"Just be Doudou a favor to Uncle, okay?"

Doudou sat in Li Yufeng's arms, holding his arms, looking at Li Yufeng with a pair of **** eyes "helplessly", and finally sighed like an adult.

"Well, who makes Doudou like his uncle!"

Li Yufeng was so moved that he was about to cry, and dropped a kiss on Doudou's tender face, "Uncle likes you too!"


The car arrived at Guang'an Square in fifteen minutes, which was already densely packed with heads of people.

For unnecessary impulse, the car went directly around the edge of the square to the backstage.

Mr. Zhuoyue got off the car, once again discussed the process with the host of the event, and urged the host to remember the temporary changes of the event.

After the host made a series of opening remarks and told him to change the "24-hour lover" to "24-hour couple", a wave of frenzy was set off.

Immediately afterwards, it was Li Yufeng's turn to play.

When Li Yufeng held Doudou in his arms and went on the court, the audience was boiling again.

It was the first time I saw Li Yufeng's true face, and it was the first time I saw such a noble and cold man holding a super cute little cute baby in his arms.

The first event in China is to interact with fans.

Because Li Yufeng had already greeted Jun Zhuoyue in advance because of the trouble, so only ten minutes later, the host brought the topic to the last link!

Directly select the lucky fans of the "24-hour couple" that day!

Mr. Zhuoyue told him at the time that he was asked to choose on the spot, just to prevent him from finding a woman who had a crooked melon. It was nice at the time, but now, if he chooses a beautiful woman, wouldn’t he be crowned The title of judging people by appearance!

Li Yufeng thought, his face was a bit ugly!

Ninety-nine percent of the people who came are women, tall, short, thin, fat, beautiful, ugly, ordinary, and at least there are thousands of people, let him choose!

Li Yufeng looked at the crowd that kept coming up, the disguised smile on his face could no longer hold.

Withdraw his eyes impatiently, but his eyes were attracted by a figure on the rest bench on the edge of the square!

So many people screamed one after another, but the slender white figure was facing away from them, with a torn newspaper on his head.

If she had just turned over, he would have thought it was a corpse!

It now seems that that person is just looking after you at the end of the world, and I want to sleep till the end of the day.

Li Yufeng raised his eyebrows, a flash of interest flashed in his eyes!

Staying here all night to see him?

That's really hard!

Lifting his foot, Li Yufeng walked off the stage from the left stairway holding Doudou.

A bodyguard immediately chased up to protect Li Yufeng from the fans who came in.

Li Yufeng gradually walked towards the bench. Thousands of pairs of eyes also looked at the dim figure who was still in the dark. The envy and envy of hatred and envy merged into clusters of flames, wishing to burn that person. Into ashes.

Stand still on the bench Li Yufeng approached!

Because there was a cameraman next to him, Li Yufeng was smiling, his handsome eyes fixed on the person who was still asleep without noticing him.

Looking at the hidden newspaper, Li Yufeng really had that real smile in his eyes.

"It's her!"



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