Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 295: 24 hour lover

"So, just talk about the point!"

Li Yufeng interrupted Mr. Zhuoyue impatiently, turned his head and glanced behind him, only to see Doudou had broken free of the quilt long ago, sitting quietly in the center of the quilt, with his upper body exposed, his large eyes staring at it spiritually You Zhuo Jun looked and stretched out his hand to wave to Zhuo Jun!

Li Yufeng gritted his teeth, turned his head, but saw that Jun Zhuozhu was also smiling and waving to Doudou!

"Turn around!"

The smile on Jun Zhuojun's face froze, and he retracted his hand brilliantly and turned his back to Doudou.

In other words, he didn't even think about saying hello to that little milk baby just now, who knows just...

This little milk baby is really a goblin, even he was unconsciously fallen!

Looking at Doudou's innocent appearance, Li Yufeng felt worried. What if he is so cute?

He walked to the bed, picked up the lint nightdress next to the bed, lifted Doudou out of the quilt, and while dressing her, he said:"

go on! "

Zhuoyuejun is carrying his body, this time his tone is very formulaic and capable.

"There will be a '24-hour lover' event tomorrow!"


Li Yufeng suddenly roared, shocking the outstanding gentleman with his back to him.


Obviously, Doudou was also frightened by Li Yufeng's sudden low drink, and shouted softly, with a faint trembling in his voice.

Li Yufeng held Doudou in his arms and touched her little head.

Then he looked up at Mr. Zhuoyue and said, "What the hell? A 24-hour lover?! Who is so brainless and comes up with such a brainless idea?!"

"...In short, the news has been sent out, and the response on Weibo has been very enthusiastic..."

"Don't go! Who loves to go, who goes!"

Upon hearing Li Yufeng's temper tantrum, Jun Zhuoyue became anxious and turned around with a bitter expression.

"Yu Feng, it can't be like this. The official news has been released!"

"Have you asked me before sending it?"

"This...If I ask you in advance, can you agree?" Jun Zhuoyue scratched his head, his expression a little awkward.

"So, just chop first and play later?!"

"This... this is also compelling!"

You have no choice, uncle!

"Get out!"

"Then, did you agree to participate?"


Li Yufeng frowned and stared at Jun Zhuoyue bitterly.

Mr. Zhuoyue immediately understood and walked outside with a smile.

"I know that Yu Feng is the most considerate of the overall situation, and I will arrange it right away! I have already figured it out, in order to prevent you from accidentally drawing a fan on Weibo who is a little lacking in body and appearance, so I Special arrangements for you to pick on the spot! Don't worry, I believe that fans who like our Li Da actor must have peerless beauties, then I won't disturb...Don't disturb the two, good night!"

Mr. Zhuoyue took a big flattery and slapped him with a "clang". With the sound of closing the door outside the living room, the room instantly returned to silence.

"Uncle, are you busy tomorrow?"

Doudou raised his head in Li Yufeng's arms and said, expectant light flashed in his big eyes.

Li Yufeng sighed and put Doudou on the bed.

"Yeah! But don't worry, Doudou, Uncle will let someone help find Mommy! Then we will give Mommy a big surprise together!"


Doudou's little head rubbed against the pillow, and quickly nodded.

Li Yufeng smiled, put a kiss on her smiling face, and said softly: "Good night Doudou!"


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