Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2813: Ill-intentioned

What kind of problems are there now, she actually still mentioned the problem of Su Nuanshen at this time, didn't she think he died fast enough? !

"Then what the **** do our son do?!"

"Wait! What else can I do besides waiting?!"

Qian Junfeng's only patience was polished, and the temper that he had been holding back just now was still not held back.

That's her son, isn't it his son? !

She knew all day to worry about a son, what about him?

How many things must be considered throughout the day? !

He was just kicked out of the company today. How could his temper be better? !

Wang Min wanted to say something more, but Zhuang Zhuang, who had been ignored in the room, suddenly fell into her arms.

"Mom, I'm afraid!"

A tender voice rang, causing Wang Min to suffocate the anger that burst out immediately.

"What's the matter? Is it uncomfortable?"

Zhuang Zhuang shook his head, "A policeman came over just now, are they trying to arrest us?"

Only then did Wang Min remember that Zhuang Zhuang seemed very afraid to see the police.

She rubbed his hair quickly, "No, no, they are gone, don't be afraid of Zhuangzhuang, we are all good people, and good people will not be caught by the police!"

Zhuang Zhuang nodded. Despite this, the tension and fear on his face did not dissipate. He stared at Qian Junfeng for a long time, and then said cowardly:

"Dad is arguing with mom?"

Qian Junfeng lowered his eyes to look at his son. As soon as he touched his son's face, Qian Junfeng couldn't help but feel distressed. His face was pale and the dark circles in his eyes were too obvious. He should be a lively age, but now...

Distressedly retracted his gaze, Qian Junfeng shook his head, "No, Mom and Dad are discussing other people's affairs, there is no quarrel,"

Zhuang Zhuang breathed a sigh of relief, "Well, that's good. Mom and Dad must be good, we are a family, so we won't fight, right?"

"En. Never." Qian Junfeng assured him, and Zhuang Zhuang gave Wang Min a soothing look.

Seeing Wang Min’s grievances, Qian Junfeng looked at Zhuangzhuang’s face, and said: “The situation is special now. We don’t want to show up at Su Nuan recently. If it’s before, it’s okay, but think about her now. , Zhao Hongshan guards, Xu Junyu guards, you know how Xu Junyu was angry yesterday, Su Nuan just came out of the operating room yesterday, you think I appear in front of her now, and Xu Junyu is anxious to him What will it do?"


Wang Min understood and didn't speak.

"Now the source of the kidney is looking for, see how long it can last, it won't work, I'll beg Su Nuan again..."

At this point, Qian Junfeng did not give up Zhuang Zhuang, anyway, she finally did not let Zhuang Zhuang die. As long as Qian Junfeng had a conscience, she could rest assured.


Without Qian Junfeng and Wang Min’s harassment, Su Nuan’s condition in the past few days is recovering steadily.

During the period Xu Jiahui called to greet her, Su Nuan also told her not to let Xu Junyu tell her about her illness, for fear that she would be agitated and fly over again. She really couldn't handle it.

Xu Junyu also helped her hide it.

Su Man goes home every day to boil soup for Su Nuan personally, and Zhao Hongshan is inseparable from Su Man;

Maybe Su Nuan was envious of the old couple showing affection in front of her, but now, she doesn't feel that way anymore.

Because Xu Junyu also accompanies her almost every day, not knowing whether he is or not when she sleeps, anyway, every time she opens her eyes, she can always see him at first sight.

Although the medicine used is the best medicine, the treatment obtained is also the most comprehensive and precise treatment.

However, the knife was pierced firmly at the beginning, to make it clear that it was really skinny at the beginning, and even with the best treatment, the cut wound did not heal quickly.

But the effect is obvious,

It was really painful at first, especially when I went to the bathroom, I suffered myself and Xu Junyu.

The wound at the time felt painful even after breathing, not to mention moving to the toilet.

The doctor advised her to take the urinal directly on the bed and let her go.

It's better to let her die just like this kind of thing.

Regardless of what Xu Jun and He Su Man said, Su Nuan insisted on resolutely not going to bed to solve the problem of urination.

As a result, the final solution was that Su Nuan was half-compulsively held in and out of the bathroom by Xu Jun.

Although this decision is handsome for Xu Junyu, it is much more difficult than anything he does.

Su Nuan was preconceived to show him the way, and still regarded him as a blind man, but Xu Junyu really took a lot of effort in order not to involve Su Nuan's wound.

Fortunately, no matter how embarrassing the situation was, Su Nuan finally came through with a cheeky.

As the wound gradually healed, and as the number of times increased, the nature of being accustomed to embarrassment, Su Nuan now has no shame at all.

At this moment, she called Xu Junyu to go to the bathroom again on the hospital bed. Xu Junyu raised her head and glanced in her direction, took off the silver Bluetooth headset from her ear and put it aside, got up and took Su Nuan from the bed. Hugged up,

Su Nuan hugged Xu Junyu’s neck with a look of habit,

"It feels like I'm going to heal soon, and the wound will itch again."

"is it?"

Xu Junyu put her on the side of the toilet, got up, with a strange smile on the corner of her lips, making Su Nuan's heart rise.

I always feel that this guy's smile at this time is seriously problematic.

The nature of the fox will soon be revealed,

"Yes...Yes. Do you have any questions?"

Su Nuan swallowed, sometimes her sixth premonition always reminded her that she was actually still a woman.

The sixth sense of a woman!

Xu Jun smiled deeply, "No problem, of course no problem. You will be well soon, it's really great news."

Although it sounds okay to say that, Su Nuan can't feel any kindness at all.

"You go out first, I'm going to the bathroom,"

"Go on. It doesn't matter, I don't dislike it."

Su Nuan blushed, "Don't be kidding me, I can't pee when you're beside."

"What's the matter, I'm blind anyway, you can ignore me."

"But it makes a sound! There is even a smell! I want to shit! You go out!"

Hearing the two unbearable words at the back, Xu Junyu couldn't help but twitched his lips.

After a long while, he nodded and said with a smile:

"Well, you are a patient now, and you are the boss. I will go out now."

After speaking, Xu Junyu left, Su Nuan shivered abruptly while looking at his back.

Ma Dan, what did you just mean?

Absolutely bad intentions!

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