Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2787: Give back your blood and flesh

"I want to sever relationship with you completely! Didn't you say that our blood relationship cannot be severed? How about I give you back?!"

As soon as Su Nuan’s voice fell, there was a moment of silence in the entire living room, and Qian Junfeng did not react for a while.

Give it back to him?

Oh, how do you pay it back?

How can she repay the blood relationship?

Qian Junfeng's lips curled up with a smug curve, "Nuan Nuan, it's just a matter of talking. How can this kind of thing be done?"

"Qian Junfeng, as long as you can understand how eagerly I want to leave you alone!"

Su Nuan walked to the coffee table, picked up the fruit knife on the fruit plate on the coffee table, pulled the scabbard away, looked at Qian Junfeng with red eyes, and said angrily: "Your blood, your meat, I will pay Just for you!"

Qian Junfeng's scalp was numb, before he had time to think, the fruit knife in Su Nuan's hand pierced toward his heart!



Su Man's voice sounded sharply behind Su Nuan. Su Nuan shook her hands twice when she heard Su Man's voice, but it was still too late.

"Miss!!" The servant beside him fell on the sofa and caught Su Nuan's weak body.

Bright red blood quickly seeped out from Su Nuan’s chest,

She had a down jacket that had not had time to take off. When the knife pierced in, the snow-white down flew out of the down jacket. There was still white down in the punctured position, but it was instantly dyed bright red. colour.

Aunt Zhao was so frightened that her face was pale, but she still endured her timidity. She stretched out her hand to hold Su Nuan's bleeding position tightly, and called her name distressedly.

Feeling the blood flowing from the wound was full of fishy smell, and even the warm temperature, Aunt Zhao couldn't help crying, "Miss, why are you so stupid?!"

"Warm, warm..."

Su Man stumbled down the stairs. If it weren't for Zhao Hongshan's arms, she would have rolled down the stairs at the beginning.

When he saw the bright red blood on Su Nuan, Su Man softened and vented his strength completely.

Zhao Hongshan couldn't hug her, so she could only throw her on the sofa, and fell down beside Su Nuan, with a pale face, looking at Su Nuan with tears streaming down his face.

I didn’t dare to look at her wound, but I couldn’t help but pay attention.

"I know it! I know it!!"

Su Man yelled regretfully, Su Nuan suddenly felt a little surprised, as if she finally understood the reason Xu Jun and He Su Man forced her to protect herself.

They may all know her too well, once they are forced by Qian Junfeng, what stupid things they will do!

Maybe this is the situation now...

Even just now, his mother refused to leave her upstairs alone. Xu Jun and all kinds of instructions not to be affected by Qian Junfeng. Their worry and sensitivity turned out to be for a reason.

It's just that they know her enough, don't they?

If they don't do this, she will not be the one they know in their hearts!

But she really didn’t want to hear Qian Junfeng’s remarks holding the blood ties to emphasize the unbreakable relationship between him and her, and using the cut blood ties to hurt her and her mother, holding this relationship, Of course, just and confidently ask for what she wants...

She has had enough!

If she can sever the relationship with Qian Junfeng, even if she has cramps, peeling skin, cutting the flesh and drawing blood, she will do it,

After all, Zhao Hongshan was calmer than the others. He quickly turned around and ordered the servants who were alarmed, so that they should promptly notify the driver to go directly to the hospital.

Calling an ambulance takes too long to go back and forth. If you send them directly to the hospital, you will get more precise inspection and protection.

Qian Junfeng was still in a daze. He suddenly reacted when he heard Zhao Hongshan tell his servant that he was looking for a driver to take Su Nuan to the hospital.

When he saw Su Nuan, who was bleeding on the ground, he paused slightly, his toes moved, but he still didn’t move forward.

Su Nuan's gaze slowly lifted and placed it on Qian Junfeng's face. When he saw that there was no wave on his face, he couldn't help but smiled bitterly.

"Qian Junfeng, are you praying that I should die now?"

Su Man's bloodshot eyes suddenly pierced Qian Junfeng's body. Qian Junfeng's face was even more ugly. He pursed his lips, and his eyes avoided Su Man's sight uncomfortably.

But such a guilty conscience made Su Man's heart a dull pain!

It’s not because of his ruthlessness and indifference to her that she heartache, what makes her sad is that Nuan Nuan would show up with such a ruthless father,

He keeps saying that he is the blood and flesh of a blind date, and keeps saying that he is her father, but it is also such a father who forced his daughter to stab him with a knife in front of him. It is also such a father who is seeing himself 'S biological daughter has become like this, but she can't see the slightest care and pity in her eyes,

What's more, he has just been said to be in his heart!

He is really expecting Su Nuan to die!

But Su Nuan reached out and grabbed Su Man’s wrist and held it tightly. Su Man could clearly feel the coldness of his hands.

Su Nuan stopped Su Man, looked at Qian Junfeng, and said softly:

"I wish you were really expecting me to die right away! Don't you know that if you want me to donate my liver after death, do I need to sign on my own wishes? I don't agree, who would dare to dig my liver? Drop?!"

Qian Junfeng's calm face finally began to gradually show his expression, and he suddenly realized that he was panicked and nervous...

Su Nuan watched his expression change, and the corners of her lips curled up with a shallow arc.

Extraordinarily cold and ironic.

If an unsuspecting person sees his expression at the moment, he will probably be touched. Looking at that panic and nervous expression, should he love her more and worry more about it to have that look?

But in fact, everyone who understands knows what he is really worried about when facing her,

He looked at her, worried about his son, and worried that his son’s last life-saving straw was in vain.

He was not worried about her, but his precious son.

" hold on, we will go to the hospital immediately..."

When Qian Junfeng reacted, Zhao Hongshan hung up and walked to Su Nuan, hugged Su Nuan, and walked out of the living room quickly.

"..." And Qian Junfeng was stunned for a while before he ran out hurriedly!

Su Man was lifted up by the servant and hobbled out with two steps.

Zhao Hongshan directly hugged Su Nuan and got into the car, Su Man followed behind, watching the blood dripping from Su Nuan's body where they walked, her pale face seemed to become more transparent.

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