Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2679: The same reaction

Xu Junyu uncontested and swallowed a stubborn sip of water. The instinct belonged to a man. He wanted to see her make more voices for him and react more. He even wanted to see it. What is the face of the woman who was bullied by herself and crying?

Su Nuan sensed the change in Xu Junyu's mood, and also reflected his current situation.

"Xu Junyou!"

She shouted with a flushed face, obviously refusing.


Xu Jun and sullenly replied, and suddenly leaned over, but his hand opened Su Nuan's neckline.

Seeing the white skin inside, even the soft edge curvature, made Xu Junyu at this moment unbearable.

He squinted tightly, leaned over and kissed her chest.

Su Nuan was shocked and closed her eyes in despair.

It feels that Xu Junyu now doesn't get in at all, and can't listen to anything.

She really didn't understand how he felt so much.

Isn't it invisible to his eyes?

Without a visual impact, how could he suddenly think of throwing her on?

Moreover, she didn't think that even if his eyes could see it, she couldn't expect anything from her body.

Why has it reached this point?

Anyway, I have to get there anyway. Tonight, or now, it shouldn't matter.

Shouting Xu Junyu’s reason, Su Nuan tensed her body and relaxed a little bit. The hands supporting Xu Junyu and shoulders also retracted their strength, resting on their shoulders, feeling the temperature from the shoulders under her hands. And touch, Su Nuan blinked, and there was a different feeling in her heart.

A man's shoulders, Xu Junyu's shoulders, if he could really let himself cling to it for a lifetime, it would be a good thing.

He closed his fingertips slightly, and gently held Xu Junyu's shoulder.

Su Nuan’s movements are very light, but for a woman who has never taken the initiative, this slight movement is simply a leap, and Xu Junyu is not difficult to detect.

If you don't refuse, don't resist, or even respond slightly, today's progress seems to have improved a lot.

Xu Junyu gently rubbed her teeth twice on her softness, and suddenly held her leg with her big hand, and guided her to bend with force, the same on the other side. While Su Nuan was still confused, Xu Junyu had already placed one leg between her legs, half-kneeled there, propped up with both arms, and looked down at Su Nuan with a surprised expression.

Such a posture was too shameful, Su Nuan flushed red, gritted his teeth tightly, and shyly didn't even dare to open his eyes for a while!

Her current posture of shame is all in her mind, ten million people don't want to face the situation at this time.

Why are so embarrassing things that men and women must do?

Xu Junyu leaned over, swept her earlobe with the tip of her tongue, and said in a low voice during her tremor:

"open one's eyes."

"……"how is this possible? Su Nuan closed her eyes vigorously again.

Xu Jun and a chuckle came from his ear, and Su Nuan's eyelashes trembled.

Then I felt Xu Junyu's hand resting on her heart again, squeezing it twice like a prank.

The voice remembered again, "Open your eyes and look at me, eh? See how I love you."

Su Nuan's eyelids trembled fiercely, and Xu Junyu's words were all teasing. While Su Nuan was shy, she slowly opened her eyes.

Love her?

There was a blurred light in the eyes that had just opened, but Xu Jun and the face full of Please Guqian could still be seen clearly.

She was startled at first, but the next second, she felt a trace of satisfaction that she didn't know how to come by.

That feeling was very strange, and I got a complete cake with myself, all my own.

It's very sweet, it's all her own, only her own satisfaction.

Perhaps this may be the so-called possessiveness.

Thinking that Xu Jun and this man belong only to herself in the future, she felt satisfied again.

He said he loves her?

Is it true?

This word, unlike Xu Junyu's words, seemed too inappropriate for her.

But now, still...happy.

Seeing Su Nuanken opened his eyes to look at him, Xu Jun smiled with the hooked lips, and usually rewarded him with a kiss on her lips.

"Good. Hold me tight."

Su Nuan's eyes looked at the hand resting on his shoulder, moved slightly, and finally raised his head, slowly rounding his neck.

Xu Jun raised his brows, surprised by her docileness, but put his arms around her legs and placed them on his waist.

Holding her waist, put her head on the armrest of the sofa.

"Good girl."

Xu Junyu smiled, bowed her head again and kissed her lips, prying her teeth open and leaving his marks in her lips, then slipped off the corners of her lips, landed on the neck, and stayed in her heart. ...

Su Nuan's body gradually became hot and dry, and an inexplicable desire scared her.

Her hands around Xu Jun and her neck were a little strenuous and almost slipped off. She quickly leaned her upper body and hugged Xu Junyu again.

This action was undoubtedly an initiative. Xu Jun paused with the action, and then dropped his hand on her leg, rubbed it twice, then suddenly returned his hand and slid into her thigh, inside and side!

Su Nuan suddenly stiffened, and subconsciously wanted to close his legs, but was stretched by Xu Junyu's elbow.

After a while, Xu Junyu smiled again.

Su Nuan blushed even more.

He slowly approached Su Nuan's face, his handsome face smiling wickedly.



The voice was very low, but the breath was very hot. With just two words, Su Nuan almost wanted to die!

"There is nothing shy about this, do you know what this proves?"

Su Nuan shook her head vigorously, she didn't know, nor did she want to know!

Xu Junyu said to himself:

"Prove that you are passionate, passionate for me, you know? You are longing for me. I'm very happy..."


Seeing Su Nuan's extremely shy look, Xu Junyu suddenly felt very good, and the state of his body reacting can not be ignored now.

Very surprised, Su Nuan can bring him such a strong feeling.

"Still shy?"

Xu Junyu suddenly asked.

Su Nuan didn't speak, but that expression was enough to explain everything.

She thought that Xu Junyu couldn't see it, but Xu Junyu narrowed her eyes to see every micro expression in her eyes.

But her reaction was also in his expectation.

Whether it is or not, it cannot change a result.

He grabbed her hand and stroked her lower abdomen all the way, and finally Su Nuan seemed to perceive something, and tried to withdraw her hand hard, but was pulled by Xu Junyu, and finally pressed accurately under his belt. .

I clearly felt a piece of hard heat!

She struggled twice, but Xu Junyu gave her this opportunity and pulled her hard.

"What are you shy? A man's reaction is the same as your woman's reaction."

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