Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 384: There is no logic in love (22)

When Mu Chuqing brought Shang Yunxi in, Doudou and Sheng Yuchen were silent.

She didn't notice anything, just beckoned to Doudou at the door.

"Doudou, come out, let Aunt Shang help uncle change dressing first!"


Doudou nodded obediently, jumped out of bed, and ran towards Mu Chuqing.

Shang Yunxi looked at Doudou's cute little appearance and couldn't help but stroked her little head.

"Your baby?"

"um, yes!"

Mu Chuqing hugged Doudou, Shang Yunxi's gaze dazzled Doudou's face, her eyebrows were picked up quietly, and an imperceptible depth flashed through her dark blue eyes.


Shang Yunxi spoke lightly and glanced in Sheng Yuchen's direction.

Mu Chuqing couldn't help but tighten Doudou's hands a bit, and the expression on her face was a little cold.

Shang Yunxi glanced back at her, glancing over Mu Chuqing's expression, smiled slightly, and continued:

"So cute!"

Mu Chuqing's tight body instantly relaxed, and she breathed a sigh of relief in her heart.

"Thank you!"

"My sister is also very beautiful!"

Mu Chuqing turned and left with Doudou, Doudou still praised Shang Yunxi in courtesy.

Shang Yunxi was naturally happy, waved to Doudou, and then Mu Chuqing closed the door before she lowered her arm.


Mu Chuqing took Doudou downstairs and put Doudou in the living room.

"Hey, Mommy will go to serve you again, can you eat a carrot this time!"

Doudou pouted and nodded uncomfortably.

Only then did Mu Chuqing smile gently, and went to the kitchen to serve Doudou a bowl of porridge.

When he came out, Doudou was holding the remote control and pressing back and forth at the TV, her pink face wrinkled.

"Huh? Huh? Huh?"

A small voice of various questions popped out of his mouth, and Mu Chuqing smiled and asked, "What's the matter?"

Doudou turned his head and looked at Mu Chuqing and said:

"Mummy, Doudou wants to watch Pleasant Goat, but you see, there is no portrait on TV!"

Mu Chuqing approached with the tray, put the tray on the coffee table, looked up at the big TV screen in front of him, took the remote control in Doudou's hand and pressed the switch button.

The result is still no portrait.

Turning his head and glanced at the servant standing beside him, Mu Chuqing asked:

"what happened?"

The servant bent over and replied respectfully:

"My wife, I don't know what happened. I asked the engineer father at home to watch it early this morning and said that there is no problem with the TV and cable..."

At this time, the left wing walked in from the outside, with a very pleasant expression on his face.

At the door, I heard Mu Chuqing asking TV questions. He walked in and said with a smile:

"Madam doesn't know? The boss ordered yesterday to block all radio stations!"

Mu Chuqing didn't take it seriously, thinking that TV could not be watched and would not watch it. There were always accidents.

The Yun Dan Fengqing that the left wing said was even a little bit excited, causing Mu Chuqing, who was stirring the rice porridge, to have a meal, and the corners of his mouth twitched.


"Yes! It's blocked! Those reporters angered the boss yesterday!"

Mu Chuqing frowned, put the bowl in her hand on the coffee table, took out a handkerchief and wrapped it around Doudou's neck.

"I think he is crazy!"

"Well, it's blocked..."

The left wing responded subconsciously, and then realizing something was wrong, he retracted his mouth brilliantly and walked towards the elevator.

Did he still report to the boss?

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