Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2723: Chance encounter

Su Man knew it, so he was relieved.

"Is it better now?" Suman asked again.

Su Nuan quickly said, "It's better." She patted Xu Junyu on the shoulder again, and said, "Let me down."

Xu Jun frowned, "Is it really okay? Don't force it."

"Yes!" Even if she crawled out today, she couldn't keep doing this kind of action anymore.

"Hurry up and let me down!"

Xu Junyu pursed her lips. From the corner of her eyes, she caught a glimpse of a rest area not far away, so she said, "Where is the rest going? I will put you down there and take a good rest."

As soon as Su Nuan's eyes rolled, he was not surprised to see the rest area not far away, and hurriedly said: "Go ahead for a dozen meters and you will be there. Go ahead!"

Tian Ling Ling Ling Ling, really helped her a lot.

Under Su Nuan’s instructions, Xu Junyu hugged her all the way to the rest area, put her on the sofa,

"Sit and rest for a while, are you thirsty? Do you want to drink water?" He said with a smile, and Su Nuan's tone was particularly uncomfortable.

Su Nuan pursed her lips, her throat is really astringent. Although she tried not to make herself sound in the fitting room just now, she still had a certain pressure on her throat when she was forbearing.

Now it feels very strong.

She nodded,

Xu Junyu said, "Then wait. I'll buy water."


Su Nuan wanted to stop him, he was blind, but he was quite capable of arguing about everything.

But Xu Junyu had already turned around and planned to leave.

However, when he turned around, Su Man, who had been following them, stood not far away, looking straight into Xu Jun and Xu Jun's narrow eyes with a pair of shrewd eyes.

Xu Jun and his lips hooked.

"Hey, Xu Junyu, is it convenient for you? Otherwise...I'm not very thirsty either..."

Su Nuan didn't know why Xu Jun and why would pause, considering the problem of eyes, she decided to endure it.

"It's okay, I'll accompany Jun Yu. You're here for a while."


Su Nuan moved her brows slightly, stared at Su Man for a few seconds, and responded blankly.

Su Man didn't look at her the least, looked towards Xu Junyu, and said lightly: "Let's go."

Xu Junyu did not refuse, and nodded directly, "Okay."

Su Nuan sat on the spot, watching Xu Jun and He Su Man leave, frowning, and her eyes were puzzled.

What her mother usually hates most is repeating things. Don't think she is just a housewife. There are still many things she can't understand. The most important thing is efficiency.

Obviously simple things can be done, but if there is no easy way to solve them, her temper will rise.

Obviously, it is something that can be done by one person, and absolutely do not want to waste manpower for two people to do it together.

This time too, Xu Jun is inconvenient with her eyes. According to her mother’s temperament, it is just a matter of buying a few bottles of water and walking a few more steps. She can do it alone, and she does not need to let Xu Jun go with them. ,

But today, why would two people buy water together?

Although asking the elders to buy water for their two younger generations sounds a bit unreasonable, she also knows that her mother is not a person who pays attention to those.

Or maybe you suddenly became more particular today?

Forget it, anyway, she was a mother-in-law for the first time, maybe she really cared about it.

Su Nuan didn’t think too much, sitting on the sofa, rubbing her waist, trying to slow herself down.

The people around were staring at Su Nuan with all kinds of eyes. Su Nuan bite the bullet and endured it for a while, and finally turned around unbearably.

She had just turned her side, the eyes of a man who had been looking here not far away suddenly widened, and the toy box in her hand tightened suddenly.

That face, although it has changed a lot, but when you look carefully, it still has the outline of a child.

The man's temples were white, and his face was obviously showing signs of time. His eyes were fixed on Su Nuan, and his footsteps involuntarily took two steps in her direction.

Su Nuan turned around to avoid the eyes of those people, but did not expect that after turning around, she would receive the eyes that made her more uncomfortable.

She frowned displeasedly and looked up. When she saw the man who was looking at her excitedly not far in front of her, her frowning face immediately sank.

In those eyes, he narrowed slightly, and looked at the man opposite coldly, full of rejection and resentment.

That hatred that couldn't be more clear, caused the man who was slowly approaching her to stop.

Su Nuan took a look in the man's hand, and what he was holding should be the latest mecha toy at the moment. The packaged box looks like a hard item, a toy, something that can't be reached for less than a thousand dollars. , He is holding tightly now.

For whom, of course she knows,

Finally, he hoped that the son he dreamed of came, but he didn't have to spoil him like an ancestor.

Back then, he was a man who even gave her the money for a skirt. Now he compares, and there is really no harm if there is no comparison.

What a girl buys is wasteful and not worth it. No matter how much money the son spends or the amount of broken copper and iron plastic, it is not too much.

This is the contrast!

It's just that the true love and happiness gained by abandoning wives and daughters should not be satisfied and live happily?

How does it look now a bit older than someone of his age?

Is it uncomfortable?

His so-called "true love" shares the bed with him, and the baby son is with him. Shouldn't he be happy to die?

If everyone has everything he ever wanted, he will wake up with a smile at night, right?

Why are you so virtuous now?

Su Nuan snorted coldly, too, his son is not so easy to raise, and his wife is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

Otherwise, where did the private money in her hand come from?

With his son's personality, he may not be able to bear it even if he tossed up people.

However, it is estimated that he could not ask for it.

Otherwise, is there any other reason?

Guilt for their mother and daughter?

Haha, pull it down!

Putting these two characters on Qian Junfeng's body really ruined these two characters in vain.

Looking at the scornful, icy, mocking smile on Su Nuan's face, Qian Junfeng didn't even dare to take a step closer to her.

After all, it was he who was sorry for their mother and daughter back then, not to mention, that year, he personally hit her so cruelly...

She should hate him too!


Qian Junfeng looked down at the toy box he was holding. He couldn't help but squeeze his teeth. He still bite the bullet and walked towards Su Nuan.

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