Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2702: Are you jealous?

"Who do you hear that I have experience?"

Su Nuan frowned slightly, "Do you still have to hear?"

Xu Jun leaned on his elbow halfway, was silent for a while, then suddenly smiled, "Are you angry?"

Su Nuan turned her head to the side, "No. Why should I be angry?"

"You are angry!" Xu Junyu said suddenly and confidently, "Are you jealous?"

Su Nuan pursed her mouth, "I don't have one!"

"Give me a stiff mouth at this time?"


Su Nuan suddenly yelled, and her whole body suddenly rolled up, her fingers gripped Xu Junyu's shoulder tightly, her breathing trembled.

Xu Junyu crushed her sensitivity hard, "It is hateful that a woman's mouth is hardened. I still hope you are the most honest and will not lie. Sometimes you should be as sincere as her."

Like... she? Just as sincere?

Su Nuan was awkward to hear this.

But now, she has no extra thoughts to think about it.

Xu Junyu lowered his head and suddenly caught her earlobe.

" are you doing..."

Xu Jun and the hot lips made Su Nuan almost cry.

When does this kind of thing come to an end?

"It's not a good habit to talk about it, maybe someone who doesn't pay attention in the future will easily become an aunt who only talks about gossip all day! Mrs. Xu, I don't like gossip..."

Su Nuan simply closed his mouth and stopped talking. He is a gossip-making protagonist, does he have the right to say that to others?

"In the future, if you have any dissatisfaction, tell me directly. If you are not sure, if you want to know, you can ask me. You unilaterally define me like this, and I am very sad."

Sad your sister!

Why is she unilateral, what is known to all, he has never denied it?

But what does he mean by that?

Are all his previous headlines, rumors, and gossip fake?

how is this possible?

Every time rumors, news, headlines, which woman around him has been the same?

The play changed in tricks, now it is said to be fake, only a fool believes it!

Everyone has a mouth, but everyone has two eyes. In number, two eyes have one more eye than one mouth?

Xu Jun and Jian Su Nuan kept silent, and patiently fumbled for her hand, took it off his shoulder,

"what are you doing……"

Su Nuan wanted to withdraw forcefully, but he couldn't match Xu Junyu's strength. Finally, he held his hand and prodded it all the way domineeringly, directly covering his scorching heat.

Hard as hot iron, her hands felt hot instantly.


It was instinct to withdraw his hand, but Xu Junyu pressed it hard, it was his choice.

He held his hand tightly, Su Nuan's face blushed to the extreme.

"Here, not all women can covet it. It belongs to you now and in the future..."

Su Nuan's red body had a thin layer of sweat. She felt the hard beating in her hands. Shame and despair coexisted, making her a little confused.

It's just the body's instinct that made her feel hot.

The only thing left in my mind is what Xu Jun and just said,

Now and later, it belongs to her alone...

Although what she said brought too much ambiguity and shame, she still understood the point.

In other words, he will belong to her alone in the future, and he will belong to her in the future...

Sometimes women are really a species that is too easy to be influenced by feelings. As long as a man says a word in their hearts, all their previous worries and persistence will be instantly forgotten by them, and they will become desperate for everything, even, It's almost like brainwashing, brainless, unconditionally trusting that man.

These are all changes from a woman who Su Nuan was puzzled at before, and even complained and despised.

Even in the face of Chu Qing, she has never been merciful, but the more she said, the more proof they were in the quagmire of emotional stubbornness.

Su Nuan now has no consciousness at all, but from the reaction point of view, she is only a woman in the end. The species of woman seems to have some natural force majeure things,

For example, now, because of Xu Junyu’s words, all her previous resistance and psychological resistance have been rushed to the side.

This man...

Can you really belong to yourself in the future?

She is a woman, no matter what, she needs a man in her life, right?

Although she can choose to be alone in her life, no woman will choose to be alone unless she is helpless.

Regardless of outsider's gaze, mother's expectation, or material, or dependence, or spiritual filling, or physical needs, just like most men never thought that there would be no women, women are the same.

Su Nuan's sudden emotional change made Xu Junyu feel a little confused, but also a little happy.

"What are you thinking?... So soft... Do you want it?... How can I help you, huh?"

Xu Junyu felt Su Nuan's body gradually softening, and there was a charming aura everywhere. He couldn't help but sighed, lowered his head to her ear and tried to lure her.

"..." Su Nuan shyly shrank her chin, biting her lip without speaking.

It's just that expression, all seductive.

Xu Junyu squinted her eyes and swallowed with difficulty, her patience had reached the edge.

Holding Su Nuan's hand on top of him, she actually started to move, feeling her soft and warm hand stroking him, Xu Junyu's breathing gradually increased, almost causing him to crash. !

"Do you want it? Hmm?"

He asked again, and started to fondle her hands up and down.

Su Nuan's face flushed, and he clearly felt that the thing was really moving, as if there was life.

She gaped her mouth for a moment, staring at her, not knowing what to do.


"You'll want it!" Xu Junyu couldn't wait to rob him.

People had already let go of her, Su Nuan didn't expect that she could be liberated so quickly, and she didn't know the reason, there was a vague idea in her heart that made her feel extremely ashamed.

Although Xu Junyu said that he let her go, he did not say that he gave up. What he needs now is more pleasure and excitement.

When Su Nuan was a little bit empty and lost, Xu Jun and her hands had already cooperated to put the last thin layer of defense she was only on. Su Nuan intuitively felt cold below. She was at a loss for what to do, nervous and shy, she instinctively wanted He closed his legs, but Xu Junyu’s shoulders got stuck,

It turned out that Xu Junyu was already kneeling there. After several attempts to no avail, she finally could only cover her flushed face with her free hands.

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