He gritted his teeth fiercely, and squeezed a word from his teeth for a long time!

"I surrendered one percent of the shares, which is regarded as a meeting gift for the young lady."

Su Nuan grew her mouth, she... is this a share?

What is the concept of one percent?

As a listed company, Xu is a company that can be ranked in Fucheng and even the entire business circle. For so many years, its business has spread all over the world. The directors here do not hold many shares, but But it can be proud of Fucheng among the upper class society, which shows how explosive the profits are.

One percent, how much money did she suddenly have?

one million? Ten million? A billion?

Su Nuan blinked, and with this blink, she had become a rich little woman!

When Su Nuan was satisfied that she had become a rich little woman, Xu Junyu smiled again, "Director Zhang, you hold the most shares among all the shareholders here. You only have a hundred shares. One part, what do you ask other directors to say?"

Director Zhang's face turned pale again in an instant, and the faces of other directors suddenly sank.

This means that none of them can run today?

One percent of the shares, tens of millions of shares, just let it out, still not satisfied?

But Xu Junyu was obviously not satisfied.

"Two percent..." Director Zhang’s voice has already trembled, and that’s all money. How much profit will this two percent share in the next few years or even decades be. It hurts to think about it.

"Three percent." Xu Junyu said suddenly, with an indiscriminate tone, and still finalized everything.

"Mr Xu...Chairman!"

Director Zhang's mouth was white this time, and he yelled Xu Junyu. He suddenly thought of something and turned his head to look at Xu Jiahui on the other side.

There was panic in her tone, her eyes even looked at Xu Jiahui with begging,

Xu Jiahui blinked her eyes faintly, her expression indifferent,

"How many shares does Director Zhang want me to give up?"

Director Zhang instantly understood the meaning of Xu Jiahui's words. She was talking about things outside the company this morning.

Obviously, it is impossible for Xu Jiahui to speak for help.

Who knows that Xu Junyu caught him this morning and caused him so much loss?

"Then three percent..."

In the end, he agreed, otherwise, it would be better than being kicked out of the Xu family by him and leaving the house.

"Then thank you Director Zhang. Secretary Ai!"

"I see, Mr. Xu."

Allie immediately responded, and walked towards Director Zhang with the document in her arms.

Then the stall opened in front of Director Zhang and said: "Transfer 3% of your shares to the name of Mrs. President, please confirm and sign."

Director Zhang looked at the equity transfer book in front of him and frowned fiercely. He raised his head and glanced at Ai Li. Ai Li tucked at the corner of his lips, and smiled slightly at him without fault.

The smile is clearly mixed with some unspeakable meanings, but Director Zhang, and even everyone understands, today’s board of directors, it is fake to kick who and who out of the board, in fact, it is to exploit their equity. true.

In this way, it is almost like being rebelled by an army. They all wanted to share the shares of the Xu family's mother and son, but they didn't expect that now, they would be allowed to pinch more.

I gritted my teeth, although I understand Xu Junyu’s plan, but now, there is no other way.

Can only hold a pen and sign on it.

Seeing him obediently sign, Xu Jun smiled with satisfaction.

"Director Wang and Director Qin, the two surrendered 2% of the shares, shouldn't it be a problem?"

Without waiting for the consent of Director Wang and Director Qin, Ai Li checked Director Wang’s signature and after confirming that it was correct, she directly gave the other two documents to Director Wang and Director Qin.

The meaning is obviously domineering,

You can sign today, or you can sign if you don’t.

Seeing that Director Zhang has already signed it, it is obviously unreasonable for them not to sign.

The idea is the same as that of Director Zhang. It is better to sign than to be kicked out.

The two looked at each other, and finally sighed, bowed their heads and signed their names.

After confirming, Ellie put away the files and walked to Xu Junyu's side, "Mr. Xu, there is no problem."

Xu Junyu nodded, "Next, for those of you who hold more than 2% of the shares in your hands, I would like to thank you for the 1% meeting."



No one really wanted to let it go, it was really cruel.

Ally distributed the remaining equity transfer documents to everyone. Although the directors were unwilling in every possible way, but seeing that the first three directors had already signed, they could only sign the so-called "meeting ceremony" in disgrace.

It's more expensive to marry a daughter-in-law than any of them!

There are a few girls in the world who get married and receive so many meeting gifts!

Xu Junyu had been waiting for them to sign one by one, and after asking Ally to confirm, did they signal her to give Xu Jiahui a look.

Xu Jiahui glanced at the contract and felt that it was okay, so she said something.

"Thank you for your kindness. Let's end the meeting."

This was the only decision she made on the board of directors this time.

The people in a conference room stood up, never wanting to stay here for another second, and rushed towards the door one by one.

When they were all gone, only Xu Jun and Su Nuan were left in the meeting room.

Ai Li followed Xu Jiahui to go through the follow-up procedures,

Su Nuan was still in shock and did not recover, nor did he realize that Xu Junyu played with her hand in the palm of her hand. In the end she seemed full of interest, and finally kissed her on her lips.

Su Nuan didn’t realize that something was wrong until the hot and humid touch came from his fingers.

Looking down, he saw that Xu Junyu was doing strange things.

The corners of her mouth twitched and she moved her fingers, "I didn't wash my hands in the bathroom just now!"

Xu Junyu paused, then laughed slightly.

"Poop or pee?"


Su Nuan rolled her eyes, but Xu Junyu had already pulled her and let her sit on his lap.

"It's okay, I don't dislike you."

Su Nuan is also habitual, not struggling anymore, it's useless anyway.

Just turned his head and looked towards the door of the meeting room,

Everyone had already walked through, and the two high gates were closed, and it seemed that no one had come in.

She let out a breath of relief, and stared at Xu Junyu with her head down.

"Can you not always do this, this is the company!"

"Did I treat you like that."

Xu Junyu looked innocent, Su Nuan pursed her lips, anyhow not arguing with him about this,

Wasting time and energy,

Seeing her becoming more and more submissive, Xu Junyu couldn't help but smile, raising her head and kissing her lips accurately.

"Happy? Su Dong."

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