Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2778: Why do you come here if you don't want to eat?

He pulled out the chair and sat down in front of the hospital bed. Looking at Su Nuan who was asleep, Xu Jun and his expressionless faces gradually became deep.

What can happen before her and him? !

Before getting married, the question of love or not, the two of them couldn’t be more clear.

You can be together if you don't love, besides...

From now on...

Damn Jing Rui!

Xu Junyu changed his posture and suppressed the inexplicable anxiety that Jing Rui had provoked.

When Su Nuan woke up, the sky outside was already dark.

Xu Jun sat in front of the hospital bed, squinting with one hand on one temple.

Su Nuan's eyes rolled around her eye sockets, and she was still a little dizzy, but compared to before, it was so much better.

Thinking of the previous fall in the ski resort, Su Nuan tightly closed his eyes again.

It's so... ashamed!

Think about her Su Nuan since childhood, when did she lose such a big person? !

That somersault is really not so strong, and he suffered a concussion? !

It's so shameless to live.

Pulling up the quilt and covering his face, Xu Junyu opened his eyes with a small gesture,

Seeing the people wriggling in the quilt, Xu Junyu curled her lips slightly, "Wake up?"

Su Nuan paused and slowly moved the quilt face off. When he looked at Xu Junyu, Xu Junyu was bowing his head and sorting out his clothes.

"Um, how long did I sleep?"

"It should be a long time." Xu Junyu stood up.

Su Nuan paused and thought about it. Xu Junyu couldn't see the time. He didn't know how long he slept, nor was it strange.

"Is it better?" Xu Junyu asked her, lowering his head.

Su Nuan got up from the bed with winking eyebrows, and wrapped his arms around twice, "A lot better. Oops, just take this opportunity to relax your muscles and bones haha..."

Xu Junyu snorted, "Shuhuo's muscles and bones? Then go and fall twice?"

Su Nuan lowered her shoulders and twitched the corners of her mouth, "I don't use it anymore."

She rubbed her head and touched the place where the back of her head had just touched this evening. She sucked in pain because of the pain.

After that, I touched it tentatively, which was a big bag.

Looking at her, Xu Junyu sighed deeply, sat down on the edge of the bed, pulled her into his arms, gently touched the back of Su Nuan's head with his hand, and gently rubbed it.

"You have only studied for a few minutes, so you can't wait to go down? Don't you know how dangerous is that kind of place?"

Su Nuan lay in Xu Junyu's arms, clutching his arm tightly, grinning.

"Then... Others are so happy and exciting, I want to play too, why can others play, I can't?"

"Are you a beginner, you still want to go to heaven?"

The strength of Xu Jun and rubbing her head suddenly increased, and the purpose of punishment was obvious.

"Oh! It hurts!"

"It just makes you remember!"

"Long! Long! Never skiing anymore! This generation won't play this anymore!"

Xu Junyu's strength suddenly loosened, and he tried harder this time, but he didn't want the pain as much as before.

Lie down in Xu Junyu's arms and let Xu Junyu continue to rub the bump on the back of her head.

"Are you hungry?"


Hearing Xu Junyu’s question, Su Nuan immediately became energetic and came out of Xu Junyu’s arms.

"Can we go out now? Otherwise, we will stay here for another night and talk about it tomorrow?"

"No, let's go now."

Su Nuan couldn’t tell. She got out of the bed and shook her body slightly, but she still put on her shoes. He picked up Xu Junyu’s coat on the hospital bed and came to Xu Junyu, raising his hand to put his clothes on. on,

As a result, Xu Junyu reached out to stop her movement, took the coat, and immediately wrapped Su Nuan tightly.

The long coat envelops Su Nuan tightly, falling from top to toe. If it is not necessary to expose the head, it is simply a living mummy.

"Hey, Xu Junyu, how do you walk like this?!"

A coat went around her two full circles, her arms were wrapped in, and her feet couldn't take any steps.

She can't jump out, right?

Su Nuan was thinking about it, but Xu Junyu bent over and hugged her.


"Hold me tight."

Su Nuan hugged Xu Junyu's neck tightly, "Don't be aggressive, this is not home, if you hug me and throw a dog and eat shit... I'm unlucky enough today..."

Xu Junyu pursed her lips, frowned slightly, lowered her head and glanced at her for an instant.

From the beginning, has he concealed that he couldn't see it?


However, he felt a little happy in his heart, and didn't say a word, and walked out of the ward holding Su Nuan.

Jing Rui had nothing to do by himself, and he slid two more skis on it. When he was bored, he plunged into the women’s pile and passed the time. After that, he couldn’t stand down from the mountain and walked around the entire hospital. , And the ancestor in the disappearance woke up.

I was really upset now, and the door of the ward opened.

Seeing Xu Junyu coming out with a "thing" that was probably a person, Jing Rui almost cried out moved.

"Are you leaving now?"

"En." Xu Junyu nodded and responded coldly.

"Here here!" Jing Rui immediately acted as a guide, taking Xu Jun and He Su Nuan all the way down the mountain on the cable car.

The driver slept alone down the mountain, and finally waited for someone to knock on the door before Ji Ling jumped out of the car.

But seeing people is really not easy,

As soon as he got in the car, Su Nuan wanted to return her clothes to Xu Junyu. As a result, Xu Junyu didn't give her that opportunity at all, and directly let the driver turn on the warm air.

Su Nuan curled her mouth. As soon as she left the hospital, she felt that Xu Jun and his body shuddered slightly.

She's obviously so cold, what's the cool thing about playing with her?

Su Nuan's heart is warm, although it is correct to say that, but it is indeed very useful!

"If you feel uncomfortable, close your eyes and take a good rest." Xu Junyu said, reaching out and putting his hand on Su Nuan's shoulder.

"I just woke up!" Su Nuan said, where are so many sleeps!

Xu Junyu's hand paused, Su Nuan looked at him, tilted her body and moved herself close to Xu Junyu's arms.

"This is more comfortable."

Xu Junyu pulled her lips together, put her hands together, and patted the top of her head.

Jing Rui was sitting in front and shivered fiercely!

Damn, got goose bumps all over.

Reached out and silently raised the temperature of the air conditioner by two degrees.

Warm to death that show loving couple!


In fact, Su Nuan is quite energetic now, but when it comes to eating, she is still a bit repulsive.

Just thinking about it...

I still feel like nausea~

So after arriving at the hotel, the table ordered is as rich as it is, if it is normal, this table is hers! It's all hers!

But now...


The lobster that was delicious was placed in front of Su Nuan, Su Nuan reluctantly picked up one, tried to take a bite, and a rush of nausea came up again.

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