Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 404: Angry and crowned as a beauty (12)

Just now Sheng Yuchen, why did he suddenly let go of her?

Covering his mouth, Mu Chuqing looked surprised!

No way?

Did she just run into his place again?


Really nothing will happen, right?

She didn't seem to use much effort just now, did she?

Thinking of the scene just now when I was pressed down by him, his face was burning, and he stretched out his hands to hold his face, the temperature still seemed to not dissipate.

The servants waiting by the side were full of ambiguity in their eyes, looking at Mu Chuqing from time to time.

Perceiving the eyes around him, the heat in Mu Chuqing's body became more and more unable to dissipate, and she simply carried her skirt and walked towards the door.

In the bedroom upstairs, Sheng Yuchen curled up on the bed for a long time. When he finally eased up, he suddenly sat up from the bed, got up and walked to the closet, his face was dark and dark.

Damn woman, he was almost crippled by her in just one day!

Taking out his shirt and putting it on, Sheng Yuchen walked to the balcony, hoping to smoke a cigarette while Mu Chuqing was away.

But as soon as the smoke was taken out, his gaze froze outside the window, falling on the slender figure.

Mu Chuqing stood by the fountain. The fountain was dancing and spinning with the rhythm of the music. The water column went up and down, changing various postures. Sometimes the water column rushed into the majestic weather with the high-pitched music, sometimes because of the gentle music Become gentle and gentle.

The colorful lights flashed rhythmically with the music and the ups and downs of the water column, especially in the dark, the beauty was thrilling.

The pool water also had the coolness brought by the autumn breeze, and Mu Chuqing exhaled comfortably.

She raised her head and watched the water column and colored lights of the fountain beating with the melody of the music.

The music of the fountain is still her familiar violin music——


Where is the love?

Love is here!

At that time, she always ran into his arms barefoot when he returned late at night, clasped his neck tightly, wrapped him and hugged herself and danced to this melodious music One song, although he was often driven off track by her.

After the song is over, she will pester him and ask him repeatedly by the name of the song:

"Where-is-the-love?" (where is the love?)

And he always took the trouble to answer her in fluent English:

"Love-is-here! where-are-you-where-is-the-love..."

(Love is here! Where are you, where is love...)

The voice is low and evil, full of endless temptation.

She liked it best. After he finished speaking, the music echoed melodiously between the two of them.

God knows how happy I was at that time!

The tune was played from the beginning again. The cheerful rhythm always relieved her heart. With her head up, her eyes closed, listening to this endless violin, the heartbeat beating with the rhythm of the tune, the whole soul seemed to be Wander out of the body.

When Mu Chuqing heard this, her body was warm, and a familiar breath instantly enveloped her.

Mu Chuqing looked down and saw that there was already a man's high-end suit jacket on her body.

"Don't get sick!"

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