Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 274: I want to pee

As a result, the boss swept over with a cold look, and he clearly heard that the child took a breath of cold air immediately before being choked by the air, coughing and crying again.

The child's grandmother and wife hurried over, but the boss walked into the house with an extremely indifferent expression, not even looking at them.

If you look at it this way, the boss should not like children very much, but why is it so gentle when facing this child.

Is it just because this female doll is too cute than the previous one?

The corner of the left wing's mouth twitched. Unexpectedly, his boss is so superficial that he judges people by appearance!

For adults, even children choose!

What made the left wing felt even more incredible was that Sheng Yuchen actually bent down, squatted on the ground, took the little girl by the hand, gently embraced her in his arms, and said softly:

"What's wrong? Where's your mother?"


Doudou shook his head, did not speak, and stared at Sheng Yuchen's close face with his big eyes.

Seeing Doudou shaking his head, Sheng Yuchen's eyebrows moved slightly imperceptibly, and he continued to ask:

"Then, where is your father?"


Doudou didn't speak, his eyes still fixed on Sheng Yuchen, but a small hand grabbed the pocket of Sheng Yuchen's suit!

Sheng Yuchen's eyebrows were completely frowned, and her dark eyes glanced around, and she saw that there really seemed to be no parents around.

After thinking about it, Sheng Yuchen stretched out his hands and stuffed Doudou's arms under Doudou's arms, and Doudou opened his arms obediently.

When she got up again, Doudou was already in her arms by Sheng Yuchen.

A slender, handsome man holds a super cute baby in his arms.

The gesture of holding the child is obviously not very skilled, although it looks abrupt, but it is also particularly seductive.

"Uncle take you to the radio room to find your parents, okay?"

Sheng Yuchen's voice was extremely gentle, and his handsome face was kind of love that he didn't even know.

Doudou pouted, his big eyes flickered twice, and a little moisture swirled in his eye sockets, and then reached out and put his arms around Sheng Yuchen's neck tightly.

Sheng Yuchen was stunned. The grievances and tears in the child's eyes were all seen by him, and he felt a pain in his heart.

The arms holding Doudou tightened involuntarily.

The left wing's jaw dropped from the side in surprise. Can his boss still be so gentle?

Too weird!

Doudou was lying on Sheng Yuchen's shoulder, big and big tears fell on Sheng Yuchen's suit, and his small body was trembling faintly.

Sheng Yuchen thought she was scared because she couldn't find her parents, and stretched out her hand to gently rub Doudou's body.

"Don't be afraid, uncle will take you to find mom and dad!"

But the little hands on the neck became tighter.

At this moment, Xiao Doudou has secretly wiped away the tears on his face, and his face is full of indignation.

No way!

She cannot easily surrender to Daddy's gentleness, she wants to avenge her mother!

After thinking about it, his **** eyes rolled twice.

"Uncle, I want to pee!"

The steps Sheng Yuchen had just taken suddenly stopped, and his dark eyes flashed uncomfortably twice.

Go to the toilet?

"Uncle, I want to go to the toilet!"

Doudou repeated another sentence, with a tone of eagerness, and his calf kicked restlessly in Sheng Yuchen's arms, as if he couldn't help it.

"Okay, uncle will take you there!"

"hurry up!"

Sheng Yuchen held Doudou and turned to look at the left wing, "Where is the bathroom?"

The left wing was stunned for a while before reacting, "Boss, let me come!"

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