Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2821: She is with you!

The two were walking, Su Nuan planned to enter the elevator and wander around in the lobby downstairs of the hospital, but when Su Nuan opened the elevator, seeing the people inside, her lazy expression tightened and she was a little bit startled. Staring at the people in the elevator,

Jing Rui looked into the elevator, wondering why Su Nuan suddenly behaved like this, and asked in a low voice, "Sister-in-law, what's the matter? Get up to the elevator!"

Seeing the people in the elevator come out, Jing Rui urged Su Nuan to go up, but Su Nuan held him, looked at Jing Rui and said:

"Suddenly remembered that the hall might be a bit cold, I won't go down, go down by yourself, buy me a cup of milk tea and come back. I am here waiting for you."

Jing Rui glanced at her suspiciously, instinctively something was wrong with her, but he didn't know why,

"Hurry up! I want taro-flavored milk tea."

Under Su Nuan's urging, Jing Rui had to respond and walked into the elevator alone.

At the moment when the elevator closed, Su Nuan turned around and looked at the small figure who had just got out of the elevator. He hesitated for a moment, and then raised his heel.

That little figure, she had a fate.

Even all her current situation, her life, all started for this child.

That's right, it was that child, Qian Junfeng's son, who almost lost her life back then because of her, but she lost all the children for him.

To Qian Junfeng, to Wang Min, to this child, she was full of resentment.

Although I knew that, even bringing resentment to this child was a matter that hurt Chi Yu too much.

After all, this unborn child was just a tool used by Wang Min.

But if it weren't for him, she wouldn't be who she is now, making her extremely disappointed with a biological father.

As a father, she must cut off a kidney for this child...

To them, how could she like them, even a little bit.

But when she just saw the child in the elevator, she was surprised.

The eyes of the two of them once met, but the child didn't seem to remember her, or didn't recognize her.

But she remembered that she was surprised that the child had changed so much. His body was still very strong before, but now he is so thin. The children’s medical suit looked very big on him, and he walked up and down. Full of thinness.

A small face was pale and bloodless, lips were white, and dark circles and bags under the eyes could not be more obvious.

The whole person looked like a walking corpse, completely devoid of vitality.

In that way, when walking in the corridor, there are adults who evade him, and some are scared.

She knew that he was sick, but she didn't expect that a kidney failure would come so quickly, it would be like a life-defying ghost lodged in a person's body, gnawing at the essence of the person from the inside out. gas.

She didn't know what she wanted to do with him. At least, she hadn't thought about Qian Junfeng and Wang Min's distressed, helpless and haggard appearance because of this child. She hadn't thought about gloating about misfortune, let alone what would happen to this child... …

Just subconsciously followed, maybe she wanted to know where his ward was, or what he had just done alone.

It makes no sense, and she doesn't know.

The child who had been walking in the front suddenly stopped at a passageway, stood there, looked at the passageway, motionless, not knowing what he was looking at.

Su Nuan walked forward two steps silently, and found that the family members of the patients who entered and exited there were either holding a thermos or a water cup in their hands, then looked up and found the word "water room" posted on the door.

Su Nuan frowned, wondering.

At this moment, a nurse stood beside the child, who probably knew him, reached out his hand and nodded twice on his head, and said without emotion, "Don't drink water secretly, you know?"

Su Nuan stood behind him, watched him look up at the nurse, and then nodded gently.

The nurse looked at his well-behaved appearance, and was a little moved when he was used to the indifference of life and death, but did not speak. She reached out her hand and patted his head gently, said something to tell him to meet his own ward, and then watched. He glanced at the water room again, licked his dry lips, and walked towards his ward.

After that, the nurse withdrew her eyes and continued to get busy.

When passing by Su Nuan, Su Nuan who had been standing there suddenly took her arm.

"Hello, is there anything you want?"

Su Nuan watched the child walk into his ward, then turned to look at the nurse who looked at her with a puzzled look, and finally asked:

"Excuse me, let me ask, do you know the child's condition?"

The nurse paused for a while, then after thinking about it, she said suddenly, "Are you talking about the child who just stood there?"

Su Nuan nodded,

The nurse glanced at her and said helplessly: "Almost everyone in the ward in this district knows that the child has kidney failure and has not yet found the source of the kidney. Just standing at the door of the water room is no longer the case twice. . Kidney problems, every time I go to the toilet, it hurts very much, so I can only restrain him from drinking water. Now unless I have to let him drink a sip, I usually just use cotton swabs to moisturize his lips, which is pitiful. My parents don’t. How is it, the child suffers."

Su Nuan's eyelashes blinked, and she couldn't see the emotions in her eyes with her eyebrows. She whispered again, "Isn't the kidney source suitable for him found?"

The nurse shook her head and sighed, "Where is it so easy to find? I have already had an operation since I found it, so I can still suffer this kind of crime? Don't even dare to drink saliva? You have this disease, unless there is a miracle..."

"...Oh. Thank you."

Su Nuan was silent for a few seconds before letting go of the nurse.

The nurse couldn't help but glanced at her more, said "you're welcome" and left.

Su Nuan stood alone in the corridor for a long time before turning around, looking at the nurse's back, raised her foot to catch up with the nurse, and held her again...

When Jing Rui came up with the hot milk tea, the woman who promised him to stare at the elevator and waited for him was gone. She walked the same way back to Su Nuan's ward without seeing Su Nuan's shadow.

Xu Junyu had been in the ward and saw Jing Rui came back with milk tea alone, looking around in the room for a long time. He did not wait for Su Nuan behind Jing Rui.

Looking at Jing Rui's appearance again, he was obviously looking for someone.

His face sank immediately, and his voice was gloomy, "What are you doing?"

Jing Rui wondered, "Brother Xu, didn't the sister-in-law come back?"

"She is with you." Xu Junyu said coldly,

People go out with him, he comes back alone, and now ask him this idiot question?

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