Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2691: Look for someone's mouth so accurate

Finally, on the basis of letting him do whatever he wants, he fights for some rights for himself.

"Okay." Xu Junyu smiled lightly, and hugged her obediently, really honest.

There was no sound in the office for a while, Xu Junyu sat behind Su Nuan, watching her lower her head, revealing her slender white neck, and her small and soft earlobes dangling in front of his eyes, making his eyes dazzling.

Time passed for a long time, and when Su Nuan was completely relaxed, Xu Junyu finally couldn't bear it, and put his hands on Su Nuan's stomach and started to move slowly.

The tip of her nose touched Su Nuan's neck and gently sniffed the smell of her body.

He has always been very curious, why a woman, without the auxiliary role of perfume, can actually be so fragrant.

Although the fragrance of women is normal, the fragrance seems to penetrate into her bones. He feels that her blood also has this faint fragrance, which makes people unable to help but want to bite her. One bite, taste her blood, how fragrant it is.

The movements of Xu Jun and his hands weren't too wanton, and the range was not too big. Within the range that Su Nuan didn't notice, he usually treated her sloppyly anyway, and she didn't care about some movements.

Whether it was Xu Jun and the hand that moved on her body or the breath he sprayed on his neck, the whole person didn't seem to notice anything.

Before Su Nuan had a big reaction, he was not very happy, but now that he has no reaction, he doesn't seem to be very happy either.

Seeing Su Nuan still looking like no one else, he suddenly became dissatisfied, grabbed Su Nuan's waist, lifted her up with a strong lift, turned around, and let her sit face to face on his lap.

Su Nuan had a panic on her face. She didn't expect Xu Junyu to come here suddenly. She didn't react for a while, but seeing Xu Junyu's face, no matter how stupid she was, she would know what was going on.

Here again? !


Su Nuan is really angry this time, how many times has he been going back and forth like this today?

Why does he like to do this kind of thing so much? !

Where did she seduce him?

Where is it? It's really weird!

"Xu Junyu, I suddenly regret it!"

Xu Junyu's palm was against Su Nuan's waist, and her warm palm was pressed against her back, and she couldn't put it down.


Su Nuan gritted her teeth and stared at him: "If I come to the company in the future, will you be like today, and you will be awkward in a while! If so, I refuse to promise you to come to the company!"

"That won't work! Today I announced in front of so many shareholders that you will come. If you don't come, how can you let me establish majesty in front of them?"

"..." Su Nuan pressed her mouth tightly, frowned and entangled for a while, then looked up and saw his smirk, Su Nuan immediately became angry again, "That's your business! Xu Jun And, did you hesitate when you were ready just now, no, I will come when you are ready, right?"

Su Nuan suddenly had a guess. From the beginning to the end, it seemed that all of this was within Xu Junyu’s plan, including the 13% of the shares allocated by the directors, and she...


She couldn't fight with Xu Shi before, even if she married Xu Junyu, it has nothing to do with her directly.

But why did she suddenly come to the company today?

She twisted her eyebrows and thought about it. This morning, it was Xu Jun and the one who asked her to come to the company.

It was when she mentioned her job that Xu Junyu obviously didn't have much attitude, just let her follow to the company.

But now, not only has she suddenly become a shareholder holding 13% of the company’s shares, she has also promised him to quit his job in Li Shi and come to her company to help...

As for why she agreed to him in the first place...

Because of……

Because of what?

Xu Junyu didn't seem to say anything. It was the Secretary Dabo who made this suggestion...

Is it Xu Jun and?

However, Xu Junyu didn’t seem to be involved much,

She stared at Xu Junyu, her eyes filled with doubts, was it his arrangement?

Not sure.

"Su Dong, this is also your company. Now the company is in turmoil, internal and external troubles, I really need your help. Otherwise, I will be in serious trouble!"

"..." Su Nuan frowned, "Then what if I didn't promise you to come to the company to help you? What would you do?"

"Then I can only take the risk of finding someone else who can help me. If there is any problem, I can only admit that I am unlucky. Once there is a little accident, I can really sit down as the CEO. ."

"..." Su Nuan was silent.

But she was not reconciled, always felt that she was calculated,

"I'm hungry,"

A little worried that Su Nuan's temper will come up, and then really pick him up.

Xu Junyu did not continue to harass her, and changed the subject.

After hearing this, Su Nuan looked down at his stomach and saw the posture between him and her. She sat on his lap in this posture, looking down, which was even more embarrassing.

"Hungry... I'm hungry too, let's go eat!"

Su Nuan struggling to jump off Xu Junyu's lap, shaking his head left and right, just in time to see the black simple art clock on the table.

Only found out that it was noon.

"Hehe...It's really time for you to be hungry. It's just noon, shall we go down to find my mother for lunch?"

Xu Junyu leaned back on the chair and sighed, a little yin and yang strangely authentic:

"I was slapped by her just now, and now I'm going to eat with her again, so I lose face? Not going."

"...He's your mother... Are you embarrassed?" Su Nuan smiled, covering her mouth, "Don't be embarrassed, your mom has seen the shame of your bare butt, let alone her Just slapped, how normal is it?"


"Besides, do you still want your mother to lower her head to admit her mistake? She must have hit you because she thinks nothing is wrong. If you suddenly get a grudge because of a slap, how sad is your mother?!"


"Hey! Xu Junyu, talk to you...we..."

"Let's go!"

Xu Junyu simply reached out his hand to stop Su Nuan's next nagging, and stood up with helpless expression.

Su Nuan was stunned, looked at him and asked, "Go? Where to go?"

"Go find my mother to eat together!"

Su Nuan deliberately emphasized, sighed, took her hand and walked out of the office.

Su Nuan watched him helplessly from behind, curled her lips and smiled secretly.

"What do you want to eat at noon? Let me tell you, don't eat noodles, don't you know! Feeding you noodles is too troublesome..."

"It's only a few days now, are you impatient?"

"Can't it be annoying? You can eat it yourself if you have the ability!"

"If I can eat myself, can I still use you?"

"You can't eat it in your nose again! Besides, it's so accurate to find someone else's mouth..."

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