Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2806: The last kindness

Now Xu Junyu has counted all the faults on his head, then if Su Nuan has something to do with him...

Huo Yan was right, he really didn't know what Xu Junyu could do!

But is that all right?

how is this possible?

Isn't it already on the cusp of the storm?

However, even if Su Nuan’s affairs are put aside for the time being, he is absolutely ignorant of losses just now.

After coughing lightly twice, Qian Junfeng once again plucked up the courage to look at Huoyan, put his hand on the file, and pushed in the direction of Huoyan.

"This... shouldn't be mandatory, right?"

Huo Yan watched the document he handed over was returned. Huo Yan was not surprised, but only glanced at it and did not accept the document.

"Of course it is not mandatory."

"..." Qian Junfeng smiled, the absolute power of this kind of thing is absolutely in his hands, no matter how powerful and powerful Xu Junyu is, he can't force him to do anything.

Especially this kind of thing!

Glancing at the equity transfer letter he launched, Qian Junfeng sneered inwardly, his own company, nearly half of the shares, he is not another director, so he can just discard the shares in V’s hand.

The previous shares were a cash cow. Now that Xu Junyu joins the company, isn't it all smooth sailing?

Crazy and stupid, only then sold his shares at this time.

"The company was founded by me. I can't just sell the shares in my hands. For me, this company is just as inseparable as my son..."

Regarding Qian Junfeng’s words, Huo Yan couldn’t help but laughed suddenly, a smile without emotion, even after the effect, the expression on his face instantly became serious.

"I know that if the son cannot give up, the daughter can give up at will, right, Dong Qian?"

Qian Junfeng's face stiffened, Huo Yan's sarcasm was so plain that even a fool could understand it.

This is again to Su Nuan.

Back to the origin of things,

But this matter, is it really going to be used to choke him like this by someone who is not related at all?

"This matter has nothing to do with you, don't you think you are taking care of it a little too much now?" Qian Junfeng has no good expressions, and the other party's piercing the sky is just Xu Jun and a small assistant next to him. What qualifications does he have to sit? In front of him accuse him of taunting him?

Huo Yan glanced at him and saw Qian Junfeng's disdain for him, and a burst of anger suddenly arose in his heart.

Although he is just an assistant to the young master, he can't be arranged by anyone.

What's more, he was still despised by men like Qian Junfeng.

It's a drop in price.

"I only represent the wishes of the young master. If you think I am not qualified, I don't mind passing these words to my young master intact! Let the young master think about what to do?"

Qian Junfeng gritted his teeth vigorously, staring at Hu Yan, his eyes fierce,

Speaking of Xu Junyu, Qian Junfeng is naturally a little timid now, at least not wanting to face him now.

Seeing Qian Junfeng’s face, Huo Yan glanced at him coldly, and then pushed the documents in front of him to Qian Junfeng.

Hands pressed on it, and did not leave.

It seems that Qian Junfeng must take it over before he can take it back with satisfaction.

Qian Junfeng naturally refused to accept it.

"I have no plan to sell the company! I think it is a good choice for your young master to choose my company, because my company is not currently in a state of loss, and I believe that with your young master's participation, the company's resources will More. If it were you, would you miss such a good opportunity?"

Qian Junfeng did not conceal the thoughts in his heart when he opened the skylight to speak brightly. They were both sensible and tried to cover up. In the end, it was just a joke in the eyes of the other party.

Qian Junfeng still has some IQ in business, and only in business can he see his enthusiasm.

Facing Qian Junfeng's calmness, Huo Yan, who thought he should be praised, felt even more ridiculous. As for that calm rhetorical question, Huo Yan replied without thinking; "I will."

Qian Junfeng frowned in an instant, and then returned to normal in an instant, thinking that Huoyan was just talking to him, without considering any business pros and cons.

Huo Yan was not affected by the sneer on Qian Junfeng’s face. Instead, he leaned back on his chair and changed to a more comfortable position. He said in a hurry, "Of course I would. If I were you, I would definitely not think this. It's a good thing."

Qian Junfeng's sneered face gradually reduced his expression, staring at Huoyan for a moment, and his heart began to become uneasy again.

Huo Yan saw a lot of Qian Junfeng's trembling expression today, and at first he felt relieved, but now he is used to it.

In his sight, Huo Yan sighed, "You think, for no reason, why did my young master choose your company?"


Qian Junfeng opened his mouth and wanted to speak, but was interrupted by Huo Yan again, "Your company has potential? Don't be naive, Qian Dong, Zhao's company is currently developing much faster than you!"

"That's..." Qian Junfeng wanted to speak again, but was robbed by Huo Yan. "Do you still think that it is your relationship with my young grandmother, so the young master wants to help win the relationship between the two of you?"

Qian Junfeng had a little bit of luck in his heart, but it seemed unlikely.

"This idea is more naive. You should now know how dissatisfied my young master is against you. If you provoked the young grandmother of the Xu family, you still want to be a blessing in disguise? How can there be such a good thing?"

As he said, Huo Yan reached out his finger and clicked on the document on the table, making a "tough" sound.

"Now my young master’s only kindness is this. If I were you, I would definitely sign. Because in the end, you can at least hold real money in your palms with these shares. Otherwise, you will really lose everything. No longer..."

The more Qian Junfeng listened, the more he felt something was wrong. Hearing Huoyan's words at the end, he could get up in a cold sweat. This should be a threat.

He knew it was a threat, but couldn't help but believe that the threat would be established.

"What do you mean by these words?"

What exactly does Xu Junyu want to do?

"If I don't sign, what will Xu Jun do?"

"..." Huo Yan raised his eyebrows, with an expression that you know how to speak,

"He smashed hundreds of millions. I don't believe that he is really just to vent Su Nuan. It's just a woman, your young master is also a businessman, how could he do such a stupid thing? What does he want? "

Just a woman?

Hearing this, Huo Yan wanted to rush up directly and punch him hard with his fists!

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