Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 356: Cheating Little Princess (15)

However, he fell on a slender man!

When she saw who the man in front of her was, the woman's eyes instantly became horrified. She just wanted to yell nervously, and Sheng Yuchen suddenly glared at her with a cold, piercing look.


Sheng Yuchen stood on the spot, watching the woman being pressed away by the bodyguard behind her, her black eyes squinted tightly, hiding her figure in the dead corner of the door.

"Chang Chu, you really deserve to be slashed! This slap rewards you with shamelessness! Do you still have the heart, there is a child on the scene, have you ever thought about how much the restlessness will bring to the child? Negative impact?!"

Chang Chu stood up from the sofa, covering his face, removing his disguise, staring at Mu Chuqing with sinister eyes.

"Mu Chuqing, you should die more. It is you who took away everything that belongs to me! You let me lose the right to be a mother forever, but make me care about your child's feelings? Why? Why can you have a baby! I tell you, the baby you give birth is a cheap species..."


There was another burst of applause, and the palms fell accurately on Chang Chu's face. Chang Chu was beaten again and fell onto the sofa.

This time, I exhausted my strength!

Let alone insult her, her daughter can't be insulted!

"Chang Chu, you really hate to come home! I warn you, if you say no to my daughter, I will skin you!"

After being slapped two slaps severely and accurately, Chang Chu finally couldn't bear it. He suddenly stood up from the sofa and stretched out his hand to push Mu Chuqing hard.

Mu Chuqing was unsteady, staggering and leaning back.

Behind him, a wall of flesh blocked Mu Chuqing in time. Mu Chuqing was able to stabilize her body. When she turned around, she found that Sheng Yuchen had appeared in the room at some point.

His face was not good-looking, it was gloomy, and there were a few dark streams in his eyes.

Chang Chu also saw Sheng Yuchen, his face first panicked, and then he reached out his hand to cover his face, and his eyes were dim with tears.

"Chen, she hit me first, and I pushed her!"

Mu Chuqing straightened up from Sheng Yuchen's arms and snorted in a mocking manner, "You are really cheap!"

"Chen, woooo..."

Hearing Mu Chuqing's words, Sheng Yuchen hadn't responded for a long time, and Chang Chu felt a little anxious. Just now at the auction, Sheng Yuchen suddenly sent her cruelty to her. He slapped twice and put it as usual. Chen, shouldn't he have to feel sorry for himself?

"Chen? Woo..."

Chang Chu whimpered again, his voice was more aggrieved, and the volume was louder. His slender body stood alone, trembling, quite a bit swaying in the wind and rain.

Chu Chu is pitiful, I see pity!

"Huh..." Seeing Chang Chu's hypocritical face, Mu Chuqing couldn't help but snorted.

"Get out!"


Chang Chu was a little anxious. She was slapped twice by that **** for nothing, so she let her go easily?

A deep voice sounded above Mu Chuqing's head, and Mu Chuqing turned around, frowned, and looked up at Sheng Yuchen fearlessly.

Sheng Yuchen is black and slender. Although Mu Chuqing's height is not low in women's height, she still looks a little... insignificant in front of Sheng Yuchen.

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