Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 380: There is no logic in love (18)

"Well...Is it impotence?"

Sheng Yuchen closed his eyes in despair!

Can he strangle this woman?

"Hey, are you okay?"

Mu Chuqing approached him a bit, with a genuinely worried look on her smile.

She really didn't mean to him, let alone make fun of him.

She has really heard of it, that it hurts a man's body so much!

In case, he will be inhumane all his life because of Doudou...

This is a big sin!


Sheng Yuchen hadn't spoken for a long time, so he closed his eyes and refused to pay attention to her.

The more silent he was, the more abruptly Mu Chuqing's heart became.

"Although in my heart, your impotence is actually your retribution, but even if you are impotence, don't wilt on me and Doudou's hands..."

All the big truths of Mu Chuqing went out without hesitation.

Sheng Yuchen's handsome face trembled twice, and he opened his eyes suddenly. A pair of pitch-black eyes couldn't wait to spray out two **** of fire directly.



How many times does this woman have to say before she will give up!

Moreover, she actually thought about making him impotence-abnormal? !

Seeing Sheng Yuchen's fierce and scary eyes, Mu Chuqing grinned.

"Or...or I'll go to Dr. Shang to help you see it, I heard that she is a universal doctor, authority in various departments, this aspect should also be involved..."

"Damn woman, you intend to torture me!"

Sheng Yuchen roared, once this woman's nature was exposed, it would make him love and hate it!

Just like a little fox!

Same as her daughter!

The ghosts are so weird? !

Mu Chuqing's beautiful eyes blinked, "How come? I am sincere, I am so kind..."

The wrists will be squeezed tightly, and immediately following the body, he will be dragged by the sudden force and fall to the bed.

One hand is pulled directly to a sensitive part.

"Since you are so kind, then try for me, is there any problem..."

Mu Chuqing's face instantly turned red, "You... why are you still such a rogue..."

Mu Chuqing tried hard to withdraw her hand, but Sheng Yuchen didn't let go of her even harder.

The hand covering it feels a scorching temperature gradually on the palm of the hand.

"No problem! No problem! Congratulations! You are healthy!"

Mu Chuqing abruptly stood up from the bed, shook off Sheng Yuchen's temporarily lost and relaxed hands, turned and walked quickly towards the door.

"I'll help you prepare breakfast!"

Sheng Yuchen stretched out his hand to keep him, but what he responded to was the sound of the door being closed.

Putting down his hand, he looked helplessly at what he was "protruding" again, and sighed extremely helplessly.

His mind was still a little groggy, the room suddenly became quiet, tiredness hit, and Sheng Yuchen fell asleep again soon.


His sleep has always been light, even if he is sick.

Hearing the voice of Xixi Suosuo next to him, the fragrance of rice porridge spread.

Slowly opened his eyes and saw that Mu Chuqing had changed the evening gown she wore last night into a small, capable suit.

At the moment, I was sitting on the side of the bed, lowering his head to stir the rice porridge in his hand to dissipate heat.

That kind of concentration, quiet, gentle and calm makes people feel warm from the heart.

The corners of his mouth twitched unconsciously. If he was injured and could be exchanged for him like this, he would be willing to stay sick all his life.

Perceiving Sheng Yuchen's gaze, Mu Chuqing raised her eyes and glanced at her.

"Woke up?"

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