Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 349: Cheating the little princess (8)

A feeling of ugliness that had long been dissected made Chang Chu extremely disturbed, his eyes dodged and bowed his head not to look at Sheng Yuchen.

The fist of Sheng Yuchen's left hand almost shattered, and he shook off the right arm that was grasped by Chang Chu.

The blood splashed on Chang Chu in an instant, and there was a blood stain on his white face.

Chang Chu blinked subconsciously, but in the blink of an eye, Sheng Yuchen's **** hand was already reaching her slender white neck.

Sheng Yuchen gritted his teeth, the expression on Jun's face has completely collapsed.

Strangle her!

This **** woman!

The audience who bombed this "blockbuster" momentarily failed to respond, and everyone was so scared by Sheng Yuchen's actions that they forgot to say anything.

what's the situation?

A good charity dinner, how could you see blood for no reason!

And what does Sheng always do?

That furious look obviously meant to choke Miss Chang to death!

President Sheng, is he the wrong object?

Wasn't it his ex-wife, a woman named Mu Chuqing who did the wrong thing?

And Chang Chu, with a frightened expression on Sheng Yuchen, watched his violent hands slowly approach his neck.

"Chen?! You have to do..."


After a loud noise, a few huge colored **** over the entire auction venue suddenly exploded. Pieces of paper of several inches were like snowflakes flying all over the sky, falling to all corners of the venue. Every corner of the venue.

Everyone picked up what fell on themselves or in front of them for unknown reasons, and there was an air-conditioning sound in the meeting.

Immediately afterwards, there was the highest wave ever, and the entire venue was thundered on the ground and exploded.

"My God, this is..."

"The woman in this photo is Miss Mu!"

"The appearance is as cold as snow, but I didn't expect it to be so dirty on the inside!"


The hard paper fell from the sky, and one of them fell, and a thin blood mark was drawn on Mu Chuqing's ear, and finally it slid onto her shoulder.

Seeing everyone in the audience after seeing the photo, the eyes gathered at her one after another gave her a very bad premonition.

Mocking, disgusting, despising, evasive...

She reached out and picked up the photo on her shoulder!

Eyes full of doubts widened in an instant, and a pair of water eyes were filled with unbelievable!


what? !

Who is this?

Who is the woman in this photo? !

"Get out of Fucheng! Fucheng can't accommodate such a dirty woman!"

I don't know who shouted in the crowd, and some noble ladies followed suit.

"Yeah, get out, the men are all seduced by these women! Shameless stink-bitch-"

"Get out!"

One line agreed, two echoes, and the last one said in unison: "Get out! Get out! Get out..."

Sheng Yuchen frowned, retracted the hand stretched in the air, bent over and picked up the photo that fell on the chair beside him!

Turning it over, Sheng Yuchen's blood eyes shrank suddenly!

Chang Chu's eyes were panicked, but he still said, " could Chuqing's photo..."

Not afraid of death, he insisted that the woman in this photo was Mu Chuqing!

Sheng Yuchen's eyes jumped suddenly, watching Chang Chu's black eyes engulf fierce fire!


A naive voice suddenly sounded, Sheng Yuchen turned his head, but saw Doudou's small hands holding a photo!

Fear and tears are on her pink and cute face!


In the photo Doudou was holding in her hand, her "Mummy" was lying there, bullied by several bad guys. No one helped her "Mummy!" and looked painful...

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