Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2728: My good wife

Seeing Xu Junyu who seemed to be unhappy at the beginning, Su Nuan was heartbroken, stretched out four fingers, and said confidently: "Four times!"

Xu Jun and the hands rubbing Su Nuan used a little force, and even though the corners of their mouths were tight, they couldn't help but tugged twice.

"My good wife, why are you so kind?"

Xu Junyu leaned over and rubbed Su Nuan's body into his arms, circled her, reached behind her, and touched her delicate back frame. With his wrists turned up slightly, he moved Su Nuan's pajamas from behind. Picked up.

After that, Xu Jun and Su Nuan sat up, raised their hands and took off her pajamas from her head.

Although leaning in Xu Junyu's arms, but the clothes were separated, she also vaguely felt a chill enveloped her.

Shrinking his shoulders slightly, holding his hands on Xu Junyu's chest, sitting in his arms, locked his shoulders and subconsciously drilled into Xu Junyu's arms.

Xu Junyu embraced her shoulders and put his hands on the back of her head. The two of them faced each other and were close at hand.

They almost touched the tip of their nose, their two breaths were entwined, and the atmosphere suddenly heated up.

"Baby, take the initiative,"

Xu Junyu rubbed Su Nuan’s shoulders, eyelids drooped, and looked at Su Nuan’s tight skin. It was so delicate that she could not even see the pores. It was not too white, but it was still beautiful and fair, knowing that she was usually energetic. , So this tight and delicate skin is also suitable for her,

It is also suitable to seduce men invisibly.

Because the distance between the two people was too close, Su Nuan’s face was tainted with blush, and when she heard Xu Junyu’s words, she seemed a little at a loss.

She shook her eyes from side to side. She was neither stupid nor stupid. How could she not know what Xu Junyu just said "actively"?

It's just that this kind of thing takes the initiative...

Take the initiative in this kind of thing...

Raising her eyelids gently, Su Nuan saw Xu Jun and those thin lips, the corners of the lips were slightly hooked, and the delicate outline of the lip line was even more delicate and beautiful than that of a woman.


Su Nuan was still staring at Xu Jun and her lips in a daze, but Xu Jun and the hand holding the back of her head used a little force, and the distance between the two of them was only a piece of paper.

Subconsciously held her breath, but Xu Junyu's breath has completely replaced her breath.


It’s just the last bit of distance. As long as Xu Junyu exerts a little effort, the two people’s lips can be joined together, but he seems to have made up his mind to let Su Nuan take the initiative, and he always refuses to use that extra effort. .

At the end, I have to remind her consciously.

Su Nuan is not disgusted with being intimacy with him, and they have done everything they should and shouldn’t do...

She looked at Xu Junyu, in fact, she had expectations,

Don't hate his touch unilaterally!

One-sidedly felt that, in fact, doing that kind of thing was exhausted at the end. In the process, she did not deny that it was comfortable and enjoyable.

She admitted in her heart the true feeling this kind of thing brought her, Su Nuan couldn't help but blush again.

However, this seems to be the most normal thing between men and women. They are husbands and wives and do not want to mention it because of shame.

But why?

They are legal husbands and wives, the most normal relationship between men and women, and they have done nothing illegal or unforgivable. There are only two of them. Why should she be ashamed?

She may... haven't fully positioned herself before.

Thinking about this, Su Nuan’s stubborn energy came up, yeah, it’s no big deal.

The man in front of me is hers now!

Thinking about it this way, it suddenly became clear.

Reaching out and holding Xu Junyu’s face, he took a deep breath, and pressed Xu Junyu’s lips hard as if he was about to eat Xu Junyu.

Xu Junyu didn't know what kind of mental activity Su Nuan did in such a few seconds of hesitation. In short, it seemed that the result made him dissatisfied.

The corners of her lips became more and more curved, feeling Su Nuan’s lips pressed against his lips for a long time, and it seemed to be a little different from usual. Within a few seconds, Xu Junyu felt her soft and moist tongue tentatively. Licking his lips, he finally tried to pry open his teeth.

The movements are awkward and awkward, like a baby looking for milk, there is no green color at all.

But Xu Junyu's eyes darkened, he was used to her reservedness, and her small progress was a leap for him.

This time, in Xu Junyu's eyes, this rapid progress was a cross-century progress, and it was simply too bold and unrestrained.

The teeth were slightly loosened, and Xu Jun and Su Nuan's tongue tipped in easily.

It's like two people are in a tug-of-war, when one party suddenly relaxes, the other party is easy to rush.

When Xu Junyu relieved her strength, Su Nuan was caught off guard from sliding her tongue into Xu Junyu’s mouth, causing her to exclaim in a low voice.

It was submerged between the lips and teeth of two people.

When he arrived at Xu Jun and the territory, everything but with Xu Jun and the master, it didn’t take long for the initiative to come to Xu Junyu’s side,

After several successive intimacy, Su Nuan was also used to Xu Junyu's domineering and the familiar feeling he brought her.

Being tightly trapped in Xu Junyu's arms, she closed her eyes and felt the heat from Xu Junyu's embrace.

Just from the beginning, a strange thought was vaguely circling in her heart, why is it on the ground, why is it like this? Didn’t you say that he will not be allowed to touch her again tonight? What seven times a night, why did she promise Xu Junyu four times?

These thoughts only showed a little sign in her heart, and there was no time to think about it.

The tip of Xu Junyu's tongue entangled her, as if it was carrying a kind of magical power that made people want to stop, Su Nuan's brain was dizzy, any thoughts could not condense, only instinctively maintained her breathing. Feeling that he casts spells on her psychedelic her,

The smooth and tender tongue was sucked by a gentle shun, and from time to time she grabbed the tip of her tongue and took a bite. The sensation from the tip of the tongue was not pain, but a kind of numbness. The shoulders were shrugged involuntarily, and the beautiful shoulder blades formed beautiful contour,

Chiguo's back radiated a faint halo under the light. Xu Jun and the white, slender, well-knotted hands behind her were still in sharp contrast.

Seeing Su Nuan now, Xu Jun and the hands pressing on her back pressed her harder, pressing her closer to her chest.

Su Nuan groaned in a low voice, resting her weak hands on Xu Junyu's shoulders, locking her collarbone, tilting her chin, and sticking out her tongue to kiss him back awkwardly. It was too alluring.

Soft and docile like a cat, petite, just want to make people love it to the bone.

I really want to swallow her in my stomach!

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