Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2801: The premise is to wake up

The only difference is that she is a little more mindful than Su Man, and Zhuang Zhuang is a son, not a daughter!

Her only bargaining chip now is a little bit more than Suman back then.

However, the current son has become a burden,

For Qian Junfeng.

Qian Junfeng left, Wang Min hugged Zhuangzhuang, and the two cuddled closely together, feeling a little overwhelmed and helpless.

If you don't have a conflict with Su Nuan, it would really be a better thing.

It's just Su Nuan, she still didn't think there was anything good, and now suddenly a Xu family popped up. He couldn't provoke him, so she could only hide!

I hope that Xu Jun and don’t count the past accounts and this time Su Nuan’s hospitalization on their heads for Su Nuan. Then the life she has worked so hard to get will be a waste?

In the end, she hadn't lived as well as Suman's woman.

Finally let Suman watch her joke?

No, she would never do this!

Since they can't afford it, can't they hide now?

As long as they find a suitable kidney source for Zhuang Zhuang, they will hide far away,

Haha, I think it's pretty beautiful.

They did the things they used to do. Now Su Nuan is also living in the courtyard because of Qian Junfeng's pressure. The old and new accounts are now gathered together.

I’ve done everything I need to do, and now I’m thinking about avoiding it. How can there be such cheap things in this world?

Qian Junfeng went directly to the dean, and repeatedly asked the dean to use the relationship to inquire about the kidney source in major hospitals.

However, although there are many hospitals, there are not many people who agree to donate organs every day. There are some who agree to donate organs, but it is not easy to find a kidney that matches at this time from a few.

If your loved ones are matched successfully, it is definitely the best result.

But neither Qian Junfeng nor Wang Min can

If I rely on outsiders to save a life, to put it bluntly, unless a miracle happens, I burned high incense in my previous life, and my ancestors accumulated virtue.

Those are all too mysterious things.

After all, it's still the same, there is no way.

Although I have heard this result before, but this time I heard it again, Qian Junfeng is unprecedented helpless,

Because before, Su Nuan was still a choice in his heart, but now, Su Nuan is a balance bomb, a touch of her will instantly explode.

Coupled with Xu Junyu next to her, now it is even more untouchable,

Now Xu Junyu showed only despair.

Although the dean is sympathetic, he can only sympathize and cannot do anything.

Coming out of the dean's office, Qian Junfeng sighed.

He habitually stretched out his hands and rubbed his face, leaning against the door frame, closing his eyes tightly, feeling exhausted.

After a while, his eyes opened slowly, looking at the ceiling of the corridor without blinking.

But in just a few seconds, Qian Junfeng retracted his gaze, still sighed, stood up and left.

So what did he think about in those short seconds?

If it weren’t for Zhuang Zhuang’s poor crying suddenly in his ears, at that moment, he...he really planned to give up Zhuang Zhuang’s life...


In the second half of the night, the anesthesia effect of the operation gradually dissipated. Su Nuan, who was in a coma, was already sweating, her pale face was covered with crystal clear sweat, and her brows gradually wrinkled tightly.

Xu Junyu had noticed the abnormality from the beginning, and the doctor could only shake her head to make her stiff.

If you are in a coma, it is best to wake up and get an anesthetic or analgesic.

Just wake up first...

Xu Jun and Nature also knew the reason for this. They could only gritted their teeth and kept watching Su Nuan. Seeing Su Nuan’s expression became more and more painful, Xu Junyu could only be anxious, but could not do anything.

Having been so stiff all the time, Su Nuan's painful breathing became hurried. Xu Junyu went to grab her hand, but she held it tightly, and his hand was held, revealing white marks.

Finally, Su Nuan hummed a few times, abruptly awakened by the pain,

When she opened her eyes, her eyes were filled with bloodshot eyes and tears, which looked a little surprising against her pale face.

Seeing her open her eyes, Xu Junyu let out a long sigh of relief.

She got up and stroked the hair on her forehead with the palm of her head, clutching her hand tightly, and whispered with unconcealable joy:

"Woke up?"

Su Nuan looked at Xu Junyu, and Muren circled the entire ward twice in his eye sockets. After understanding where it was, his eyes returned to Xu Junyu's face.

The tears in the eye sockets slid down at the end of her eyes and dripped into her hair,

Nodding extremely softly, Su Nuan said with difficulty:

"Xu Jun and..."

"I'm here."

Seeing Xu Junyu bending towards her in a hurry when she called him, the tears in Su Nuan's eyes were even worse.

"Hold it up." Xu Junyu reached out his hand to tick off the tears in her eyes, comforting her in a low voice.

Su Nuan took two breaths, held Xu Junyu's hand tightly, and stared at Xu Junyu for an instant, "I hurt..."

Xu Junyu pursed his lips, then leaned over and kissed Su Nuan's forehead lightly.

"The doctor will be here soon, bear with me a little bit."

"..." Su Nuan opened his eyes, Shui Yingying still stared at Xu Jun.

Xu Junyu could see something in Su Nuan's eyes. He had too many accusations and dissatisfaction with her in his heart, but now, he also knew that she was in pain.

Su Nuan's chief surgeon and his team rushed over as soon as possible, and Zhao Hongshan and Su Man followed.

After a series of examinations on Su Nuan, the doctor confirmed that Su Nuan was okay, and then safely injected her with a small amount of analgesics to relieve the pain.

Because the wound was sutured, and the temperature was still cold in winter, now the body temperature has risen, and the pain in the wound is even more unbearable. Therefore, after the analgesic is taken, the doctor has repeatedly told not to move randomly, even if it is. After not being able to do anything, he left the intensive care unit a little worried.

Zhao Hongshan and Su Man outside the door were notified of the good news, and Su Man was thankful for a while, clutching his chest.

I kept chanting "Amitabha, God bless you."

Zhao Hongshan was naturally very happy.

The effect of the analgesic quickly took effect, and Su Nuan gradually felt less painful.

Still staring at Xu Junyu closely, without speaking, still the same eyes staring at him at first,

Obviously apologizing to him coquettishly.

But Xu Junyu never responded, and looked at her the same way while avoiding the seriousness.

There is not much forgiveness in my sight, even a look that I am angry now, I will not forgive you, but I don't care about you now.

In the end, Su Nuan was the first to lose the battle. The pain she had just endured had already exhausted her energy. She closed her eyes and fell asleep again.

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