Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2722: Protect for a lifetime


Su Nuan habitually went into the bedroom and changed loose home clothes. Xu Junyu took off his coat. Seeing Su Nuan, who was still in a bad mood, walked to her, hugged her from behind and sat on the bed.

Su Nuan didn't have any strength, so he let him hold without talking.

Xu Jun rubbed the tip of her nose against the top of her hair and said softly:

"what happened?"

Su Nuan sighed softly, and shook her head weakly, "It's okay."

Xu Junyu frowned, "Su Xiaonuan, I know who you met today. What I am asking is, what happened between you? Or do you think I don't need to know about this kind of thing?"

At the end of Xu Junyu's speech, his tone had become gloomy, obviously.

Su Nuan pursed her lips and was silent for a while before saying:

"I met by chance today, but I didn't expect him to come up and entangle. I don't understand. Isn't he prepared to never get involved in this life when he did something like that? He should hide from us before it is too late. Take the initiative today Come up to say hello, I don't know what he is thinking?"

Xu Junyu leaned on the bed, hugged Su Nuan in his arms, rubbing Su Nuan's hair in his hand, tapping her fingers gently on her shoulder, and the expression on her face was lightly fluttering and looked a little gloomy.

"I never thought, is there a problem with today's encounter?"

Su Nuan frowned and lifted his head from Xu Junyu's arms, looking inquiring.

"What do you mean?"

Xu Junyu raised her eyebrows, curled her lips and smiled.

Su Nuan's expression was a bit trance, although Xu Jun and smiles are not uncommon, but this time, the mysterious appearance is a bit unpredictable, which makes people feel quite sexy.

Knowing that she had thought about something that she shouldn't have, Su Nuan flashed unnaturally on her face, put away her thoughts, and looked at Xu Junyu seriously.

Xu Junyu was very satisfied with Su Nuan's expression just now, and he hugged her a little bit, Su Nuan's forehead leaned close to him, and he kissed it.

Rubbing her soft and slender waist with her hands, she felt more and more feeling too good.

"Hey..." Su Nuan blushed, and struck his shoulder with a small fist, reminding him not to be so frivolous.

Xu Junyu chuckled and lifted Su Nuan's body.

Then he didn't continue, accepting his expression, and continued:

"Looking at his eager attitude towards you today, he hasn't seen each other in more than ten years? Living in the same city, if you want to find you and apologize and confess to you, these should have been done long ago. Year... heh..."

Xu Jun and sneer sneered, which was meaningful.

Su Nuan's face was not very good either, she was resting on Xu Junyu's shoulders, her eyes were cold and emotionless.

"I have thought about this. For more than ten years, I haven't explained or apologized for what I did back then. If you want to find us, it can't be delayed for so long. He should...have too late to hide from us, and he should still worry. , Will I go back, seek justice for us back then, get back what should belong to me, and grab the property from his precious son..."

These are not impossible. It depends on Qian Junfeng's patriarchal thoughts. How could he allocate his hard-working family business to a daughter who would marry sooner or later and become a member of someone else's family.

Giving something to his daughter is equivalent to giving it to someone else for no reason. How could he be happy!

Xu Junyu nodded, there are such people in the world, and Qian Junfeng is not the only one.

However, there is only Qian Junfeng who can do this kind of thing.

"So, he should avoid you for fear, and suddenly appeared in front of you this time... Do you think he might really want to apologize to you?"

This kind of possibility, he has only one side of Qian Junfeng... but he only has one side today. He doesn't quite understand what kind of person he really is.

But only on the one hand, Qian Junfeng's strong purpose is really exposed in his eyes.

Su Nuan snorted amusedly when Xu Junyu said this, "As you just said, if you want to apologize, you should have done it a long time ago. It shouldn't be waited for more than ten years... he risked my possibility. The risk of getting something back from him, come and pester me... I don't know what he is thinking now..."

Xu Jun and the hand tapping Su Nuan's shoulder paused slightly, and his eyes narrowed slightly, and he said meaningfully:

"Yeah, what is he thinking about?"

Xu Jun and his eyes were filled with deep meaning, and they couldn't get out for a long time.

Su Nuan suddenly sat up from his arms, "I don't care what he wants to do, if he keeps entanglement and hurts my mother again, I will not spare him lightly!"

Xu Junyu stretched out his hand, pushed her hard onto the bed, turned over and pressed her under him.

Su Nuan was caught off guard and looked at him warily.

"Xu Junyu, you can stop..."

Xu Jun and his head buried in Su Nuan's neck and took a deep breath, Su Nuan's body was a little tight.

But Xu Junyu didn't do anything to Su Nuan, but raised his head and said against her forehead:

"Mom naturally someone will protect her, so you don't need to bother too much."

Su Nuan blinked, "You mean Uncle Zhao?"

"Don't believe him?"

"Of course I believe. He protected my mother for a lifetime."

Xu Junyu smiled, leaned over her ear and whispered:

"I will protect you forever."

Su Nuan's heart jumped suddenly, raised her eyes, and stared at Xu Junyu with a little stiff gaze.

"You..." She moved her lips, only feeling her heart beating.

"You can……"

"I will... protect you for the rest of my life."

Su Nuan's eyes trembled, her hand involuntarily lifted up, lightly resting on Xu Junyu's shoulder, her eyes trembled and looked at Xu Junyu.

"I... where do I need to protect... I have strength... Others can't bully me..."

Su Nuan's eyes were a little dodging, her expression and tone were full of shyness.

"But with me, you don't need to exert any strength at all, you can save your strength..."

Xu Junyu suddenly raised his lips and laughed, leaning close to Su Nuan and said:

"Save it... do something more meaningful with me..."

Su Nuan’s face suddenly turned black when she was still moved, thinking of Xu Jun and pushing her in the dressing room of the mall today, adding up the "new hatred and old hatred", she pushed Xu Jun and aside with force. !

Then she jumped off the bed, stood by the bed, and said angrily:

"Xu Junyu, I will never allow you to touch me in the future! Without my permission, absolutely not!"

Xu Junyu sat up from the bed, leaned against the head of the bed, with one slender leg bent, his hands on his knees, and Su Wenhua looked indignant and lazy!

Who knows, what he said next almost didn't make Su heating up his sleeves and hit him!

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