Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 326: Auction (1)

Naturally, Mu Chuqing was not interested in this, and turned around to look at Xu Junyu, and she was also intrigued to see him.

Someone started to bid, Xu Jun was bored, and he turned his head to chat with Mu Chuqing.

"Are you planning to get that Guanyin tonight?"

Mu Chuqing was looking at the list of items in his hand. Hearing Xu Junyu asked her, he nodded, raised his head and smiled and said, "Yes, I saw it at a glance, I like it!"

"it is good!"

Xu Junyu nodded, her narrow peach blossom eyes with a petting smile, a clear expression.

Mu Chuqing frowned and gave a warning tone.

"Don't intervene! You shoot you, I shoot mine. I have money myself, and I want what I want, I will fight for it myself!"

"Okay! You are free!"

Xu Junyu raised her eyebrows helplessly, shrugged, and did not insist, just lifted her gaze slightly and looked aside.

Mu Chuqing looked past Xu Junyu's eyes, her face suddenly sinking.

Chang Chu also picked the seat in the first row, with a space left in the middle. He wanted to know who it was for.

As he was thinking, a figure passed by, and then, the empty seat beside Mu Chuqing darkened, and Sheng Yuchen's slender figure had already sat down firmly.

Frowning his brows, he glared at Sheng Yuchen, turned his head around, and looked directly at the display stand in front of him.

Xu Junyu raised her long eyebrows slightly when she saw Mu Chuqing's behavior, and a satisfied smile appeared on Xie Mei's face.

He flicked the list of items in Mu Chuqing's hand, glanced lightly, and his slender fingers landed in the fourth column of the item list.

"The thing you want is the fourth..."

Mu Chuqing nodded when she heard the words, her expression didn't fluctuate much, she obviously knew it.

Xu Junyu smiled disapprovingly, and then said: "It's surprising that at your age, you are rarely interested in gods and Buddhas! Isn't the average woman most interested in clothing and jewelry?"

"It can be seen how ordinary the women you have been in contact with before!" Mu Chuqing couldn't help but complain.

Xu Junyu smiled, "That's why I want to hold you tight! So, don't ask for this statue of Guanyin Buddha, let me shoot it, it will be yours in the end anyway!"

Mu Chuqing's face was cold, she glanced at Xu Junyu, turned to face the display stand, the first item was still being photographed, and it had already been ordered for 300,000.

Seeing that Mu Chuqing no longer intends to pay attention to her, Xu Junyu smiled and straightened up. When he leaned back in the chair, his eyes collided with Sheng Yuchen's dark eyes in mid-air.

Xu Jun and his smooth scalp moved, and the corners of his lips curled up with an arc of inexplicability. After a pause of half a second, his body leaned on the chair, tilted his legs gracefully, and cast his gaze on the display stand.

Sheng Yuchen's black eyes were piercing, and his gaze paused on Mu Chuqing's right shoulder next to him. The black hair like seaweed had covered the wound.

In the bathroom just now, because of the rapid blood flow, he simply removed the bandaged gauze and washed the blood from the wound with water.

The wound had just opened completely on the balcony. At this moment, his wound was not treated. When Chang Chu caught it, he touched the wound more directly. Sheng Yuchen frowned and turned to look at Chang Chu.

"what happened?"

Sheng Yuchen asked in a low voice, Chang Chu smiled, put the list of items in his hand in front of Sheng Yuchen, put his finger in the fourth column on the list, and said softly:

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