Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2816: I do not care

"Mistress, is your wound better?"

Huo Yan looked at Su Nuan very sincerely. Su Nuan had to take off the hand covering his face. Looking at Huo Yan, he nodded in embarrassment and smiled: "It's much better, thank you for your concern..."

"You're welcome! As long as the young grandma is well!"

"It's okay, haha..."

Su Nuan greeted her, but she always felt something was wrong.

Huoyan was also aware of it, and looked aside, and saw his young master staring at him coldly.

The corners of his mouth twitched uncontrollably, and he turned his gaze back and said to Su Nuan quickly:

"Little grandma, you need to sign the documents here."

Su Nuan immediately frowned in confusion, "Should I sign?"

"Yes." Huo Yan nodded, took a pen from his pocket and placed it in front of Su Nuan.

Su Nuan really didn’t know why she was lying down in the hospital, and she could still cause a lot of things. Before Xu Junyu forcibly added any exploitation rights to make her speechless, and now she still has to sign her. file.

Isn't it a bargain?

With deep doubts, Su Nuan picked up the file on the coffee table and opened it and looked at it. When she saw the file name, her eyebrows wrinkled again. Then she watched it patiently, and finally turned her head in surprise. Looking at Xu Junyu, "You...When did you get more than half of his company's shares?"

"The day you were hospitalized."

Xu Junyu said blankly, a sentence and a cold tone made Su Nuan realize the wave of accusations he made her coldly.

Ignore his intentions, Su Nuan said again; "You want to give these to me?"

"This was originally yours."

"..." Su Nuan was silent, looking down at the shareholding book in her hand, frowning very tightly, there was no extra expression on her face, she didn't know what she was thinking at the moment,

"Xu Jun and..." After a long while, she whispered.

"En?" Xu Junyu responded softly.

"Actually I don't care about his company."


Huoyan is a little unhappy on the side. In any case, this is the young master's mind. Although Qian Junfeng's company is not large enough to be considered, some processes still need to follow formal procedures.

It took a lot of energy and time to get contacts just to find a formal department.

On the face of it, this kind of thing doesn't seem like a big deal, it's quite simple. Powerful is a simple thing like waving a hand, but in fact, where is it so easy?

It took a long time, and the result is not uncommon, really annoying!

But his emotions were just a moment, a little bit, to be honest, these shares are not rare and normal.

But even though Su Nuan said that, after speaking, she picked up the pen on the table and signed her name on the document.

"..." There was a black line on Huo Yan's forehead.

Is this just what people often say about divergence and duplicity?

After signing a series of words, Su Nuan put the pen aside and looked up to see Huo Yan and asked:

"In this case, do these shares become mine?"

"Yes. Grandma, it is necessary to report to you. At present, you are the largest shareholder of the company. In order to meet the basic requirements for the establishment of a board of directors, Master, Mr. Zhao and your mother each hold 1% of the shares. Another 100% More than forty shares are in Mr. Qian's hands..."

Huoyan almost said the wrong thing, during which Xu Jun and a bitter stare shot back.

He changed his mouth in time,

Su Nuan didn't care. If she cares about such things, then she is really tired.

Moreover, the pain caused by the knife on her body was enough to make her remember for a lifetime.

That is something that I would rather endure the pain of the skin and want to give up.

Maybe before, she might still have a slight feeling for "father", but now, she shouldn't have it, so she won't care.

This time, I’m not going to show Qian Junfeng, show her determination, but also show her, let her remember deeply that she will never have even a little bit of organic to Qian Junfeng in any respect. Can take advantage of the opportunity.

"But thank you for being so caring. I don't care about these things, but I really need them."

Hearing this, Xu Junyu curled her lips, and finally smiled on her face that had been shameless.

However, Huo Yan was still a little bit at ease with Su Nuan's constant "not rare".

Now that you are all thankful, why bother to say such unpleasant things.

But he didn't know, it was because of Su Nuan's "not rare" that Xu Junyu really relaxed.

The phrase "not rare" is really good,

"He hasn't let go of the equity in Qian Junfeng's hand."

Xu Jun turned his head and said lightly towards Su Nuan.

Su Nuan nodded, "This is certain. This is his lifetime effort, how could he let it go."

Even if you want a son, it's because you want someone to succeed him in his career.

Xu Junyu smiled, holding her hand and kneading it on his lap, "Hurry up and take care of the injury. If you want the shares in his hand, you can come forward by yourself."

Su Nuan's fingertips trembled slightly, but Xu Junyu squeezed.


Xu Jun turned his head and raised his brow slightly to stare at her.

Su Nuan pursed her lips, and finally nodded, "I will."

She will not suffer this injury in vain.

She knew that even so, Qian Junfeng couldn't really cut off relations with herself so easily.

If he had put this persistence and perseverance on her back then, maybe she would not hate him so much now!

What really made her make up her mind was when she was rescued in the emergency room on the day she learned of the accident, and Qian Junfeng took Wang Min into the organ donation booklet and asked for her to sign.

She was not dead at that time, and he was ready for her to die. He didn't have any idea of ​​wishing her to live. The organ donation book further proved that he not only did not have the idea of ​​wishing her to live, but even Still praying for her to die soon!

To say heartache, there is no,

Because before the accident, she had known this dirty and obscure thought in his heart.

He had been uncomfortable, heartache, impulsive, after that cut, even if he didn't admit it, this cut had already cut off the deep bond between them.

All that is left is hatred,


Let Su Nuan face Qian Junfeng himself, this kind of thing sounds a bit excessive, at least Xu Junyu's position should not be done.

Su Nuan had a hurdle in her heart, and faced with courage or torture.

Even letting father and daughter face each other shouldn't be something he promoted vigorously.

However, Xu Junyu did not want Su Nuan's injury this time to be in vain, let alone the pain.

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