Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 377: There is no logic in love (15)

The teeth of the two people actually collided with each other, making a loud crash.

But she Ren still worked tirelessly, sticking the tip of her awkward tongue into his mouth, trying to learn how he was before, entangled with him.

The atmosphere between the two people was detonated again by Mu Chuqing's dominance. Sheng Yuchen lay on the bed, turned away from the guest, hooked Mu Chuqing's lips into his own mouth, sucking and sucking hard, making a sound of ambiguous and ambiguous water. sound.

After a long time, Mu Chuqing suddenly straightened up, holding Sheng Yuchen with trembling hands, blushing, but still stubbornly said:

"Remember, today, it's me who is strong—? You!"

Sheng Yuchen laughed and watched Mu Chuqing's eyes gradually shifted to some of his hard, hot, and hot places, then swallowed his saliva, and finally looked like he was going to escape. He gritted his teeth, lifted his body slightly, and lifted his underwear. -Take it off and throw it on the ground.

Sheng Yuchen's eyes seemed to be on fire for an instant, and his whole heart could not wait to jump out of his chest. He stared at Mu Chuqing closely, holding his hand in his soft little hand, and slowly raising his waist...

"Mommy, got up—"

With a "puff", Mu Chuqing's waist fell heavily, stretched his hand over the quilt, and suddenly covered herself tightly.

The action was so thunderous that he could not cover his ears, and instantly lay motionless on the pillow!

However, Sheng Yuchen was flustered and embarrassed like never before, all the quilts were pulled over by Mu Chuqing, and his place was still exposed to the air.

Seeing that the door was opened, the small figure was walking towards them, Sheng Yuchen's heart fell, and he pulled a corner of the quilt to cover his lower body!

Then close your eyes and pretend to sleep!

The little footsteps moved from far to near, and finally stopped by the bed, motionless. Sheng Yuchen only heard Doudou's small breathing, and then the sound of rubbing clothes.

Sheng Yuchen leaned sideways, looked at the bulge in front of him, gritted his teeth, except for the pain, but the sorrow of the egg!

Is there any man in this world who is more sad than him? !

The pants are all taken off, and you have to lift them up before doing anything.

doing what?

Walk the birds? !

At the thought of this, Sheng Yuchen gritted his teeth angrily!

The bulge beside him began to tremble faintly, and the entire soft bed was trembling slightly.

As a result, Sheng Yuchen's face became even darker!

"Hey hey hey..."

The edge of the soft bed sank a little, followed by Doudou's strenuous voice.

Sheng Yuchen's face was a little unstretched, and Mu Chuqing's body, hiding under the quilt, stopped shaking, and his hands tightly holding the quilt also loosened slightly.

Sheng Yuchen took the opportunity and hurriedly pulled some quilts to completely cover his half-fruited body.

Keeping his expression silent, Doudou thought he was turning over and didn't care.

Instead, he crawled, and gradually came between him and Mu Chuqing. There was a lot of movement, but his mouth reminded himself "pushing", carefully lifted the quilt and got in, lying between Sheng Yuchen and Mu Chuqing.

The soft and creepy body instantly filled the distance between the two people, and the child's unique milk scent and the i scent of shower gel filled their noses.

Then Doudou took Mu Chuqing's hand on her belly, and then Sheng Yuchen's hand, covering the back of Mu Chuqing's hand. Finally, after everything was done, she put her little hands on her. On top.

Finally, he let out a sigh of relief, and there was no more sound.

Mu Chuqing's hand covering Doudou's belly moved slightly.

There was a sudden burst of bitterness and distress in my heart.

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