Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2730: Pig brain!

Su Nuan complained, Xu Jun and raised their heads and smiled, then lowered their heads, lowering her body and tightening her.

"This is bad?"

As he said, he kissed her heart, and her body sank suddenly.

Su Nuan was caught off guard.


Although suddenly, Su Nuan’s voice was a long sigh of satisfaction.

She clung to Xu Junyu forcefully, her small body trembling uncontrollably.

The slight trembling arc provoked Xu Jun and Zhenxiang to crush her immediately.

How could there be such an attractive woman!

Although I wanted to crush her, I just thought about it. The movement was still gentle and gentle, he picked her up, and put a pillow under her waist.


Su Nuan sighed softly, and a satisfying and comfortable voice overflowed from her mouth. This was undoubtedly another encouragement in Xu Junyu’s ears. The intermittent breath penetrated his ears and made him feel itching.

Such a soft voice gave Xu Junyu another expectation.

"Baby, tell me, who am I yours?"

Su Nuan closed her eyes tightly, and was swayed by Xu Junyu, shaking her long hair, wondering what she should do now, what to say?

"Hey, call your husband!"


Without a response, Xu Junyu used a bit of strength again!

Annoyed Su Nuanjiao. .

Panting again and again.

"Sell or not?"

Su Nuan’s body was almost pushed away from the bedding by Xu Junyu and Ding. She clenched Xu Junyu’s shoulders harder, and even hugged his back tightly to prevent her from being separated by Xu Junyu. Far.

Hurriedly shouted:


That delicate and soft crying voice made Xu Jun and his mind rippling!

But at this time, Su Nuan hugged him tightly because he was afraid of being pushed out, and his body reaction was very intense.

He snorted and pulled her back hard, hugging her tightly.

Su Nuan curled her lips slightly and smiled.

In that way, it's like a kid who succeeded in a prank, gloating triumphantly.

Xu Junyu squinted his eyes, and after a little thought, they realized that this little fairy was actually calculating him.

[Two thousand words are omitted in this chapter, old rules, v group! 】

A wicked smile appeared at the corner of his lips, and the smugness on Su Nuan's face was put away a little bit!

A little scared after the beginning!

"My dear, progress is fast, so courageous, dare to count me on this kind of thing?"

Su Nuan swallowed her saliva, not only her expression was terrible, but her words sounded full of danger.

She couldn't help but moved her body up twice, subconsciously trying to escape, but Xu Jun and her hands clasped her hips and dragged her back.

"Where do you want to go? Huh? I want to run after calculating?"

"I do not have……"

"Haha..." Xu Jun and Yinsi smiled, scared Su Nuan to move.

Obviously, her sophistry did not win his trust.

"Do you think I believe?"

Su Nuan was crying and shook his head.

She knew he would not believe it.

"You have to keep your memory!"

Xu Jun and his narrow and beautiful eyes circled in their eye sockets, and finally the corner of their eyes was on the French window next to them.

The curvature of the lips suddenly became larger.

He snatched Su Nuan from the bedding. When Su Nuan took a breath of cold air and did not respond at all, Xu Junyu had already stood up holding her, walked to the floor-to-ceiling window with ease, and put her on the ground. .

"What are you doing?"

Su Nuan looked at him, but Xu Junyu turned her body and let her lie on the floor-to-ceiling window with her back turned.

Su Nuan almost knew Xu Junyu's intentions in her heart. She held her hands on the glass, and the coolness that came made her shrink a little.


[Ps: The author is a little pure. This is really not written by the author himself. You must be convinced! Ah-your author is really too pure! She is an angel! 】

The last one was blocked without any accident! I put it in the v group.

[It is still omitted here! ! 】

Finger touch,

It also made Xu Junyu unbearable once again.

The corners of his mouth tightened.

He lifted his eyes and looked at Su Nuan, the moving surface request was perfect to the extreme.

What a baby!

Xu Jun sighed inwardly.

"Baby, you are a little.,

Does the demon know? "

"..." Su Nuan was trembling, shaking his head, not knowing what reaction to respond to him.

"Come on, baby, tell me, are you my little fairy?"

He said, naturally there is a way to make her surrender, while coaxing, the slender fingers increase.


Su Nuan tightened her shoulders, opened her mouth and bit her lips tightly.

Her reaction made Xu Junyu feel her more clearly, and the warmth that wrapped his fingers made him almost lose control again.

He gritted his teeth tightly!

"Say, are you my little, fairy? Huh?"


"After saying that I will give you what you want most, hurry up, honey, eh?"

"...I...I am..."

"What is it?" Xu Jun and dissatisfied, coaxed again,

"I... I am yours...

Little fairy..."

Su Nuan trembled her lips. She didn't intend to say it, but she really couldn't stand Xu Jun and the horrifying look that Xu Jun brought her.

When the words were spoken, the sense of shame surged up again, but Xu Junyu kissed her, said "good", and suddenly came from behind--

Completely occupied her,

Su Nuan's head leaning against Xu Jun and shoulders suddenly leaned forward, resting her hands on the glass window, and lowered her head to breathe hard.

Su Nuan was trembling and let out a sigh.

He lifted his head slightly, his gaze returned to the floor-to-ceiling window, his hands clasped tightly on the window of the bed, because the blushing and heart-beating words that the two had just said, and his actions, didn't seem to know where.

What is she doing, don’t know,

I don't know what I am thinking.

The whole person is just a shell, in the mist.

Her posture made people afraid to look straight, her upper body leaned forward, her whole body bowed, two pieces of Xu Junyu's big hands clasped.

The long hair is already messy, covering the cheeks on both sides, the strands of hair line the cheeks flushing,

The bitten ruddy lips made a voice of irresistibility because of the recklessness of the man behind him.

Su Nuan's misty eyes were a little straight, staring at the floor-to-ceiling window that looked like a clear mirror, unable to look back for a long time.

She couldn't believe it herself.

She really couldn't believe that the chaotic woman reflected in the French window in front of her was actually herself.

Because of that feeling, she didn't even have the strength to open her eyes, and her expression was beyond her control. The flushing, embarrassment, and even the uncontrollable satisfaction and desire shocked her. ,

Never thought that one day, she would become like this.

I want to control who I am now, but I find it impossible,

Xu Junyu reached out to her and stroked her heart.

The kiss from behind fell on her shoulders, side neck, ears, and cheeks, and a low muffled x-feeling voice spoke words that made her blush and heartbeat.

Su Nuan couldn't believe that she was dominated by this primitive feeling, and she couldn't control her now, and couldn't refuse and reject the happiness Xu Junyu brought to her, so she closed her eyes resigningly.

Xu Junyu looked at her, watched this stubborn little woman melt under his offensive, revealing such a rare and precious side, and his heart swelled more and more.

"Hey, baby, keep calling husband..."

He has to remind her all the time that it is him who can give her this feeling and make her such a beautiful person.

Xu Junyu pressed Su Nuan tightly from behind, closely following her perfect curve, gently rubbing her delicate skin, and after speaking, he wanted to bring her warm and wanton happiness.

Su Nuan's long hair shook greatly because of his movements, and the mouth and nose overflowed with depression. .

Sweet voice.

Being completely driven by Xu Junyu, all the senses of the body seemed to be swallowed by that kind of happiness. Xu Junyu’s coaxing in her ear made her respond to her almost without thinking.


"Well, great, good dear..."

Xu Junyu rewarded her more vigorously, and the atmosphere was unprecedented.

All reason does not exist at this time, the only ones that exist directly with each other, only two people have the deepest desire for each other...

"Oh my God..."

The strength of Xu Junyu behind him has not diminished, and the feeling he brings to Su Nuan is extremely indescribable.

Su Nuan raised her head and couldn't help but sigh. She never knew that this kind of thing can really be like this...

Make people fall so easily?

With that sigh, Xu Jun heard it really, and immediately made his strong self-esteem inflate.

He pressed his body against her back, pressed his chin on her shoulder, and kissed her earlobe with his head sideways, and whispered in a charming voice:



Su Nuan bit her lip tightly, and a long "um" sentence from her nose, with satisfaction and sigh, made Xu Jun and love to the bones.

"Tell me, who made you feel this way?"

Su Nuan did not speak any more, and Xu Junyu's movements did not stop.


After a long time, Xu Junyucai asked her in the simplest terms.

Su Nuan felt the fulfillment Xu Junyu brought to her, and was silent for a while, before turning around when Xu Junyu paused slightly.

The atmosphere between the two people has already reached a certain point, and the body is the same, so when she turned around and pressed her back against the floor-to-ceiling glass behind her, she did not feel how cold.

Xu Junyu's eyes are full of please-

Gu Qian's narrow and beautiful eyes looked a little wild because they were dyed a bit of red. This was not exactly the look in Xu Junyu's eyes, but it made people blush even more.

She looked at him, stretched out her hand to embrace Xu Junyu’s neck, and pressed herself to Xu Junyu’s chest.

Xu Junyu just watched her like this, as if completely unconscious, almost entirely out of the body's instinct at this moment, without the restraint and tweaking of the past, and generously pressed her softly to him.

The fiery embrace, even holding his neck, lowered his face, and kissed his lips without hesitation.

Boldly swept his lips, then slowly let go of him,

Looking at him, she slowly opened her tender rosy lips.

"Xu Jun and..."

Xu Junyu's eyes narrowed slightly, "Huh?"

Su Nuan curled her lips, bent her eyes and smiled, "I said it's you, only you can treat me like this... it's comfortable, so comfortable..."

As she spoke, the distance between the two people was very close, so close that every time she spoke, the flap of her lips was faintly pressed against the skin on his chin.

[I have to have a cramp every few months. I know the consequences, but I still have to take risks. Blocked. Humph, I'll get the money back when I repeat it. Bring your own id and leave a message at the bottom of this chapter or the next chapter. 】

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