What's more, she was just drunk, not dead!


The only possibility is that Xu Junyu lied to her!

What she has had a relationship with him, he didn't touch her at all when he was drunk last time!

"Be good! Don't move..."

Damn, struggling like this, she shrank without rhythm at all, almost driving him crazy!

But now Su Nuan is still willing to listen to Xu Junyu's words. It's okay for him not to speak. Now as long as she hears his voice, she is so angry that she wants to break his body into pieces!

"Damn it! Xu Junyu, you lied to me...you liar, let me go...it hurts!!"

Su Huan yelled angrily. Every time she yelled, she had to use enough strength. As long as she tried hard, Xu Junyu's scalp numb by the feeling of her contraction somewhere!

"Damn it! Don't move!"

"You **** it! You big liar! You are a tempter---fuck! Let me go!"

The shyness and seductiveness I had just now came to nothing, and there was no shadow at all.

[One thousand words omitted here...V group has...]

After exercising, Xu Junyu lay on his side, tightly holding the scented woman's body in his arms. After a short rest, he looked at her sideways.

The face and body are almost pink and tender red, the pink chest is up and down, breathing is still a little bit rapid, eyes are slightly closed, and the feeling of love on his face has obviously not disappeared.

The lazy, fragrant look all over his body made Xu Jun and his mood extremely happy.

It’s like a reward after hard work,

Seeing her satiated face, can there be more meaningful rewards than this?

Reached out and hooked her hair from the sweat on both sides of her cheeks to one side, and watched her move her head slightly because of the itching. The lazy and gentle look was in the eyes, and she wanted people to rub her directly into the bones. .

How can this woman be so soft when she is soft?

Seeing Su Nuan's breathing gradually stabilized, Xu Junyu lifted up and kissed her lips. She felt that her breathing was warm and soft, and she was only kissing her rewardingly. When he tasted the soft lips, he was reluctant to let go.


Su Nuan, who was bullied and unable to move, was kissed by Xu Junyu in this way. Perhaps Xu Junyu was accustomed to the bullying. When Xu Junyu kissed her, he didn’t think of rejecting it. Consciously responded to him,

This is a great gain for Xu Junyu.


Xu Junyu kissed her hard, and when she heard a low groan, he slowly let go of her.

At this moment, the whole person is still a little bit sturdy in the past, soft and tender is simply too tempting,

"How do you feel?"

Xu Junyu asked her while rubbing her waist gently with his hands.

Su Nuan's slightly closed eyelashes trembled slightly. She looked at Xu Junyu, a little bit of anger was gathered in her chest at the beginning, but after thinking about her current state, she didn't bother to use the strength of moving her fingers. , Regenerative Qi can only make life difficult with oneself.

Feeling angry, sometimes sending out, without the strength to send out, it is also a sad reminder!

Seeing her glaring at her, Xu Junyu pursed her lips and continued to use the blind's specialty, turning a blind eye.

Then he turned over, got out of bed, hugged Su Nuan, and carried her into the bathroom.

Su Nuan first struggled with resistance twice, but Xu Junyu bumped her and asked: "Why? Don't take a bath? Do you want to keep my things overnight?"

Su Nuan paused. Two seconds later, she suddenly realized what Xu Junyu meant. At almost the same time, she also felt the wet and sticky touch under her body.

She blushed immediately, opened her mouth, and realized that her throat was very hot. Finally, she simply shut her mouth and stopped struggling or talking. She obediently leaned in Xu Junyu’s arms, closing her eyes and letting him go. What is love!

Xu Junyu was a little bit dumbfounded when she saw her breaking the jar.

"If you don't speak, it's acquiescence."

Xu Junyu said self-consciously.

Su Nuan raised his eyelids and gave him a faint look. The look was quite meaningful. A look that you want to think about, and the look in your eyes made Xu Junyu feel unreasonably cute.

Really... convinced this woman.

Entering the bathroom, Xu Jun and Su Nuan put Su Nuan on the leather sofa outside the bath, and went into the bathroom by themselves. When Su Nuan was puzzled, there were a few noises inside, and they didn’t know what they were doing. The sound of running water,

Su Nuan curled her mouth, her heart felt a little unbalanced. She was naked and put her aside, and she felt comfortable first.

It's clear where to follow.

It seems that in the future, she still has to rely on herself.

He shook his head and sighed by the way, worried terribly about his future.

"Sigh what?"

When Su Nuan was complaining about herself, Xu Junyu’s voice suddenly sounded. Su Nuan turned her head and saw Xu Junyu walking towards her step by step. She was naked, fleshy, and she was about to blink blindly. Closed her eyes.

At this time, she also discovered that it seemed that just now, he came in with her naked body and hugging her.

She choked, her gaze moved damnably and uncontrollably somewhere in him, and finally felt wrong, and quickly moved her gaze away.

Then the corners of her mouth twitched abruptly. Damn, what happened to her?

Why do you look at him so shamelessly?

And just almost couldn't catch his sight.

Obviously knowing that it should not be, but just like her own body reaction just now, all her movements are completely out of her brain center, and one by one is very independent!

In the end, if you make trouble, you have to take care of everything.


She said uncomfortably, and finally found that her throat was very uncomfortable because of the scream just now, and she could not help clearing her throat.

It was another embarrassment.

Su Nuan turned her head and closed her eyes, wishing to hit herself twice.

Why are you so boring!


Xu Jun and this time also chuckled out of shame.

Su Nuan is even more embarrassed.

Does this man know what it means to be embarrassing for others?

It was embarrassing at first, but now it is even more embarrassing? !

Xu Junyu approached her and looked down at Su Nuan, who was naked and frank, lying on his side on the sofa...

His eyes narrowed slightly again, how come he felt that this woman was a fairy?

Knowing that he can't see with his eyes, he's so confident?

Stooping, his hands suddenly fell under Su Nuan, frightening Su Nuan.

"What are you doing?"

"...Are you afraid of me?"

Xu Jun and Shen said in a deep voice, but their movements did not stop, and they forcefully picked Su Nuan from the sofa.

Su Nuan frowned, weakened all over, and could only let him pick up, holding Xu Junyu's shoulders tightly with both hands with the remaining strength, for fear that the blind man would accidentally throw herself out.

Xu Jun and Su Nuan walked all the way into the innermost bathroom, then bent over and put Su Nuan into the bathtub.

Su Nuan then realized afterwards that the sound from the bathroom just now turned out to be that he was filling the bathtub with water.

But the feeling of being gradually wrapped in warm water is really too comfortable.

Feeling that the pores all over the body seemed to open and penetrate into the body, she couldn't help but sigh

I just sighed on the sofa, now think about it, a waste of emotions!

"It should be a comfortable voice now, right?"

Xu Jun and squatted down, seemingly determined to make her say the word "comfortable" from her mouth.

Su Nuan pursed her lips, sank slightly, and hid her mouth and chin under the nose in the water.

[The chapter is blocked, please ignore the duplicate phenomenon. For repeated purchases, the comment section will be placed on top of the group and red envelopes will be issued. 】

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