Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2766: He ruined my life

Su Man gritted his teeth and met his ex-husband after a ten-year absence. He didn't expect to see his shameless state again.

How could she ever choose such a man?

Really blind!

Originally, when she left, she was only completely disappointed in him. She said she had no feelings or hate, but it was not that strong.

Can't keep a man, that's because Su Man herself has no abilities, so he willingly takes Xiao San'er to the door. That's because she is weak, and co-authoring is so bully.

She doesn't want a cheating man, and she doesn't want it!

She can let go of her resentment and attachment to this man, but he must never treat her daughter like that.

She left her daughter with that kind of harm, and without the last apology, she completely abandoned them. Now, for his precious son, she appeared again and again, wanting to beat her daughter!

Thousands should not be absolutely!

Back then, she failed to protect Su Nuan well, and now she will never let Qian Junfeng hurt her any more.

"I'm afraid I can't stop it in the future, Mom, don't worry about this kind of thing in the future, I will take care of it myself!"

Su Man turned his head and stared at Su Nuan for a long time, until Su Nuan was uncomfortable with her scalp numb, Su Man slowly said, "Almost go back."

"...Huh?" Su Nuan didn't understand.

Su Man pursed her lips and was silent for two seconds, as if she had made a lot of determination, before she spoke again:

"I mean, staying at your natal house for too long is not good! I'll go back to your house almost! It's also saving that I will meet people I don't want to see when I go out here."

There was a moment of silence in the carriage, and a few seconds later, Su Nuan said: "I don't want it. I haven't waited enough."

Su Man frowned and stared at her, "Is it annoying to be haunted by him every day here? If you don't return to Fucheng, go out for your honeymoon. Don't stay at my house anyway!"

"I won't leave! I said that as long as he provokes me, I will settle the old and new accounts together. Now I haven't done anything! In the end, I was forced by Qian Junfeng to go home. How faceless?!"

"Who said you were forced by him, can't I let you go home?!"

"No! This matter hasn't been settled yet! If you don't let me stay at home, then I will stay at the hotel!"

Su Man was annoyed by Su Nuan's words, "What are you comparing with him?! Do those things work? Do I need you to eat or wear? Or can the Xu family lack your bowl of rice?!"

"No one lacks me! But I did! I want to return all the things I once lost. Even if I disdain it now, it doesn't matter, then I don't want them to deceive people with my things!"

"shut up!"

Su Man suddenly yelled, and directly scared the driver to loose the steering wheel in his hands.

Su Nuan's eyes flickered a few times when he was roared, and looked at Su Man in a daze.

Su Man's face was pale, and she stared at Su Nuan angrily, her chest visibly up and down with anger.

"What is the thing that once belonged to you? What is yours?!"

Su Nuan's eye sockets gradually turned flush. She looked at Su Man with a sad look and swallowed several times. She originally tried to swallow the sourness that came out of her heart, but she couldn't help it several times.

"..." Su Man still glared at her, the anger on his face still unabated. "Nothing is absolutely yours, those are all earned by him, we don't want it, don't bother to... Nothing is yours, Nuannuan, you have to understand..."

"No? Should I have no father's love? Should I be ruined and robbed of my good life?"

"..." Su Man's pale lips trembled slightly, and his expression of anger collapsed instantly.

Su Nuan said blankly, "Actually, I really don’t care about this until now. However, it is Qian Junfeng, who broke all my illusions about my father and broke my expectations of a perfect family. He even taught me how untrustworthy men are! These thoughts have been with me for so many years. When I should be happiest, he gave me the most painful memories. Why should I suffer these? These are all money What Junfeng gave me, my youth, my youth, until now, he has never appeared in my world, but he has ruined my youth! Even if I leave him with nothing, it can’t offset it. The harm he brought me! He also delayed you, and accompany him hard, but Fu was kicked out by him. He also delayed your life, you can let it go, but I can't!"

"Why should he appear in front of us unscrupulously now, and repeatedly hurt us ignorantly, because he has enough confidence! What I have to do now is not to escape, but to make him continue to hurt us. Take away all the confidence! I don't think that someone like Qian Junfeng is worthy of me to swallow!"

"..." Su Nuan's words left Su Man speechless for a while. Su Nuan suffered from injuries when she was a child, and then Zhao Qiming looked at her with eyesore. Even when she got married, she didn't put down her guard against men. And alert...

Counting carefully, she suddenly discovered that from childhood to adulthood, Su Nuan has really been enduring it all these years, living a life, and looking tough and optimistic every day, there is no trace of weakness in front of her, but she doesn't know. Some psychological trauma can never be repaired.

She knew that Qian Junfeng hurt her, but she never thought that it would actually bring her so much deep harm.

"You..." Su Man stared at Su Nuan's face and opened his lips, but still didn't know what to say.

Su Nuan bit her lip tightly. She never thought that she would say all these words one day, and she did not expect that these words actually came out of her mouth.

Admitting that she has been influenced by Qian Junfeng is the last thing she wants to face,

But mother repeatedly didn’t want to involve herself with Qian Junfeng, but she had promised her once, and she said clearly, as long as Qian Junfeng doesn’t provoke her, she is willing to let her go, well. Live your own life.

But all this was asked by Qian Junfeng, and she never provoked him.

He kept pushing himself again and again, is she still shrinking her neck as a turtle?

It was him, now pressing her step by step, he came, she shrank, he left, she stretched her head out again, this kind of life is completely led by him, why?

"I don't want to have the possibility of him appearing in my future life." Su Nuan seemed to have finalized the outcome of this matter, no doubt.

Su Man looked at her worriedly, then turned his head to the side, Xu Junyu.

As she explored her words, "Do you think so too?" She just wanted her daughter to live her life well.

Xu Junyu nodded, and reached out to hold Su Nuan's cold hand, "As long as it is Su Nuan's decision, I will support her."

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