Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 329: Auction (4)

"I love China and my hometown. Thank the organizer for giving me this opportunity to give me love. This wedding dress is my first design in China. It was specially designed for oriental women, although I only used half of it. Month, but it is the most satisfying but regrettable work of my life."

Most satisfied and regrettable?

Suspicious whispers came from below the platform, and there was a small fluctuating noise.

Dean Jane smiled and explained patiently:

"Satisfied because it is so perfect! Regrettably, it is because I thought that no woman in this world would wear the taste I wanted! This is why I didn't find a model! But thanks for this charity The dinner, my regret will no longer be regret."


After Chang Chu listened, he shook Sheng Yuchen's arm anxiously. Because of his excitement, he couldn't hold the strength of Sheng Yuchen's arm.

Chang Chu's sight was completely attracted by the wedding dress. He only shook Sheng Yuchen's arm, but did not realize that Sheng Yuchen's sight was not on the exhibition stand, let alone Chang Chu's body.

At the first sight of this wedding dress, he was sure that the only one suitable for it and worthy of it was Mu Chuqing.

He couldn't help looking at Mu Chuqing, he longed for the way Mu Chuqing put it on.

Mu Chuqing's eyes were always on the wedding dress on the platform, intently.

There is no woman who does not like wedding dresses. She also yearns for the past. Just like in fairy tales, she wears a set of exquisite dream wedding dresses with the heroine and stands in front of the gentle and handsome prince, showing her most beautiful side to the beloved prince. The prince will hold the heroine contentedly and happily, and put a vow kiss on each other's lips.

That feeling, I feel so happy that I get goose bumps.

That feels...

She once had it!

She also once married a prince like a princess.

However, she did not live a happy life with the heroine and the prince as written in the fairy tale.

She did not live happily with the prince, nor did she know what the "happiness" in the fairy tale looked like!

Because she later discovered that in almost every fairy tale, the two words "happiness" appeared most frequently, but they were all taken by the author.

Later, she also understood that a fairy tale is a fairy tale. Even the author who created the fairy tale might not know how happy the so-called "happiness" would be.

However, this is how a woman is, she just doesn't have a long memory, stepped out, and yearned to step into another abyss.

The corner of his lips made a mockery, but Sheng Yuchen's heart hurt.


Chang Chu called Sheng Yuchen again. Sheng Yuchen retracted his eyes, and there was a tingling pain in his arms. Seeing Chang Chu looking yearning at the wedding dress, his dark eyes were deep and deep. The next moment, he suddenly withdrew himself Chang Chu was holding his arm and his face was cold.

Chang Chu's eyes were completely attracted by the wedding dress. Sheng Yuchen's sudden withdrawal of her hand made her look back. She watched Sheng Yuchen's stern face and lowered her head to play with the diamond cufflinks on the sleeves of the suit.

Chang Chu didn't think much, but looked at Sheng Yuchen cautiously, "Chen, I'm sorry, did I hurt you just now?"

Sheng Yuchen raised his eyes and glanced at her coldly, without speaking.

At this moment, Sheng Yuchen didn't show Chang Chu's face as usual.

In the past three years, he has thoroughly experienced Chang Chu's progress.

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