Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2759: Old white lotus

"But she didn't want to think about it. Those people also experienced pain and torment and finally got better. It was too late to cherish their lives. Who would be willing to cut off another kidney for her son? She shouted every day that she would not lack money... Should such people be pitiful or hateful..."

Hearing these words, Su Nuan just gave a cold smile.


Do these two words suit her?

The nurse also knew that her words were a bit too much today. The other people in the rest area were already pointing at Director Yang and the woman. The nurse secretly took a breath and turned and walked towards Director Yang.

Ignoring Wang Min's entanglement, he stood aside and said to Director Yang with an impatient look of entanglement:

"Director Yang, there is a guest you made an appointment over there. I have been waiting for a long time."

Director Yang turned his head and glanced at the nurse, a flash of fortune flashed in his eyes.

Turning his head again, he saw that Suman had stood up and nodded towards him.

Director Yang smiled, ignored Wang Min, turned around and walked towards Su Man.

"Sorry sister-in-law, I kept you waiting for a long time."

Su Man smiled decently, "It doesn't matter, we haven't been here long, oh, yes, this is my daughter, Su Nuan, this one is my son-in-law."

"Hello." Su Nuan followed to say hello, and Director Yang returned to her politely and smiled, after which his eyes fell on Xu Jun and Su Nuan.

The expression on his face was a little embarrassing for an instant after touching the gloomy look on Xu Jun and his face.

This should be the first time they met, right?

There is no place to provoke him. What does his look like an enemy mean?





Su Nuan twitched the corners of her lips, tugged at Xu Junyu’s hem,

What is he doing!

People greeted him, what did he do with such a high profile?

It's the same as others owed him, but do they have it?

Director Yang can only pull the corners of his lips awkwardly, otherwise, what else can he do?

"Oh, let's not stand here, go to my office first..."

"Alright." Su Man agreed, and took a look at Su Nuan, after which Su Nuan held Xu Junyu's hand in a tacit understanding.

Director Yang noticed this detail and glanced at Xu Junyu again. It happened to be as sharp as a knife that Xu Junyu pierced him. He was shocked, but at the same time he canceled the thoughts in his heart. doubt.

Maybe he got it wrong just now?

Without thinking, he turned around and wanted to go, but was blocked by someone.

"Su Nuan?!" The voice was angry.

Also, for this kind of scrupulous person, the person who he just begged in every possible way, and even the person who didn't respond to him, in turn, he treated others, even Su Nuan and Su Man, two women, polite and courteous. Being polite, of course, made her unconvinced.

Su Nuan gave her a cold look, and didn't intend to ignore her.

"You know?"

Director Yang on the side turned and looked at Su Man with a puzzled look, and asked.

If they knew each other, then if they also asked him to help...

Director Yang felt that his entire head was big in an instant.

"I don't know." Su Man frowned slightly and said lightly.

Su Nuan looked at her, seemingly calm, but from her hand holding the bag tightly, she knew how could she be truly calm when facing a woman who once robbed her husband and ruined her family ?

However, Su Nuan also understands that her mother must think that the past is the past. What she needs to do now is how to pretend to be indifferent in front of this woman, and treat her own life better than ever before. Show how much.

People have revenge.

When Su Man faced Wang Min, the most indispensable thing was pride.

Hearing Su Man saying this, Director Yang secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Just don’t know.

But at this time, Wang Min put his gaze on Su Man's body. He just glanced at the familiar face from a distance. Now seeing her up close, the grace and extravagance of that body, and the saying no The temperament that came out made Wang Min stunned for a moment, feeling a little abrupt in his heart.

But after thinking about it, Wang Min sneered again. Not long ago, her daughter had just scammed 10 million away from her. How to say, she is also a rich man now, and it's not impossible to dress better.

"I don't know? Sister Su, I'm not talking about this. How is it, life is doing well now, right?"

As soon as Wang Min called his sister, Su Man felt a strong sense of humiliation.

This reminded her of those ancient men with three wives and four concubines, and several women called each other sisters in yin and yang.

This elder sister reminded her of how sordid she was, and had used the same man with this woman.

Su Man blushed, a pair of extremely angry eyes stared at Wang Min vigorously, clenching his teeth, trying to control his emotions,

"Are you shameless?"

Wang Min looked left and right, then looked innocent, "Sister Su, I just... did I say something wrong?"

"..." Su Man glared at Wang Min, and didn't want to say a word to this hypocritical woman.

But Su Nuan is the most uncomfortable with the **** pretending to be a white lotus in front of her openly!

She had already revealed her true face back then, and now she pretends to be like this. What is she not showing her power? !

"It's shameless to say that you are right! Wang Min, have you not pretended to have enough white lotus? Don’t look at your current virtues, old white lotus? Would you like me to help you and let you be in the mud again? Raise it here?"

Wang Min's face sank, Su Nuan said these words horribly, because she didn't leave any room for her, old Bai Lianhua?

An "old", a white lotus, it is not a good thing to bring it out alone, she still wants to be grouped together, and it makes people feel uncomfortable.

She wants to have an attack, really wants to slap this girl hard, so as to eliminate her current hatred,

However, she was thinking of her precious son in her heart.

Although the odds are small, it is very likely that her precious son will need her in the future.

Jun Feng is still thinking of ways to please her, she definitely won't hold back her husband at this time.

Otherwise, it would be her son's life!

She squeezed her palms hard, tried to suppress the anger in her heart, forcing herself to put on a smile, but the trembling stiff skin on her face could prove that her body and mind were different.

"...Su Nuan, I know you don't want to see me, I'm sorry for the past, you two, so I don't care about you now."

"Ha!" Su Nuan tilted her head and sneered extremely heavily, then stared at Wang Min coldly and said:

"I need you not to care about me? Okay, let me ask you to care about me? There are so many things to care about between us!"

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