With you by the president's side, helping the president deal with some private documents, and will not continue to trouble the chairman. The company has You two take care of it together. I believe that some directors will no longer have a reason to exclude Mr. Xu."

Su Nuan opened her mouth wide and looked at Ai Li with a stunned face, as if she couldn't react to her proposal.

"...Well. It's a good suggestion."

Seeing Su Nuan's stunned expression, Xu Jun and a long time responded,

Su Nuan's eyes flickered when he heard the words, and finally got a focus. After blinking, he frowned and asked uncertainly: "What you said is true?"

Xu Junyu turned his head, with a handsome face facing her, curled her lips slightly, reached out and grabbed her hand and held it in the palm of her hand, and said softly:

"If you don't want to, I won't force it. I know that you have your own job and your own choices. Everything is up to you."

Originally thought that Xu Junyi would use strong means to get her to agree to this, but he did not expect that he would suddenly change his sex.

So "acceptable"?


Su Nuan stopped speaking and looked down at the report in her hand. Because of the action of bowing her head, people couldn't see the expression on her face at the moment.

Ellie on the side suddenly said, "Madam, this is the best way at the moment."

"Okay! You go out to work."

"..." Allie choked, the expressions on her face all showed anxiety, but she still bowed her head in a dull response, turned and walked out of the office.

Walking outside the office and closing the door, Allie sighed suddenly, her face looked relieved.

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