Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2823: I do not know what to do

Su Nuan's nose suddenly sore, it turned out that he really heard it.


"For me, whether it bites an old man or a cub, the first time there is a second time, a dog that will bite people is absolutely not allowed! If you think you can accept its animalism, then you can forgive!"

As Xu Junyu said, he grabbed Su Nuan's arm around his neck to tear it off.

Su Nuan shook his head, hugged his neck tighter and refused to let go!

"No, I don't want it! I never thought about forgiving! Never. I won't keep this hidden danger by my side."

There was another silence in the ward, Su Nuan buried her head deeply in Xu Junyu's arms and refused to let go.

Finally, Xu Junyu took a deep breath, "Maybe your idea is right. But you can't. You are not your own now. You are my person. As long as I don't let go, even if you make a decision, you will never think about it. Do everything without my consent. The people I pamper and care for will not be allowed to be hurt a little bit, Su Nuan, you promised me, you have broken your promise once!"

"……will not."

Su Nuan bit her lip before uttering two words softly.

After that, she sighed heavily and lifted her head from Xu Junyu’s arms, "One size fits one size. I just want to make myself feel a little bit guilty. As long as I'm not ashamed of my heart, I can do what I want with peace of mind." Things to do."

Xu Jun raised his eyebrows when he heard the words, and his complexion changed slightly. They turned to look at her and asked, "What is Anxin doing?"

"I will get the shares in Qian Junfeng's hand. As I said, one yard goes to one yard. Qian Junfeng owes me and my mother. I won't be softened by it."

Xu Junyu looked at her with his head supported, "I will put everything aside first. What I want to know now is, where did you just go?"

Su Nuan was silent for a while, feeling Xu Junyu's unhappy expression again, and then whispered; "You know, I just ran into that just..."

"The result? I want to know the result."

Xu Junyu couldn't wait for her hesitating answer, and couldn't wait for the result.

Hearing this, Su Nuan shook his head, "I feel much better now."

Xu Junyu was silent for a while, then sat up straight, hugged Su Nuan, put it on her knees, put her arm around her waist, looked at her, and said for a long while:

"fair enough!"

"Yeah," Su Nuan nodded and responded softly.

Xu Junyu raised her head and bit on her chin. When Su Nuan whispered in pain, she pinched her waist and said angrily; "Well, what? Now you think it's nothing, so what if the result is the opposite? Are you going to make yourself a little more happy or just add to yourself?"

Su Nuan let out a deep breath and shook her head, "I don't know."

Xu Jun and his narrow eyes narrowed and looked at her dangerously, "You'd better remember what I just said! Otherwise I will let you not eat it! Dare to move your kidney. Brains, I must make you go around without eating!"

"Will not."

Su Nuan was warm in her heart, and was held back by Xu Jun and this warning. In addition to being moved, she was moved.

She thinks she can't pass the barrier in her heart,

Otherwise, Xu Junyu's now overbearing practice of taking all the possible consequences on her body has greatly weakened the possible guilt in her heart.

But he put all the responsibilities on herself, but she still did things that made her heart more relieved,

She admitted that at this point, she did not consider Xu Junyu, she was selfish.

"Remember what you said."

Xu Junyu was still worried and told her again, this woman has too many independent opinions, and one idea for a while, with super strong action ability, she is really afraid that she will make another choice next second.

Su Nuan also knew what he was worried about, and shook his head again and again.

"It won't happen this time! It has nothing to do with me! I'm not stupid!"

"Huh huh!" Xu Junyu suddenly hummed and laughed twice, "I think there is no silly person in this world... Second."


Su Nuan was a little startled for a moment.

"A son who committed suicide by throwing himself into the sea without knowing anything, and a son who was willing to donate his kidney to the man who almost killed her, is really promising."


Su Nuan suddenly heard what he said was Chu Qing, who had been forgotten by her for a long time.

Thinking of Chu Qing, looking at Xu Junyu again, her body moved back, trying to get off Xu Junyu's legs.

As a result, Xu Junyu clasped his waist tightly, "What are you running away?"

Xu Junyu was extremely dissatisfied with her sudden reaction, dissatisfied with the unnatural look on her face when she heard him mention Mu Chuqing, and even the act of escaping from him the first moment after hearing it made it even more so He was very upset,

What is she still avoiding?

Both of them have reached this point, what weird things she is still thinking about!

"No. I just think..."

"What do you think?!"

Su Nuan wrinkled her face, her face tangled, she couldn't tell, but her heart was uncomfortably tight.

As long as she thinks of Chuqing now, in addition to guilt and irritation in her heart, she knew that Xu Jun had a relationship with Chuqing before. At that time, she took it for granted, but now she feels unbearable in her heart. Let Xu Junyu have the position of any woman in her heart, it's better to be her,

But she felt impossible again, it was not possible from the beginning.

Why ask for so much now!

But she couldn't restrain herself, nor could she control the situation.

It’s not right to leave, it’s not right to guard,

I don't know what to do at all! My heart is very upset.

That dilemma made her have an urge to cry.

In fact, her face looked like she was about to cry.

Aggrieved people look pitiful.

Xu Junyu squeezed her chin and made her lower and raise her head, forcing her to look at him. Those eyes have turned red. Xu Junyu was stunned, her brows tightened, "Talk !"

Su Nuan stared at him for a long time, the more she looked at her, the more aggrieved her expression became.

"Xu Junyu, what should I do? I am very entangled now. What is going on with us now? I always feel a deeper and deeper feeling.

Xu Jun and his expression were startled, looking at Su Nuan, there were some complicated expressions in his eyes.

Su Nuan watched, but her heart was cold.

"I know that this is wrong. I can't afford to face Chuqing, and at the same time I want to occupy Chuqing's position in your heart. I know greed, but I want more... I don't know what I should do!"

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