Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2811: Settle accounts

"Then thank you everyone!"

The woman raised her eyebrows, glanced at the woman on the ground again with contempt, and withdrew her eyes in disgust.

This woman, this family, she has tolerated them for a long time.

Last time, in the emergency room next door, she was also outside waiting for her husband to perform the operation. She saw this woman walking step by step with her husband, and heard that the woman in the emergency room was also the husband of this woman. Daughter of a divorced and remarried family,

To be honest, this kind of family status is not unusual until now, but what makes her bizarre is that her daughter is struggling to survive in the emergency room, and the so-called biological father outside holds the organ donation letter for the doctor to take in for her daughter to sign!

It was shameless. Later, her husband's ward was arranged in a corridor with the family's son on the same floor. When she knew that their son had kidney failure, she suddenly realized it.

I despise their family even more!

Selfish and ruthless.

My daughter doesn't care whether she is dead or alive. The first thing she thought about was that she left her kidney legally to her son before she died. How could there be such a shameless family.

Really, it's not that a family doesn't enter a family.

This kind of person, who has done so many wicked things, still doesn't know how to repent, is on the head of his son, and he is so defiant, black-hearted and black-hearted, and I really apologize for her kind heart without teaching it.

Wang Min yelled in pain on the ground, but he still noticed the people around him falling into the hole, the heart, liver and lungs aches, but now the whole body is aching. Compared with anger, of course the pain is the most profound.

But now she doesn't have the strength to stand up by herself, and the onlookers are all looking at her with the faces she deserves. It is too late to gloat, let alone come up and help her.

Wang Min yelled on the ground with a pale face, not letting them go, his curse words were unbearable.

Everyone didn't bother to pay attention to her, and flicked their sleeves and walked thoroughly.

In the end, there was no one in the corridor, but the nurse in the past helped Wang Min up.

It was this kind of kindness, and Wang Min's sharp accusation was exchanged, saying that they had done it earlier, and lightly, hurt her, and they must be held accountable for the hospital!

As a result, the angry nurse wanted to throw her aside, but the professional ethics forced her to gritted her teeth and took her to the surgery for examination...

When Qian Junfeng arrived at the hospital, in Zhuangzhuang's ward, he saw another bed set up inside. Wang Min was lying on the bed. He didn't move when he saw her, his eyes stared at him sadly.

Qian Junfeng frowned and asked, "What's wrong?"

Wang Min wanted to give Qian Junfeng a face before meeting, but now, his heart is full of grievances. He has been spoiled for many years and has habitually relied on Qian Junfeng. Now he was wronged and waited. Someone comforted him, and looked forward to letting Qian Junfeng give her a bad breath.

Now I heard Qian Junfeng ask her, tears filled his eyes instantly, and he did not shy away from the son who looked at the toy in the room. He cried and said: "My husband, I was bullied. You must give me an exit. Sick!"

Qian Junfeng walked to the bed with a calm face, Wang Min lifted the quilt and showed Qian Junfeng what she looked like. Bandages were wrapped around both legs until the entire foot. Both arms were not good to see, right hand She was slung around her neck, her left hand was a little better, and her wrist was wrapped a few times.

It seemed as if he had suffered a serious accident.

"How did it happen?"

Wang Min sniffed, glanced at his son who was playing with him, and whispered:

"Isn’t those people looking at me so bullying? I opened my mouth and cursed that our son is about to...I’m angry, but, thinking about the past theory, who knows that the woman would hit me if she didn’t agree with me! That woman may have practiced, I She fell over her shoulder and fell directly into the corridor of the hospital..."

Qian Junfeng's face sank immediately, "Who? What about her?"

Seeing Qian Junfeng's face, Wang Min was proud of him and quickly opened his mouth and said; "I remember it seems to be our ward..."

"Well, I'm in your ward."

Before Wang Min's words were finished, another voice rang out in the room. When he saw someone coming, Wang Min immediately opened his eyes.

"How did you come?!"

"Aren't you asking your husband to settle the bill with me? You have short arms and legs. I'm sorry to send it to the door by myself?"

It was the woman who had just thrown her over the shoulder in Wang Min's mouth.

Hearing this, Qian Junfeng stared at the woman with gloomy eyes, looked up and down at the woman's slender body for a while, and asked in a deep voice:

"Really you made my wife like this?"

"That's not it. If you don't make your wife like this, it's probably me who is lying like her now."

Qian Junfeng looked back at Wang Min and asked in confusion, "Why?"

Wang Min saw that Qian Junfeng actually started to consult and question. He was anxious for a while, straightened his neck and stared at the woman and shouted angrily:

"You nonsense! Do you think everyone is as savage as you?! You are like me? Even if you beat you for a day, you won't be what I am now, right?! You just open your eyes and talk nonsense, when everyone else is a fool ?!"

The woman smiled, "No, but I think you treat your husband as a fool!"

Qian Junfeng blinked, and Wang Min saw it, and quickly said angrily: "You woman, what are you talking about? Provoking our relationship between husband and wife? Are we provoking you?!"

Hearing Wang Min said this, Qian Junfeng looked a little better, and felt that it was not impossible.

The woman looked at Qian Junfeng's change of attitude just because of Wang Min's words, and sneered. ‘

It really is a fool!

Being played around in a few words by a woman.

"I don't have that kind of idle time to provoke you. Isn't it to solve the matter? I will solve it now." She said, and the person looked out the door and shouted: "Mr. Police, you can come in."

Wang Min's face suddenly became nervous, "You...what do you call the police?!"

"Of course it is to solve the problem! Otherwise, don't you let your husband vent your anger? If you don't call the police, how do you want your husband to help you vent your anger? Do you want to beat me too?"


Wang Min didn't speak any more, and two policemen in uniforms had already walked in.

Zhuang Zhuang, who had been playing with toys, saw the police appear in his ward. He stood up and hid behind Qian Junfeng in fear, hugged his thigh, and stared at the two law enforcement officers in fear.

The two police officers looked around Wang Min on the hospital bed, "Ms. Wang Min?"

"Yes, what's wrong?!"

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