Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 288: I won't apologize

Shang Yunxi glanced at Mu Chuqing on the side, raised her eyebrows, retracted her gaze, and placed her gaze on Sheng Yuchen.

Shang Yunxi saw the wound on Sheng Yuchen's arm at a glance. At first, there was not much ups and downs on her face, and it seemed no surprise to this kind of wound.

However, Shang Yunxi's brows wrinkled tightly when he saw Sheng Yuchen's slightly sick face.

Just because of the wound on his arm, how could he have such an uncomfortable expression?

Moreover, taking a closer look, Sheng Yuchen's face is not only pale, but also on her smooth forehead and upright nose, there are fine beads of sweat gathered.

This is not an expression that should have just because of those wounds on the arm!

The cold eyes looked sharply up and down Sheng Yuchen's whole body, and finally his eyes were fixed, and his eyes were dazzling, and he walked quickly to Sheng Yuchen, stretched out his hand and suddenly lifted Sheng Yuchen's suit, and unhesitatingly lifted Sheng Yuchen's shirt from under the belt. Pull it out.

"what are you doing?!"

It was not Sheng Yuchen who spoke, but Mu Chuqing, who had been quietly observing from the side.

Seeing that Shang Yunxi wished to untie Sheng Yuchen's belt together, the hidden strong possessiveness towards Sheng Yuchen was picked up without warning.

Stepped forward and quickly grabbed Shang Yunxi's hand!

Shang Yunxi ignored her and lifted Sheng Yuchen's clothes without stopping.

Shang Yunxi sinks her eyebrows!



Mu Chuqing also followed in a daze, watching the deep wound on Sheng Yuchen’s firm lower abdomen, and the blood flowing more than the arm, Mu Chuqing took two steps in panic, softened, and hurriedly stretched out his hand. He helped the wall beside him.

Because the wall was not far from the window, Mu Chuqing subconsciously looked up the window.

The glass sandwiched between the window frames was sharp, and there were obvious red blood stains on the broken glass in several places.

What shocked her even more was that there was a place full of seven or eight centimeters of triangular glass that was stained with blood, and it had already slid down the glass onto the window sill!

He wanted to save her!

Can you ignore it?

Sheng Yuchen, what do you want me to do?

Are you forcing me?

Seeing me ashamed for you, blaming myself for you, distressed for you!

Is this your purpose?

Mu Chuqing raised her head to meet Sheng Yuchen, and Sheng Yuchen was also looking at her. The worry in her eyes made Mu Chuqing's heart broken again.

Everything is her fault, she shouldn't come back, she shouldn't think about who she wants to avenge, she shouldn't think about buying Doudou, she shouldn't smash the window, she shouldn't threaten Sheng Yuchen...

She is responsible!

She should take responsibility!

"No, go to the operating room, you need stitches!"

Shang Yunxi put down Sheng Yuchen's clothes and said coldly,

Sheng Yuchen frowned and gave Shang Yunxi an unhappy look.

The last time she apologized at Xishanju, it seemed that she was not sincere.

Now, she has the same trick again!

Obviously knowing he didn't want Mu Chuqing to know about his injury, but this woman repeatedly scratched him.

"I won't apologize this time!"

Shang Yunxi suddenly said something inexplicable without warning, in a very low voice.

Mu Chuqing only heard a vague mutter, but Sheng Yuchen heard it very clearly.

Sheng Yuchen twisted her eyebrows and looked down at her, but Shang Yunxi curled her lips and smiled faintly, and turned her head to look at Mu Chuqing.

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