"Mom, what are you thinking about, how could I hurt myself? I love my own life more than anyone else. I still have to live well, live healthily and honor you, I haven't done anything yet, what? Maybe I am willing to hurt myself and find it hard for me?"

Su Man cried for a while in Su Nuan’s arms. After hearing Su Nuan’s words, he got up directly from Su Nuan’s arms, still staring at her uncertainly.

"What are you saying seriously?"

Su Nuan felt that Su Man was a little too cautious, and she seemed a little cute in her eyes.

She couldn't help but smiled, "Am I such a stupid person? How can I do that kind of thing?"

Su Man wiped away tears and nodded, "Okay! Su Nuan, I will believe you for the time being! You will remember what you said, and what I just said is not a joke!"

Su Nuan still laughed, "What does it mean to believe me for the time being? The person you should believe the most in your life is me! Believe it for the time being..."

Su Man took a deep look at Su Nuan, "Qian Junfeng, you will leave him far away from him! Don't believe me, if you dare to hurt yourself, I will really die for you. I'm not kidding. There is no joke at all, and I don’t have the mind to joke with you!"

Su Nuan's face was stiff, she really didn't understand, what was her mother worried about?

Is she a fool?

It's hard enough to be busy every day to prevent others from hurting yourself in various ways. How can you be stupid and find trouble to hurt yourself?

Thinking about it this way, Xu Jun and the park also asked her to agree to his request.

What are they thinking?

"I can't make fun of myself. You guys one by one, what's wrong with this? It looks weird and scary."

Su Man heard Su Nuan's words and looked up at Xu Junyu.

Xu Junyu was aside and nodded gently towards her.

Most of the remaining tension in Su Man's eyes dissipated again.

It seems that this man who seems a little unreliable at first glance, still knows her daughter well,

Su Man sighed for a long time and pulled Su Nuan to sit down on the sofa. Xu Jun and followed him to sit opposite.

"Mom, do you know who met me today?"

Su Nuan tentatively asked Su Man. Su Man raised her eyes when she heard the words, and gave Su Nuan a fierce look. Not to mention this, it was okay, but her anger kept rushing upward when she mentioned it .

She raised her hand and slapped Su Nuan's back hard. She did not retain any strength. Not to mention the pain of Su Nuan being beaten, she could clearly feel her heart trembling because of this strength.

"Ahem...My mother..."

Su Nuan coughed twice while covering her heart.

Su Man's eyes were a little worried, and later realized that he had acted hard, but although it was uncomfortable to see Su Nuan's appearance, there was actually nothing big.

Immediately afterwards, she straightened her face and stared at Su Nuan, "Seeing classmates, friends? Huh? Why don't I know when Qian Junfeng actually became your classmate friend?"

Su Nuan's face was slightly ugly, after hesitating for a while, she moved her lips, "I just..."

"Just what?! Su Nuan, can you grow your mind? What are you going to see him for, do you think he is not cruel enough to you? Or want to see how he loves his current wife now? With my son?"

Su Nuan clenched her hand and shook her head, "I don't have one!"

Su Man looked at her, a touch of helplessness and pity slipped across his eyes.

"Then what's the point of going to see him?"

"..." Su Nuan's lips moved, but he didn't know how to say or what to say? The hands folded on the knees are tightly intertwined, the pinched joints are white,

She just wanted to see why Qian Junfeng wanted to see her?

Su Man looked at her, there was acid pantothenic in his nose, and almost burst into tears.

She turned her head, tilted her head slightly, and suffocated the tears in her eye sockets. With that forbearance, Zhao Hongshan who looked at the side felt distressed. He stretched out his hand to hold Su Man's hand and patted it gently, saying comfort.

Su Man's eyes trembled, and he glanced at Zhao Hongshan, then loosened his shoulders, turned his head, but directly looked at Xu Junyu, who had been silent on the other side.


"When do you want children?"


Su Nuan hadn't reacted to the emotions just now, and he was surprised by Su Man's words again.

What is this development? !

The hopping nature of this topic is too volatile, right?

These two topics are completely unrelated, okay? !

Su Nuan turned her head to look at Su Man in surprise, her eyes filled with puzzlement, and she blinked at Su Man, wanting to ask why she suddenly mentioned this question.

As a result, Su Man directly ignored Su Nuan's expression when she looked at her. He kept looking at Xu Junyu and said to himself:

Has it been planned recently? Since you choose to get married so soon, don't learn about the **** group now, and don't say that you want to live a two-person life or don't have enough excuses as a reason, hurry up and have children! Give birth to more! "

Xu Junyu sat opposite, with a faint smile on his face. He didn't seem to reject this topic at all.

I saw him smiling and nodding, saying:

"Well, there are not so many excuses. Mom is right. I should have more."

Su Nuan twitched the corners of her mouth. She just wanted to say something, but Su Man grabbed her stubbornness again and said to herself:

"Well, I want a few more. You just have to take care of the childbirth. You don't have to worry about watching your children raise them at all! I'm also a person over here anyway. I think I can trust it!"

Xu Junyu nodded again, "It will be hard work then."

Su Man seems to have thought of something beautiful, and the haze on his face just now disappears at all.

Laughing eyes were bent, "Anyway, I have nothing to do in my idle day. I discussed with your Uncle Zhao and started to get some cats and dogs in the house to make the house lively. Now think about it, no need at all. Now, where is it interesting to raise those cats and dogs to look at their grandchildren?"

It may be that when it comes to being happy, Su Man turned to look at Zhao Hongshan and said:

"Let Qiming settle down quickly and let them give birth to a few more, when...this living room...there are all those little people crawling everywhere, oh...thinking about it, it's all happy..."

Su Man suddenly slapped his hands, covered his mouth and laughed.

It can be seen that in her mind, that picture completely poke a certain switch of her.

Zhao Hongshan looked at Su Man and then laughed, not forgetting his son at this time, and Zhao Hongshan has always been pleased with his love for her.

Naturally this time too, besides, the scene seems to be really lively,

But here in Su Nuan, the taste has changed...

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