Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2676: You fired him

Xu Junyu responded, her narrow eyes looked at Su Nuan with a focused expression, and for a long while, she looked at her carefully and carefully at a close distance. It was really a different scene.

"Can you?" he asked suddenly.

"Huh? What's okay?" Su Nuan was a little dazed. As soon as she raised her head, she noticed that her chin was covered with two fingers.

Immediately afterwards, a familiar enlarged face approached her. She held her breath instantly, and the other party's lips pressed against hers in the next second.

She didn't react for a while, she was stunned, feeling the warm softness that suddenly covered her lips in a foolish manner.

Xu Junyu’s lips stayed on her lips for a while, noticing her reaction, and the corners of her lips hooked imperceptibly, pressing her lips and moving gently,

The kiss was light and made people tremble in the heart, and the gentleness was nothing like Xu Junyu who Su Nuan knew.

Her eyelashes trembled, and she gathered slightly. At this moment, she was immersed in this warm tenderness, but when her heart suddenly felt relaxed, she suddenly became reflexively vigilant.

Suddenly she stretched out her hand, raised a hand knife, and slashed it on Xu Junyu's head without hesitation.

Xu Junyu Chi Pain, with his head lowered, he stretched out his hand to cover the place he had been beaten by Su Nuan.

"Murder the husband."

Su Nuan blushed, glared at him, and said with shame and annoyance: "You deserve it! Suddenly estrus..."


Xu Jun raised his brows. At this time, is it really good to say this?

Su Nuan also suddenly reacted to the fact that his words were too straightforward, and hurriedly took a seat next to Xu Jun and,

"What are you doing? All of a sudden!"

Su Nuan stretched out her hand and rubbed her lips, there seemed to be Xu Junyu’s temperature,

"Of course I kissed you." Xu Junyu suddenly lifted his legs and straddled the sofa with one hand. He raised his chin and said.

Su Nuan grinned, "Of course I know! Why is my point so sudden?"

Do you understand what is the point? !

Xu Junyu snorted again, with another invincible expression, "Of course I want to kiss you, so I kissed you!"


Su Nuan rolled his eyes, who had developed him into such an unwelcome, even annoying character.

Too lazy to talk to him, Su Nuan lowered his head and turned the pages of the document in his hand.

"Do you know who wants to get shares in your company?"

After a long while, Su Nuan suddenly said that the person did not look up, but it was obvious that it was directed at Xu Junyu.

This question was so sudden that Xu Junyu, who was arrogant on the side, suddenly frowned.

"Why ask this suddenly."

Su Nuan bit her lip, her eyes rested on a column of the document, and paused.

"I just heard... Fan Yiwen said... someone outside the company..."

Xu Junyu's face sank, "...Fan Yiwen? He is quite informed."

Su Nuan's pen paused, and he could hear Xu Jun's resistance to Fan Yiwen, and subconsciously said, "I only mentioned it occasionally. Besides, everyone in the company should know about this matter?"

Xu Jun and looked at her sideways, "Are you defending Fan Yiwen?"

Su Nuan frowned, put down the papers in her hand, and looked up at him, "We are talking about serious matters, can you not always involve me and Fan Yiwen."

"Didn't you mention him on purpose? Why? Want to see me jealous for you again?"

Su Nuan took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in her heart, and said: "I don't have the leisure time to deal with you who are jealous. Don't you really think how awkward you are at that time? It's purely with myself. Can't find it happy."

"Don't let me hear other men from your mouth in the future, especially your ex."

"Are you too domineering?"

"I'm happy, if you have the ability, you can try another sentence?"

It is also a look of indomitable lack of flatness.

"Xu Junyou! I'm not that stupid. Since I'm separated from Fan Yiwen, I can never plan to be together again. He is with me, no different from a stranger. Since I can talk about it casually She, then it means that he has no weight in my heart. If you care so much, you will always remind me that Fan Yiwen used to be my ex-boyfriend. This situation is even worse, don’t you think?"

"... Can you really make the two people who have been together before can be regarded as complete strangers?"

Su Nuan took a deep breath and shook his head, "Can't do it! If you really care, just find a reason to expel him from the company. If you save it, think about it later."

Xu Junyu loves to hear these words,

In one sentence, I wanted to make Fan Yiwen unemployed. If I care, how could I say such a thing?

"I believe you for the time being!"

Su Nuan gritted her teeth, "I thank you for your trust in advance."

"Hmm. No thanks."


Su Nuan almost wanted to kill him directly.

How could there be such a brazen person in the world.

"what time is it now?"

Xu Junyu successfully avoided Su Nuan’s question just now, and after a few seconds of silence, he asked again

Su Nuan looked up at the phone on the coffee table after hearing the words, "Ten minutes short at ten o'clock. What's wrong?"

Xu Jun let out an "en" and leaned on the sofa, pressing his well-knotted fingers between his eyebrows. It was obvious that he was really worried about something.

"Ten o'clock board meeting."

"..." Su Nuan looked stiff.

The problem that had been suppressed in her heart just now was completely affected by Xu Jun's entangled attitude with this pair.

She didn't know what kind of blame Xu Junyu had to face those directors on the board of directors for a while, but looking at him, she also knew that she would definitely not solve it easily.

Otherwise, how could the dastardly young master who always eat, drink and have fun get to the point of holding his forehead and sighing in the office?

"Xu Jun and..."


"...Can I really help you? Just being by your side to help you as your wife, must it be?"

If not, then just...

Hearing this, Xu Jun and Wei's closed eyes suddenly opened, "If you helped me, would you choose to help me by my side?"

Su Nuan was silent,

"I don't know if I can help you, to be honest, I don't know what to do!"

Su Nuan looked very confused. If she was dragging her into a group fight and cleaning up the gangsters, she would be the first to bear the brunt, but work, her current job, was only after several years of doing her work, before she could get to her current position.

Let her suddenly change the environment and start all over again, she is a little lacking in self-confidence.

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