"What I say is a sow discord. Oh, you mean that family affection in your eyes can be measured by money, right? In this case, of course, the more shares you give me, the more you can prove that you are still I like my daughter very much, how about it?" Su Nuan's tone was slightly aggressive.

Wang Min's body shook, almost fainted by Su Nuan's approaching step by step!

And Su Nuan looked at Qian Junfeng, who was frowning, with anger and impatience, but he didn't mean to consider concessions at all.

Su Nuan snorted coldly, "Since you don't want to give it, then I don't want it. To be honest, I don't care about the shares in your hand."

When she said it, Qian Junfeng and Wang Min didn't mean to relax a little bit. After all, they had known Su Nuan for a few days. She didn't come here today just to mock them.

Or it can be said that her real purpose is now the real beginning.

Seeing that both of them looked at her with vigilance, Su Nuan hummed and raised his chin toward Qian Junfeng's share transfer book.

"Sign or not?"

Qian Junfeng twitched his mouth and turned over and over again. The key point was still this.

I glanced at the company executives who were already a little impatient, and their complexions changed slightly.

After being so cruel by Su Nuan's rhythm, now many people have a little unavoidable suspicion about him, but... they also have to face the reality. They have just been used for so long, and now it's time for them to perform. ,

He pushed the share transfer letter in the direction of Su Nuan, sighed deeply, and said: "Nuan Nuan, Dad knows that you will not forgive me, and I also admit that I was sorry for your mother and daughter before. Compensation, these are private matters between us, I hope we can have a good conversation in private. But now in the company, since you are now a member of the company, then we now discuss business matters first, you say What?"

Su Nuan raised her eyebrows, did not speak, just stared at Qian Junfeng's fake face amusedly.

Qian Junfeng deliberately ignored the irony in Su Nuan’s eyes and continued: "Although you are now the largest shareholder of the company, you don’t understand the company’s operations after all. To put it harder, you are a layman, and you are not. I hope that my company will lose money in the end, right? In this way, you continue to give me the right to execute, and I can still take care of the company. Just wait for the annual dividends. As for you, if you want to manage the company, that’s fine. You can follow my side and learn slowly. I believe that you are so smart. You will definitely be able to take over within two years. It is not impossible for you to take over the company then."

Su Nuan smiled, "So you said so much, meaning that not only did you not give me the shares that you should give me, the shares in your hand would not be sold to me, but instead you want me to give you the right of execution, right?"

Summarizing the meaning of Qian Junfeng's big call in an orderly manner, the result was too funny.

Qian Junfeng was silent, his face was a little red, why did Su Nuan say something so unpleasant?

"In the final analysis, I am still for the good of the company. After all, I personally founded the company. I will never do anything unfavorable to the company."

Qian Junfeng promised once again that this time the senior executives of the company next to him were finally uncontrollable. Only then was it completely certain that the young woman in front of him was not only their biological daughter of Dong Qian, but also the largest shareholder in the company. , And now I want to take all the shares in my father's hands as his own.

How can this work? What Dong Qian said just now was completely correct. It just depends on the age, it is not like the age of running a company, let alone a layman. If the company is really going to be in her hands, wouldn’t it be the same as taking the company directly Pushing into the fire pit, will she be defeated sooner or later?

In fact, they don’t care about the company, but they have worked hard for most of their lives in the company. The whole family is counting on the company to provide them with food, and the company’s top and bottom 100 people, if it is really handed over to a layman, wouldn’t it? Don’t you want to starve to death? !

"Yeah, Director Su, you don't understand the company's management. It's better to give the executive power to Dong Qian. So many people in our company rely on the company for their livelihoods. If you leave it to you, doesn't it mean that the company will be destroyed? Our rations are no way for us!"

"Yes, no matter what your age, your family matters should be discussed in private, don't involve the company."

"Although it is not up to us to decide what the company will do, we still need to contribute to the development of the company. To run the company, you must first make the employees of the company speechless! Without our employees, To put it bluntly, the company is an empty shell."


"Yes, this is too risky..."


Everyone nodded and agreed, Qian Junfeng curled his lips, yes, that was what he wanted.

If you want a company to operate, as long as he doesn't give up his shares, even if he only has a small amount of shares, he is the most suitable person here, and no one knows his company better than himself.

He knew that Su Nuan could not listen to what he said, but if someone else said it, Su Nuan would have to consider it.

Moreover, this is also the most critical question, isn't it?

According to his understanding, Su Nuan has been working for others in Fucheng for so many years, so she was promoted to become a small department manager. At a young age, she has a lot of room for growth.

If you rashly accept a company that is not too small in scale, the ignorant are bolder than you are.

Wang Min was half dead because of Su Nuan’s non-entertaining attitude. Now when he saw that the people in the entire conference room stood by their side and put pressure on Su Nuan one by one, the heart that had been suffocated suddenly became relaxed.

Finally took a sigh of relief, now it feels so much better.

At this time, she would like to see, what kind of waves can this dead girl make?

With so many shares in his hand, even though he is the largest shareholder of the company, the emperors in ancient times were afraid that water could carry and overturn the boat.

Even if it is the largest shareholder, what can she do without the support of the company's employees?

Qian Junfeng's chest was well-established, Wang Min's triumphant, and the high-ranking rushing pressure, Su Nuan looked over, the expression on his face did not change a little.

It seems that she herself is a copper wall and iron wall, no matter what the sharp sword turned into, she can't attack her.

With such a calm look, the pleasure in Qian Junfeng and Wang Min's hearts gradually faded...

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