Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 334: Auction (9)

Suddenly, the entire auction exploded, and the echoes became louder and louder.

Mu Chuqing looked down at Xu Junyu, frowning, her eyes anxious and at a loss.

"what are you doing?!"

Xu Junyu held her hand tightly in his hand, and tried to withdraw it several times, but in vain.

And she didn't dare to move too much!

Such a scene, if you withdraw your hand, Xu Jun and how many will not come to Taiwan first!

However, she had already told him very clearly before!

Impossible, there can be no results between them!

Why waste his persistence on her? !

"Junior, stop making trouble!"

In Xu Jun and the smiling peach blossom eyes, the temperature gradually became colder.

Even if she was forced to such a dilemma, wouldn't she be willing to compromise with him? !

Sheng Yuchen sat in the seat, he controlled himself with a restraint he had never had before, but his eyes were already raging, watching the two people "affectionately looking at each other" in front of him openly, he could no longer restrain him. Suddenly stood up from the front seat.

"Chen, don't!"

Chang Chu seemed to know what he was going to do, and he grabbed his arm in a panic!

However, Sheng Yuchen slammed Chang Chu's hand abruptly. The strength was so great that Chang Chu's whole body was thrown onto the back of the seat of the chair, his forehead knocked on it, making a loud noise.

Sheng Yuchen strode in the direction of the exhibition stand. The footsteps were loud, heavy and heavy, and the rhythm was extremely fast. Everyone could perceive the rage emanating from Sheng Yuchen.

Standing on the platform, Mu Chuqing watched Sheng Yuchen approach ferociously, her dark eyes were clearly angry, and her sharp and cold eyes looked like a leopard that had already locked her prey.


With a crisp sound, the audience took a breath.

This is undoubtedly the best scene in Fucheng!

Few people here don’t know that the wonderful beauty standing on the booth is Sheng Yuchen’s "ex-wife!"

The wedding dress worn on the "ex-wife" was photographed for the current high price!


Today, someone proposes to his "ex-wife" in such a high profile in front of him.

what is this?

Many people in the know were observing Sheng Yuchen's actions in secret, and after waiting for a long time, when they thought that Sheng Yuchen, the "pre-husband", really didn't care and didn't care, Sheng Yuchen suddenly took action.

Moreover, the other party was also the Xu family, one of the best in Fucheng. This President Sheng didn't show any face, ignoring Miss Chang's obstruction, and patted the hand of Xu Gongzi holding his "ex-wife" in public.

"Don't stain my clothes!"

Sheng Yuchen was full of provocations, and there was no lack of warning and contempt in his sinking eyes.

Mu Chuqing furrowed her eyebrows and glanced over Sheng Yuchen with a cool look.

Su Leng's face was mocked!

Xu Junyu was pushed back by Sheng Yuchen with very subtle methods, but he was under Mu Chuqing's eyelids, watching Xu Junyu push backwards unsteadily, his handsome face immediately became angry and retracted. With his footsteps, his hand was about to grasp Sheng Yuchen's collar, and the other hand was also raised up, Mu Chuqing responded very quickly and shouted:

"Jun and!"

Xu Junyu's movements are all preparations, and in everyone's eyes, nothing is unusual.

Xu Junyu stopped moving suddenly, turned his head, and looked at Mu Chuqing with yin-eye eyes.

Mu Chuqing twitched her lips, "I'll go backstage to change clothes, and the next one is Guanyin, the child-sending son, you help me ask for a price!"

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